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Noob question... Running Perl Install script - warnings & question
As it looks like no one has tried F-Prot AV, I'm trying to be the guinea pig.

I've discovered that LL comes with Perl v5.26.1 already installed, but who would have guessed that this is a much later version than v5.8?  I don't get that.

Anyway, I have succeeded in downloading the FP for Linux tarball, and extracting the files into /opt/f-prot as recommended.

The install instructions simply say:

Quote:cd /opt/f-prot/

I tried that (in Terminal), in various forms but only got: 'command not found'.

Seems odd, since perl is available (perl -v works), so tried:

sudo perl -W --
{-W means 'enable all warnings'}

and got:

Quote:Unquoted string "mailtools" may clash with future reserved word at line 199.
"my" variable $paths masks earlier declaration in same scope at line 500.
"my" variable @m masks earlier declaration in same scope at line 698.
"my" variable $prog masks earlier declaration in same scope at line 793.
Name "main::mailtools" used only once: possible typo at line 199.
Name "Term::ReadLine::new" used only once: possible typo at line 1166.
Name "Term::ReadLine::ornaments" used only once: possible typo at line 1165.
Name "Term::ReadLine::readline" used only once: possible typo at line 1167.
Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"MANPATH"} in split at line 255.

  © FRISK Software International

  You are about to install F-PROT Antivirus for Linux Workstations
    on a Debian Linux 4.15.0 running on x86_64 into the '/opt/f-prot'

Would you like to have a wrapper script created for fpscan.
If you choose 'no' a symbolic link will be created instead, you should consider this if the wrapper script does not work for you, for example due to your system using a non sh or csh compatible shell.?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [Y/n]:

I've had a little look through the code, but I know nothing about Perl.  It looks as if some of the warnings may be irrelevant, but wouldn't that suggest that Perl is going to misinterpret the actual code? Could it be that v5.26.1 is not fully backwards compatible?

I broke out but don't know what to do. I notice it says Debian rather than Ubuntu, but I guess that's not important?

If I run this and it fails, how bad will the mess be?

Any suggestions, please?
Evolution says that Paranoia is a valuable survival attribute.

Thank God for Evolution!
Have you asked the developers for Support?
For the record, I had no issues installing on 4.6 64bit:


    (c) FRISK Software International

    You are about to install F-PROT Antivirus for Linux Workstations
     on a Debian Linux 4.15.0 running on x86_64 into the '/opt/f-prot'

Would you like to have a wrapper script created for fpscan.
If you choose 'no' a symbolic link will be created instead, you should consider this if the wrapper script does not work for you, for example due to your system using a non sh or csh compatible shell.?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [Y/n]:

Where do you want a wrapper script for 'F-PROT Antivirus command line scanner (fpscan)' to be created?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [/usr/local/bin]:

Where do you want a symbolic link to 'section 8 manuals' to be created?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [/usr/local/man/man8]:

/usr/local/man/man8 doesn't exist. Create it?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [Y/n]:

Where do you want a symbolic link to 'section 1 manuals' to be created?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [/usr/local/man/man1]:

Where do you want a symbolic link to 'section 5 manuals' to be created?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [/usr/local/man/man5]:

/usr/local/man/man5 doesn't exist. Create it?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [Y/n]:

Changing file access permissions on the installed files and directories ...ok
Checking if you have an existing license key...yes

Found an existing license key in /opt/f-prot/license.key, updating antivir.def ...

Downloading update (%100)
We've generated the following crontab entries to update the
antivir.def file via fpupdate. Updates will be run hourly at a
randomly picked minute to distribute load, and thus make your updates
faster than if they were run during obvious high load times, e.g. on
the hour.

The global crontab entry we made to add to /etc/crontab is the following:

    3 * * * * root /opt/f-prot/fpupdate > /dev/null

Would you like to have this crontab appended to /etc/crontab?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [Y/n]:

    All done!

    Have a nice day

Frisk software (
Hi Jerry,

Many thanks!

I didn't try asking for support from F-Prot as I doubted I would get any... Since Cyren bought Frisk Software, all they seem to do is maintain the virus database.  As you can see, there have been no application updates for years. Apparently, Frisk did a great job of building in forward compatibility, but how long will that last?

I don't understand what I did wrong. I followed the instructions to the letter - or at least, so I thought.  But I got a slightly different result from you when I finally manned up late last night and ran it anyway, using the explicit Command Line I already posted. It's not as if I have much to rebuild as yet.

FWIW, the differences were these:

Quote: You are about to install F-PROT Antivirus for Linux Workstations
on a Debian Linux 4.15.0 running on x86_64 into the '/opt/f-prot'

/opt/f-prot/f-prot.conf already exists, not copying /opt/f-prot/f-prot.conf.default to that location

Would you like to have a wrapper script created for fpscan.
Quote: All done!

-e on unopened filehandle mailtools at line 199, <STDIN> line 6.
Have a nice day

It doesn't seem to like line 199. Maybe it got leftover when they cut down the Mail Server version to the Linux Freebie?

Did you run your install from a different location - e.g. the Download folder? I ran from /opt/f-prot as the minimalist instructions seem to say.

Anyway, it seems to be installed, but I don't know where it shows in any System Report.

Obviously, it's On-Demand (Manual Scanner) only, but I've tested with the EICAR Virus Test file and it found that okay. Surprise, Surprise! :o Whether the Autoupdater is genuinely working I have yet to confirm.

I'm also still looking to see if I can find out how good it is at virus detection, but one report I found suggests Comodo is terrible, and ClamAV is not a whole lot better, so F-Prot may be a viable alternative for those wanting AV.  Unfortunately, not many companies seem to submit to VB100 Testing any more, so that's no real help.

Will post anything I find that looks useful - maybe to the other thread as that is more relevant.

Again, many thanks for your help, and more importantly, for Linux Lite!
Evolution says that Paranoia is a valuable survival attribute.

Thank God for Evolution!
As far as instructions go, I just did what they told me in the readme.
I don't want to go to into depth with this software because as you pointed out, it's pretty darn old. I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole personally.
ClamAV must be good enough, if pc tech's are using it from a live cd on customers pc's, including me.

Nice ClamAV tutorial in the Help Manual Smile

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