12-15-2014, 12:03 PM
Greetings to all from the little town of Burnt Chimney, Virginia.
I have been a Linux user since 2006 and have never looked back. I am a old user (67) but a noobie in the terminal and other stuff (I can really get myself in trouble rather quickly). I started out with Ubuntu (dropped out after Unity), went to Linux Mint (dropped out after they dropped XFCE [never did cozy up to Cinnamon or MATE]), moved to SolydX (dropped out after the last update [messy] and their announcement), went back to LM as they brought back XFCE, but a friend told me about Lite and this really feels right.
Blessings to all !!
I have been a Linux user since 2006 and have never looked back. I am a old user (67) but a noobie in the terminal and other stuff (I can really get myself in trouble rather quickly). I started out with Ubuntu (dropped out after Unity), went to Linux Mint (dropped out after they dropped XFCE [never did cozy up to Cinnamon or MATE]), moved to SolydX (dropped out after the last update [messy] and their announcement), went back to LM as they brought back XFCE, but a friend told me about Lite and this really feels right.
Blessings to all !!