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Every forum and threads show message "You have 1 message(s) unread"
Hi folks. This is my first post on this forum, so I feel quite funny about posting in this forum.

Anyway, this is the very first time I log in to the forum so I cannot say if that message will be around next time after I log off.

The full content of message text says:
Quote:Attention! You have 1 message(s) unread!

From: Jerry
Subject: Welcome to the Linux Lite Forums.
Date: May 23, 2017, 12:06:45 PM
Message: Welcome Sprintrdriver, to the Linux Lite Forums.

Please have a read through here - before your first post, to familiarize yourself with posting on the Forums. If yo...
[View All]

I have read that, and the message disappears initially after I hit the close button, just to reappear again when navigating to another forum or thread.

Found it. It turns out that is a personal message that everybody gets when creating a new account on this forum. But I was mistaken, and thaught that the message should disappear if I followed the link in the message, but so was not the case.

To make that disappear, I clicked on "My messages" "Read your messages", and I just deleted it (sorry, no offence Jerry, I have seen the message thirty times or so by now, without understanding how to accept the message permanently).
I won't let an old, but fully functional computer die just because some company tell me that they won't make no more security updates to their OS. Thanks Linux Smile
No offence taken Smile Glad you worked it out.

Sent from my Mobile phone using Tapatalk


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