02-19-2015, 06:05 AM
I've been using these commands to lock/unlock them which so far has worked ok.
Put them where I wanted and used - sudo chattr +i ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons*
Any new ones will still be placed top left and can be moved around but after a restart or Desktop refresh (F5) they will jump back to the top left position until I runĀ - sudo chattr -i ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons* to unlock them.
Once unlocked drag them to where I want & run - sudo chattr +i ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons* again and then they stay where they should with a refresh or restart.
I even tried turning off the Desktop icons altogether (Icons tab of Desktop settings) and just made a panel launcher to expand all the Desktop icons but discovered the Desktop right-click menu completely changes with the icons turned off & while it was ok to use the Desktop stuff from an expanding launcher I didn't like the resulting right-click menu options at all, all the 'Create' options are gone...
Put them where I wanted and used - sudo chattr +i ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons*
Any new ones will still be placed top left and can be moved around but after a restart or Desktop refresh (F5) they will jump back to the top left position until I runĀ - sudo chattr -i ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons* to unlock them.
Once unlocked drag them to where I want & run - sudo chattr +i ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons* again and then they stay where they should with a refresh or restart.
I even tried turning off the Desktop icons altogether (Icons tab of Desktop settings) and just made a panel launcher to expand all the Desktop icons but discovered the Desktop right-click menu completely changes with the icons turned off & while it was ok to use the Desktop stuff from an expanding launcher I didn't like the resulting right-click menu options at all, all the 'Create' options are gone...