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linux lite over kali linux
    i have been using Linix lt. on two of my pc s i have a HP laptop that came with wds 7 so its the newest i have and a desk top with amedia center case and i think its from about 2000  but both run linx lt w/o any real problems .                                                                                                                however i have an very old wnd xp desktop that i was able to install Kali linux and it does run and no real issuses but for a secerity reason i cant get chrome or firefox  to install or iether run and iceweasle has no flash or shockwave. so it sucks for media.    the real problem is will not boot from  jump drive beacse of bios has not that option and cd will not run iether. i have tryd plop rufus ubootinet  i do have iso on dis k and in floder  i do have a floppy drive but i cant find a floppy around here threw them all out go figure. i got go now thanks  forgive errors pls
Hello wesley,

An option if you RAM is okay you can set up Virtual Box on Linux Lite in your newest computer, it is at
Menu>System>Lite Software
There is a tutorial in the help manual to set it up
You can add Kali Linux iso in to Virtual Box and run it from in there.
I used Kali only few times and it was in VirtualBox in LL.

The windows XP computer you can install Linux Lite, then Menu>System>Lite Software  and install "Restricted Extras". There was updates to the Flash alternative yesterday in Menu>Favorites>Install Updates.

You can use Kali terminal take down the pages to view offline, share folders and view using browser and flash on LL.
You can also do this entirely in LL, and also using a browser.
How its done you can also do with a spider if you have it this.

Other alternative -
You can to use VLC player make the settings it will convert the flash videos to mpg videos.
ClibGrab in LL will also get the flash videos and make it mp4

I hope it helps you choose the solution. There will be other ways, these are just the ones I use.
hello ya'll
......................    computer 1 linux lite no problem HP laptop  newest pc i have came with wnds 7 but have linux lt now but i think its from 2007.
...........................cmputer    2 linux lite no problems but older from 2000  and it is a media center and works ok for age and limits of hardware

..........................problem      computer number 3  very old wns xp desktop that does have kali linix on it right now and runs ok........problem with cd drive and dvd drive  and cant boot from bios not an option there..............................have tryed plop and other jump drive method  no luck booting  from ISO

i have iso disc and file ...............    still like open source linux very cool  hated wnds.........

How old is the Kali install? grml-rescueboot should be available for it. Goes back to at least wheezy. Make sure you get the right version. May have to use the PPA. If your Kali is Jessie should work fine for you to download the LL ISO and use grnl-rescueboot to boot the ISO from HDD. Worth a try. You can also install VLC and Firefox 52 ESR if your Kali is Jessie. If you are going to use Kali as a desktop you should add a non-root user if you haven't already. I have LL3.4 32bit and Deb 8 32bit on two separate Sisun mechanically switched SATA drives (LL on 80 g 5400, Deb on 160g 7200) on an old HP dc7600 that came with XP (OEM DOM 2005) with 1gig of ram and a 3g cpu. Everything works perfectly and very fast. What's the hardware info on your old pc running Kali?

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.

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