Here's a real doozy, language left in for effect.
Name: John Smith
[email protected]
1. When I lounch live the it takes too long to boot because of md5checksums that cannot be cancelled with ctrl+c. Canelling does fucking nothing. I have no patience for fake crap
2. While typing feedback the mouse jumps all fucking over the place. What the f##k did you set up? Fix fucking typing you moron!!!!
3.Firefox has ugly 1999 menus. None other distros have it. Useless crap, that cannot be turned of with "alt". Don't fucking change Firefox.
4. Panel is fucking small. and icons are cramped and that is on 17" with 1600x900 resolution. And its still fucking small. Are you even using what you created? ???
5. I can't fucking see clock (I suppose in the right bottom corner there should be clock, but I can't see the s##t whatsoever, although it seems much too long to be a clock).
6. Right clicking on the bottom right corner revealed it might be a clock. Its stil stupid to adjust it many times to have proper size.
7. Clock is too fucking long. Its digital era and not year 1245 and nobody thinks a day and night cycle has 12hrs. What the f##k?
8. Calendar cannot be resized it ugly and unresizable. Not even with alt.
9. Resizing panel to be visible revealed its stupidity. All icons are different sizes. Originally clock was fucking small and unreadable with some stupid useless seconds and am/pm shown. Then the volume icon is motha-fucking H UUUUUGE!!!!. Nothing Scales. WiFi antennna is your tiny penis size. WHAT THE f##k is wrong with you? ??? Are you even using what you created? ??? ??
10. There's unrecognizable icon in the systraty. I don't fucking know what it represents. Is yellow when everything in systray is black and white and this ugly yellow thing is there.
12. The fucking yellow thing when you click on it reveals its suppose to represent updates. It doesn't pull down any updates at all. Clicking on it doesn't show any packages to be updates. Once clicking on updates (I can just use synaptic or apt-get) only then pulls down updates. So what the f##k this s##t is doing there in the first place??
13. Preference of this ugly yellow thing reveal that its FUCKING CHECKING UPDATES EVERY TWO HOURS. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?
14. Removing this fucking yellow thing via synaptic reveals (name cannot be easily found, one has to guess what the name of this fugly thing is!!!) that is has some fucked up dependancies and cannot be removed (...).
15. Icons in the left corner are crammed (don't you know the word SEPARATION???)
16. Firewall is fake/broken. Clicking on it in the menu gives some broken popups. f##k you and your secrutiy. Don't you use your own distro? Go fucking back to your windows and stop doing this s##t, you fake asshole.
17. Font rendering is disqusting. Fonts in Libre Office are s##t. I typed lorem ipsum... OMG. What the f##k?! Rendering of fonts. You don't even know such a word.
18. Some apps have generic names only (like shotwell) NO MATTER WHAT you fucking change in whisker menu. Mish mash.
19. File manager has no shortut (meta+F)
20. File manager icons are fucking small like hell in all places
21. First icon in quick launch on panel desktop/minimize all. That is the first thing I want to launch.
22. "Menu" word belongs to blue icon and it looks like it belongs to minimize all? Why would you call minimize all - menu? Shouldn't menu be on the left size? And what does menu to do with minimize. Why are you calling minimize "Menu". Are you high??
23. Top of windows while dragging (I suppose some dynamic movies/videos too) are tearing/jerky.
Basically. Go f##k yourself.
Follow up email:
One more thing: on the 30th November 2020 your version of Libre Office is EOL (end of life) and is not supported anymore. And you are still in BETA. Why anyone would like to have unsupported/unsecure abandoned software? Why?