this week there were quite a few updates for Samba.
I noticed tonight when checking UFW, there were Samba rules that bypass the default Deny incoming, by having an "allow connections from ANYWHERE" in capitals like this from a range of ports.
Ufw would not allow editing of this rule saying Ufw had made the rule.
I removed these rules rebooted and checked again if they had enabled on startup, they are currently not enabled, I will keep an eye on it.
I would suggest everyone checks their current ufw status to ensure it is not allowing access from anywhere to their system since these updates from Ubuntu.
this week there were quite a few updates for Samba.
I noticed tonight when checking UFW, there were Samba rules that bypass the default Deny incoming, by having an "allow connections from ANYWHERE" in capitals like this from a range of ports.
Ufw would not allow editing of this rule saying Ufw had made the rule.
I removed these rules rebooted and checked again if they had enabled on startup, they are currently not enabled, I will keep an eye on it.
I would suggest everyone checks their current ufw status to ensure it is not allowing access from anywhere to their system since these updates from Ubuntu.