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which mouse to buy
I need a new mouse for my laptop. Up till now i was using a corded mouse but this one broke. Also always been struggling with the cord so want to go cordless.
Question is what mouse to buy. RF or bluetooth? Which one is better to use with Linux Lite.
Life on earth is expensive but it does include a free trip around the sun.
Not a Support question, an enquiry. MOVED.
(07-04-2020, 09:22 PM)TMG1961 link Wrote: I need a new mouse for my laptop. [...] RF or bluetooth? [...]
The type of mouse has nothing to do with the OS flavor. I never had any kind of problems regarding the OS's mouse support.
Using a cordless mouse/keyboard on the other hand, brought me lots of headache.
It took me more than 6 month to figure out that it was interfering with the router. My wife used WiFi, due to the distance from the router and the required length for the CAT5 cable (about 9 meters, 19 feet I guess).
Maybe you should consider this aspect, since interference will lead to random errors.
Another caveeat is that you will lose an USB slot for the radio dongle.
And this is another very long story, since IRQ assignment is flawed by design, as it seems.
Although there are now 256 IRQs available, the same old 7 IRQs are SHARED. You know... "Nothing personal, just business!"
Dealing with that, requires high level ASM skills.
I encountered many trouble trying to setup my computer for audio (RT Kernel and the like). I failed when I got to USB IRQ assingnment. Diagnostic tools showed me that on the same USB port, were assigned 7 devices... The next port was also assigned to the same IRQ so... long story...
Problem is that the radio dongle wants "his own home". Wants his own USB port with an unique IRQ assigned to it.
That is how far I could get.
Maybe Jerry can help you with some piece of code (script, ASM program) to put in the startup sequence.
This is way beyond my understanding and practice.

I have been using A4Tech wired mices for over 12 years and never had trouble and I make a heavy use of mouse. I do vector graphics, among others. The average usage time is about 30 months/mouse.
Another producer I had pleasant experiences with: Logitech.
I also used Microsoft mices and I still use for 10 years a Microsoft keyboard, although I dislike advertising them... truth is, this hardware works very well...
"It's easy to die for an idea. It's way harder TO LIVE for your idea!"
Current Machine:
Dell Precision T1700, 16 GB RAM, SSD Kingston A400, 480 GB.
ASUS X200MA , Intel® Celeron® N2830, 2 GB RAM, SSD Kingston A400, 480 GB.
[size=1em]@[/size]Şerban S. [size=1em]Thank you for the info. I think i better stick to a wired mouse. Just need to find one with a shorter cable. I am always in a fight with the cable [/size] ;D
Life on earth is expensive but it does include a free trip around the sun.
(07-05-2020, 07:25 AM)TMG1961 link Wrote: [size=1em]@[/size]Şerban S. [size=1em]Thank you for the info. I think i better stick to a wired mouse. Just need to find one with a shorter cable. I am always in a fight with the cable [/size] ;D
That makes two of us!
Still, fiddling with the wireless, just made me so anxious that I'd rather fight with the cord than with things that eat my peace and time. Wink
It's nothing like being too lazy to search for articles. Problem is that for commercial reasons, some "features" (I'll skip the quotes reason...,) are just like that:
"Want more? Get this..."
Which comes with a small price increase of only... 50% for a 5% performance growth, and it goes endlessly...
"It's easy to die for an idea. It's way harder TO LIVE for your idea!"
Current Machine:
Dell Precision T1700, 16 GB RAM, SSD Kingston A400, 480 GB.
ASUS X200MA , Intel® Celeron® N2830, 2 GB RAM, SSD Kingston A400, 480 GB.
My own mouse completely died and i have got trouble using the touchpad. My neighbour had an old maxxter wireless RF mouse so using that until i got a new wired mouse. So far no problems with the mouse or other things.
Life on earth is expensive but it does include a free trip around the sun.
Logitech! These are the mice that keep working for decades and I've seen hundreds of mices.
Doesn't mean you can throw them in walls or slam them on the floor though. Wink

Anywayzzz, for cables I have been braiding long bothersome cables for years now... so I share the joy I found all those years ago with you :
(Yeah, it's for headphones but you get the drift!)
- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.
Never a big fan of wires!

I use A4TECH wireless mouse and keyboard (RF). Never had an issue. If you have a good set of long-lasting batteries, so much better. I prefer cheap ones though.
On the subject.
They seem expensive but they are Mousepads that charge the mouse.
Pretty cool idea IMO! Big Grin
Unless it Microwaves your hand/wrist/brain... that would be bad. Sad
- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.
THe wireless mouse i got from neighbour works fine so far, but its a bit small. I dont have realy big hands but i prefer a larger mouse. I got Rheumatoid arthritis and a larger mouse is easier on the hands then the one i got now. My older mouse is 1,5 times larger and that was a little bit too small to. So still looking for an affordable larger mouse, prefer it with a tail.
Life on earth is expensive but it does include a free trip around the sun.

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