The plymouth splash is displayed at startup and shutdown. Changing it the way you did will not remove the default for the startup splash. After you change the splash run the command below:
sudo update-initramfs -u
To make the feather itself not appear (which is a seperate image (logo.png) open /usr/share/plymouth/themes/liteboot/liteboot.script with leafpad and locate the following line: logo.original_image = ImageNew("logo.png"); and change it to this: logo.original_image = ImageNew(); Any changes you make to plymouth must be followed with:
sudo update-initramfs -u
If you want to try it, use the process below to properly install a new simple plymouth theme.
1) Open the lxterminal in Linux Lite and type sudo su. Enter your password and you will be logged in as root. From root type the command below. You can substitute any name for mynewtheme at the end of the command but leave the 1 after.
mkdir /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1
2) Open Thunar as an administrator and find the .png file you intend to use (it should match your screen resolution) and copy and paste it to /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1 Afterwards go back one level in Thunar.
3) Next still in the root terminal type the command below.
leafpad /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1/mynewtheme1.plymouth
4) Type the script below into leafpad.
[Plymouth Theme]
Description=Wallpaper only
5) Click file in the upper menubar of leafpad and from the dropdown menu select save. Leafpad will close and the script will be saved where it belongs.
6) Next still in the root terminal type the command below.
leafpad /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1/mynewtheme1.script
7) Type the script below into leafpad. Substitute the name of your graphic file for graphicfile in the script.
wallpaper_image = Image(“graphicfile.png”);
screen_width = Window.GetWidth();
screen_height = Window.GetHeight();
resized_wallpaper_image = wallpaper_image.Scale(screen_width,screen_height);
wallpaper_sprite = Sprite(resized_wallpaper_image);
wallpaper_sprite = sprite.SetZ(-100);
8) Click file in the upper menu bar of leafpad and from the dropdown menu select save. Leafpad will close and the script will be saved where it belongs.
9) Next still in the root terminal type the command below.
update-alternatives --install /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1/mynewtheme1.plymouth 100
10) Next still in the root terminal type the command below.
update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
11) A list of alternatives will appear in your terminal. Select the number corresponding to “mynewtheme1” and hit enter.
12) Still in the root terminal type the command below.
update-initramfs -u
13) When the terminal prompt returns exit root, and then exit the terminal. Open /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1 in Thunar. The following files should be there. Your new selected .png graphic file, a mynewtheme1.plymouth script file, and a mynewtheme1.script script file.
sudo update-initramfs -u
To make the feather itself not appear (which is a seperate image (logo.png) open /usr/share/plymouth/themes/liteboot/liteboot.script with leafpad and locate the following line: logo.original_image = ImageNew("logo.png"); and change it to this: logo.original_image = ImageNew(); Any changes you make to plymouth must be followed with:
sudo update-initramfs -u
If you want to try it, use the process below to properly install a new simple plymouth theme.
1) Open the lxterminal in Linux Lite and type sudo su. Enter your password and you will be logged in as root. From root type the command below. You can substitute any name for mynewtheme at the end of the command but leave the 1 after.
mkdir /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1
2) Open Thunar as an administrator and find the .png file you intend to use (it should match your screen resolution) and copy and paste it to /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1 Afterwards go back one level in Thunar.
3) Next still in the root terminal type the command below.
leafpad /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1/mynewtheme1.plymouth
4) Type the script below into leafpad.
[Plymouth Theme]
Description=Wallpaper only
5) Click file in the upper menubar of leafpad and from the dropdown menu select save. Leafpad will close and the script will be saved where it belongs.
6) Next still in the root terminal type the command below.
leafpad /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1/mynewtheme1.script
7) Type the script below into leafpad. Substitute the name of your graphic file for graphicfile in the script.
wallpaper_image = Image(“graphicfile.png”);
screen_width = Window.GetWidth();
screen_height = Window.GetHeight();
resized_wallpaper_image = wallpaper_image.Scale(screen_width,screen_height);
wallpaper_sprite = Sprite(resized_wallpaper_image);
wallpaper_sprite = sprite.SetZ(-100);
8) Click file in the upper menu bar of leafpad and from the dropdown menu select save. Leafpad will close and the script will be saved where it belongs.
9) Next still in the root terminal type the command below.
update-alternatives --install /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1/mynewtheme1.plymouth 100
10) Next still in the root terminal type the command below.
update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
11) A list of alternatives will appear in your terminal. Select the number corresponding to “mynewtheme1” and hit enter.
12) Still in the root terminal type the command below.
update-initramfs -u
13) When the terminal prompt returns exit root, and then exit the terminal. Open /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1 in Thunar. The following files should be there. Your new selected .png graphic file, a mynewtheme1.plymouth script file, and a mynewtheme1.script script file.
All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.