02-10-2015, 08:34 PM
Word it well for new comers to understand, maybe a link to a post that goes over the top.
Done correctly it should lessen the work load of the mods who are the very heart of any community.
I just done a prototype for a install video and it was 35 MB in length but left it in the DVD's user folder when I rebooted.
Short enough to go into the ISO maybe, I think grub-docter is another candidate.
I've had my own web space off a friend since 2001 but he started screwing me around so I stopped it last year.
Another friend who's a database guru and wrote a bespoke office program for a tin pot roofing company I set up wrote me a Visual Basic app that I fed the contents(file names) of a folder on my web site into and I could then tag or catagorize and then the database crunched out html pages with the catagories on the left with a pic of the images on the right with a link to copy into your post.
That's the reason I'm using imgur to put my images in an accessable form on the web again but I don't like their page for getting the pic addresses.
You only need to put a link on the forum and you control the images used or something like that.
I think I make quality vids so I want the text around the links to be well written, I'll be very interested in eikelein's feedback as he was a professional support worker so he knows what folk have problems with.
Quote:Happy to modify whatever you like but everything looks good to me. What am I missing?I think you should provide some guide lines as to how many images are acceptable and the sizes used, I'm sure Jerry will have some advice on this.
Word it well for new comers to understand, maybe a link to a post that goes over the top.
Done correctly it should lessen the work load of the mods who are the very heart of any community.
I just done a prototype for a install video and it was 35 MB in length but left it in the DVD's user folder when I rebooted.
Short enough to go into the ISO maybe, I think grub-docter is another candidate.
I've had my own web space off a friend since 2001 but he started screwing me around so I stopped it last year.
Another friend who's a database guru and wrote a bespoke office program for a tin pot roofing company I set up wrote me a Visual Basic app that I fed the contents(file names) of a folder on my web site into and I could then tag or catagorize and then the database crunched out html pages with the catagories on the left with a pic of the images on the right with a link to copy into your post.
That's the reason I'm using imgur to put my images in an accessable form on the web again but I don't like their page for getting the pic addresses.
You only need to put a link on the forum and you control the images used or something like that.
I think I make quality vids so I want the text around the links to be well written, I'll be very interested in eikelein's feedback as he was a professional support worker so he knows what folk have problems with.