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Icons Jump Left.. [99% solved] [Not solved after time, and solved again??]
You guys are bringing up several different issues here. I am new to linux lite, January this year, but I have run the KDE desktop, and the XFCE desktop both entirely successfully with all features in this 2.8 version. I am curious what you mean by jumping desktop icons, and in which desktop are such things are happening for you. Also if you are running the KDE version, with KDE workspace, when you reboot, any applications you have open when logging out will reappear on whatever desktop they were open on when you ended your session, and you may also designate a desktop location for specific applications to always open on. Old firefox tabs are a function of firefox. I always configure firefox to never remember history, and delete all the preloaded support book marks, and make Startpage my home page. I never use google chrome, or chromium for mail or browsing directly, or Yahoo which is worse. Startpage search engine allows the same google services without the junk. I use several Debian programs on Linux lite as well, like timidity, and FORG, and bitpim and wammu. Some have icons some do not. The default window position on most systems, Debian too, and for desktop icons is upper left. I never use desktop icons in XFCE except mounted volumes. It has been my happy experience with this distro that though it is highly modified it is also easily modified for user preferences with its own GUI. There is no need to rush to the terminal with linux lite though I have never had problems there either. I think the thing (this distro) they've made here is pretty remarkable, and I'm an old time Debian user who has tortured Kubuntu distros for years, doing things you're not supposed to do. Tell me more about the jumping icons. I really am curious.
All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.

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Re: Icons Jump Left.. [99% solved] [Not solved after time, and solved again??] - by trinidad - 06-06-2016, 11:29 PM

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