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Background image when starting "the feather" - Printable Version

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Background image when starting "the feather" - trinidad - 10-25-2017

This post belongs in desktop customization. I have continued it here.

There are four splashes. Grub boot splash, plymouth splash, lightdm splash, and desktop background splash. Below are their locations.

/usr/share/plymouth/themes/liteboot/background.png (the feather is logo.png)
Your desktop and lightdm backgrounds can be stored in /usr/share/backgrounds/xfce  You can put your files there for them and use the GUI to select different backgrounds for them there.
If you want to change plymouth let me know as it requires a more specific method.


Re: Background image when starting "the feather" - clunga - 10-30-2017

First of all thanks for answering at that time of the day. Let's get to the point. I had already managed in the lite 386 to change the image in the theme etc, BUT it works only for 1 second  during the process the pc is turned down. I had the same in Ubuntu, the background pops out only when shutting down. My change approach was to rename the image  I had chosen , xxyy.png to  background.png and with thunar file manager  paste it in the themes directory, substituting the original.
Following the bootin config, I have also changed the grub_linux_lite.png, but I am not surprised it does not show, as I am in dual boot and in this way, the splash image of linux mint leading the booting appers.
BUT, BUT, here lies the matter, I see during the booting, at a certain point a yellow image or screen with the logo on top. I will change the logo and tell you what happens, putting a ps on this post.
Thanks again
PS Sorry, it does not change, even if I changed the logo. If it were possible to go through the script,  I am specifically referring to the windows which appears after the black windows when all the operations are enumerated in smal whte chracters, and before the login page with the password. There in this lapse of time ( 7 or 8 seconds, this screen appears. Total screen, very similar to /usr/share/plymouth/themes/liteboot/1background.png, then it evens lights up furtherly and then is replaced by the login scree, with the password.
Thanks again.
PS2 I am not interested in the desktop back ground as I have variety which overrules them

Re: Background image when starting "the feather" - trinidad - 10-30-2017

The plymouth splash is displayed at startup and shutdown. Changing it the way you did will not remove the default for the startup splash. After you change the splash run the command below:

sudo update-initramfs -u

To make the feather itself not appear (which is a seperate image (logo.png) open /usr/share/plymouth/themes/liteboot/liteboot.script with leafpad and locate the following line: logo.original_image = ImageNew("logo.png"); and change it to this:  logo.original_image = ImageNew(); Any changes you make to plymouth must be followed with:

sudo update-initramfs -u

If you want to try it, use the process below to properly install a new simple plymouth theme.

1) Open the lxterminal in Linux Lite and type sudo su. Enter your password and you will be logged in as root. From root type the command below. You can substitute any name for mynewtheme at the end of the command but leave the 1 after.

mkdir /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1

2) Open Thunar as an administrator and find the .png file you intend to use (it should match your screen resolution) and copy and paste it to /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1 Afterwards go back one level in Thunar.

3) Next still in the root terminal type the command below.

leafpad /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1/mynewtheme1.plymouth

4) Type the script below into leafpad.

[Plymouth Theme]
Description=Wallpaper only

5) Click file in the upper menubar of leafpad and from the dropdown menu select save. Leafpad will close and the script will be saved where it belongs.

6) Next still in the root terminal type the command below.

leafpad /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1/mynewtheme1.script

7) Type the script below into leafpad. Substitute the name of your graphic file for graphicfile in the script.

wallpaper_image = Image(“graphicfile.png”);
screen_width = Window.GetWidth();
screen_height = Window.GetHeight();
resized_wallpaper_image = wallpaper_image.Scale(screen_width,screen_height);
wallpaper_sprite = Sprite(resized_wallpaper_image);
wallpaper_sprite = sprite.SetZ(-100);

8) Click file in the upper menu bar of leafpad and from the dropdown menu select save. Leafpad will close and the script will be saved where it belongs.

9) Next still in the root terminal type the command below.

update-alternatives --install /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1/mynewtheme1.plymouth 100

10) Next still in the root terminal type the command below.

update-alternatives --config default.plymouth

11) A list of alternatives will appear in your terminal. Select the number corresponding to “mynewtheme1” and hit enter.

12) Still in the root terminal type the command below.

update-initramfs -u

13) When the terminal prompt returns exit root, and then exit the terminal. Open /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1 in Thunar. The following files should be there. Your new selected .png graphic file, a mynewtheme1.plymouth script file, and a mynewtheme1.script script file.


Re: Background image when starting "the feather" - clunga - 10-30-2017

I have read the message carefully. Now give me some time to elaborate and then I will come back to you.
Anyway thanks for your thorough work and answer. Really veri good.
PS I do apologize for my delay in ansewring due to problems in reaching PC.
I have gone through the whole process, but setting up mynewtheme I have only acquired a chang of the wall image, if I understood correctly.
I was interested in the images coming before the wall image.
Anyway thanks for your assistance.

Re: Background image when starting "the feather" - trinidad - 11-02-2017

Perhaps you have misunderstood the terminology in the script. "Wallpaper" in the script refers to the plymouth splash (which is not your desktop wallpaper). It is the screen you see after the grub screen and before the login (lightdm) screen. By the way if you are seeing characters roll by before the plymoputh splash and don't want to, you must add the option "quiet" to your boot string.


Re: Background image when starting "the feather" - clunga - 11-04-2017

Smile Smile
Dear Trinidad, no success  and  you have been so kind that now I will five you the full picture right from the beginning.
In /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1/  there are :

1  mynewtheme1.plymouth which reads
Plymouth Theme]
Description=Wallpaper only

2  mynewtheme1.script which reads
wallpaper_image = Image(“splash1.png”);
screen_width = Window.GetWidth();
screen_height = Window.GetHeight();
resized_wallpaper_image = wallpaper_image.Scale(screen_width,screen_height);
wallpaper_sprite = Sprite(resized_wallpaper_image);
wallpaper_sprite = sprite.SetZ(-100);

3 splash1.png ( which is an image with written reminders on some operastions to do)

if type in the terminal
sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
it opens a lot of choises, but the first is marked with asterisks. I will show you the first lines:
There are 21 choices for the alternative default.plymouth (providing /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth).

  Selection    Path                                                           Priority   Status
* 0            /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mynewtheme1/mynewtheme1.plymouth     100       auto mode
Now let us describe what happens.
The desktop starts in multibooting, with the grub residing  in linux mint showing the 4 distros to choose.
the first is Rocking Hoss Transformation Linux Lite 64 v.3.6.1 and I choose it.
The mint splash page remains up for 6 or 8 seconds thant after a black screen for 2 seconds, these writing appear on the top in small white characters :
3.214526] [drm·intel_enable lvds  etc
3.761835] sd 6:0:0:0: [sda no caching mode
3.761886]sd  6:0:0:0: [sda]Assuming drive  et.
11.7786821 ata1:  COMRESET failed  (errno=16  and it repeats 3 times, ( I suppose it is due to the fact that my notebook has a SDD not working and I work only on external HDD on usb port)
After 5 or 6 seconds I have a black screen and I understand someway it is an image, so if I press ESC I have a lot of commands rolling down with a green ok when completed ,  up to the point when  the screen is again black and an image appears, which is the one I have set up possibly  somewhere in light boot to be the background , alternating it to the logo feather image, even if I have changed it it  in plymouth, most likely lite boot. A few second and finally the white login page with the linux icon where to digit the passwword  and then the welcoming message that I have personalized editing the .wav.
Thanks for your assistance.

Re: Background image when starting "the feather" - TheDead - 11-10-2017

Thanks to [member=5916]trinidad[/member], I finally got by butt moving and played around with Plymouth.
Got my first bootscreens working. Made this based on the Ubuntu spinner and the "new-feather"
Linux Lite logo from [member=5059]whateverthing[/member] . I had to modify the logo to make it work in white on black.
Yes... the four thingies spin clock wise.

[Image: B0cxpva][Image: w7SgR][img height=459 width=800][/img]

Dont know if this is the right way to post images... Bare with me, this is my first post from Imgur Wink
Link is

Below was my first functional attempt. Based on the Debian progress bar and a background from the forums.
[member=2]Jerry[/member] : You mentionned how difficult progress bars are to time in an earlier post. The one in the script I used was quite accurate. It seemed quite better than the Linux Lite 2.x one. No offense to the 2.x splash screen programmer(s), I didn't even code this one Wink

[Image: AEl1cnS.png]



Re: Background image when starting "the feather" - trinidad - 11-10-2017

Thanks [member=6733]TheDead[/member]. Looks good. I like that progress bar too. I think LL should use it default with an option to run plain wallpaper second for old video cards.


Re: Background image when starting "the feather" - trinidad - 11-10-2017

Hi [member=7172]clunga[/member]

Did you run>  update-initramfs -u from root? This updates the current kernel. The splashes will not change unless you do.
Also pressing esc overrides "quiet" and "splash" in grub.
You see all those options in plymouth because you are using Rocking Hoss. The asterisk is the theme you have selected.
Everytime you make a change to plymouth you must run from root or sudo> update-initramfs -u
Make sure your .png matches the resolution of you screen. Also you mught want to compare the byte size of the .png file you want to use to the byte size of the liteboot plymouth background. If your .png file size is too much bigger in comparison it may not load at all.


Re: Background image when starting "the feather" - clunga - 11-10-2017

Got it! I was afraid of this complication about the size: mine are real picture about 600Kb and they are too heavy for feathers. They work only as background.
Referring to sudo I put it everywhere as ketchup on frieds, so I used it.
I think you have helped me as lot and I think you can put a RESOLVED on the post you initiated transferring me, if you wish so.
Thanks again.