I'm script automating several items to use LibreOffice Calc from the terminal, successfully, but with one caveat. I get the ALSA library error when using the LL system sounds. I like the system sounds to be used, but I need a script for turning it off or on when Calc is started from the terminal. Either will work. A sample of the script is below. If I completely turn off system sounds it runs without errors. I want the syetm sounds to keep working. It would be nice to change the ALSA permissions for LibreOffice somehow.
wget -q -P /home/user/test/temp/ "https://www.someapi.co/query?function=TI...tatype=csv"
libreoffice --calc /home/user/test/temp/* .csv
Update: I am getting a 3617 error for Alsa which essentially points to an incomplete installation. I'm guessing LO Calc is only partially installed.
wget -q -P /home/user/test/temp/ "https://www.someapi.co/query?function=TI...tatype=csv"
libreoffice --calc /home/user/test/temp/* .csv
Update: I am getting a 3617 error for Alsa which essentially points to an incomplete installation. I'm guessing LO Calc is only partially installed.
All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.