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Duel boot will not "see" Linux Lite anymore
I just loaded updated duel hard drives into my computer. Both have the latest version of Linux Lite and Ubuntu.
These drives HAD the last version of each O.S. When I booted the Desktop Computer I had an option to select either OS and it would boot to the selected OS. This has always worked. Same wires, same hard drives,same sockets, different versions of OS's.
NOW, the same screen is shown allowing either OS to selected as before. BUT, if I select the Linux Lite from the menu I get an error after ten seconds saying no device found???????
If I unplug the Ubuntu hard drive ( it is listed and will auto load to that if I leave the selections alone) and try to boot to the Linux Lite hard drive, the computed boots to it instantly.
It is only when BOTH hard drives are connected to the motherboard that the Linux Lite is NOT SEEN if selected.
Please help.
Have you updated grub ?

I'm only guessing here, but it sounds like you updated both hdd/OS separately and while the grub on each individual hdd will have been updated ok, hence their boot up separately, when you try to choose which to boot that grub may be pointing to the earlier kernel.

I suggest you boot into your first drive, then in a terminal:

sudo update-grub

Then reboot and see if it works if you choose the "other" OS
Owner and DJ at WKDfm Radio ( )
Thank you Deep Thought, that did the trick!
Now if I may ask another question as I'm ignorant about the Linux software O.S's. Ubuntu is listed as the first O.S and the desktop will boot to it if I take no actions. Linux Lite is at the bottom of the menu and must be selected as the O.S to boot to.
Can the Linux Lite be moved up or automatically selected as the first O.S with Ubuntu being selected by me as a secondary O.S to boot too?
yes it can, info from:


Boot into Ubuntu and then in a terminal:

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

Then look for the line:


and change the 0 to 1


save your changes with "control-x", "y" and then enter.

sudo update-grub
and reboot

Hope this helps Smile
Owner and DJ at WKDfm Radio ( )
This did not work.
Just for fun I tried to change Linux Lite to the "1" and see if that changed the boot menu position,it did not.
No matter which OS is marked "0" or "1" Ubuntu always boots automatically if I do not select Linux Lite from the boot menu.
The boot screen has a few words in the upper left-hand corner that says it is loading the OS, but it is always Ubuntu and never Linux Lite that it boots to.
Get Grub Customizer. You can change the order with that.

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You have to guess which number is LL boot entry. Count from the top down on your grub menu. include "Advanced" "Memory tests" etc in the count.

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
Jerry I downloaded Grub Customizer and it worked like a charm. Thank you.
You're welcome. Please mark the thread as Solved as explained in your welcome email.

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