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Greetings from Virginia - Printable Version

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Greetings from Virginia - Donald Sowers - 12-15-2014

Greetings to all from the little town of Burnt Chimney, Virginia.

I have been a Linux user since 2006 and have never looked back. I am a old user (67) but a noobie in the terminal and other stuff (I can really get myself in trouble rather quickly).  I started out with Ubuntu (dropped out after Unity), went to Linux Mint (dropped out after they dropped XFCE [never did cozy up to Cinnamon or MATE]), moved to SolydX (dropped out after the last update [messy] and their announcement), went back to LM as they brought back XFCE, but a friend told me about Lite and this really feels right.  Big Grin

Blessings to all !!


Re: Greetings from Virginia - Wirezfree - 12-15-2014

Hi Don,

Welcome & Seasons Greeting
You will find a friendly and supportive group here.


Re: Greetings from Virginia - altman - 12-15-2014

Welcome aboard ! Enjoy the ride .

Re: Greetings from Virginia - TMG1961 - 12-15-2014


Re: Greetings from Virginia - Snubbi - 12-15-2014

Welcome.  Linux Lite is a great distro

Re: Greetings from Virginia - bitsnpcs - 12-15-2014

Hello Donald,

Welcome to the Linux Lite community  Smile

Re: Greetings from Virginia - Mike - 12-16-2014

Welcome, Don! You made an excellent decision.

Re: Greetings from Virginia - ChrisL - 12-18-2014

Welcome aboard Don!

Like you, I have tried a number bunch of other Distros (ok, a bunch), and Linux Lite just fits the bill. 

In addition to the great Distro itself, there is a great bunch here to help when you get into trouble and need some support, that is unsurpassed in any of the other Distros in my experience at least. 

Happy Holidays to Burnt Chimney!


Re: Greetings from Virginia - Donald Sowers - 01-12-2015

Thanks to all!  I have converted 3 of our 6 computers to LL.  (My wife has 3 (one with LL, one with XP and one with W7 and I have 3 with LL).  She is a user but I mess with them (and most of the time, break them).  Glad to be here, and thanks for the encouragement.  Blessings to all,  Don

Re: Greetings from Virginia - altman - 01-12-2015

No problem , like to fool around with my installs also mate .