06-23-2019, 03:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-23-2019, 04:20 PM by Sprintrdriver.)
I'm trying out the program Vuescan before I decide to buy a licence for it.
The only practical problem is that the program does not detect any scanner (regarless of model, or connection method) unless I run it as root.The excact message: "VueScan didn't find a scanner connected to your computer."
When searching for a solution on the web, I found an old thread on ubuntuforum:https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2180205
Unfortunately, there is one, possible two major problems with that description:
But to no avail. Vuescan still say no scanner found unless run as root.
The output from lsusb -v https://pastebin.com/R8DCkFW1
Also tried to follow the instructions found on VUescan homepage - at here - and link to possibe ubuntu solution.
So then I created the file /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules as it did not existed before (sudo touch file-name).
I then opened the file in text editor as root, and inserted this content:
I then make my own user member of saned group.
Unfortunately, this action did not change anything :wallbash:
I'm trying out the program Vuescan before I decide to buy a licence for it.
The only practical problem is that the program does not detect any scanner (regarless of model, or connection method) unless I run it as root.The excact message: "VueScan didn't find a scanner connected to your computer."
When searching for a solution on the web, I found an old thread on ubuntuforum:https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2180205
Unfortunately, there is one, possible two major problems with that description:
- Proposed solution does only work for that spesific scanner model. There is no "general" description that works for some of the scanner models I will use.
- The /etc/udev/rules.d/99-local.rules file didn't exist.
SUBSYSTEM="usb_device", ACTION="add", GOTO="epson_rules_end"
# Epson XP-432 "Expression home"
ATTR{idVendor}="04b8", ATTR{idProduct}="1104 ", SYMLINK+="scan-epson-xp432", MODE="0666", OWNER="geir", GROUP="scanner"
The output from lsusb -v https://pastebin.com/R8DCkFW1
Also tried to follow the instructions found on VUescan homepage - at here - and link to possibe ubuntu solution.
So then I created the file /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules as it did not existed before (sudo touch file-name).
I then opened the file in text editor as root, and inserted this content:
# Epson XP-432 expression home
ATTRS{idVendor}=="04b8", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1104", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"
I then make my own user member of saned group.
Unfortunately, this action did not change anything :wallbash:
I won't let an old, but fully functional computer die just because some company tell me that they won't make no more security updates to their OS. Thanks Linux