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Adding items to the menu
Hi.  Just installed 3.2, 64-bit, fully updated.  I have a puzzling situation.  Perhaps someone can help.

I use an app titled Blue Letter Bible.  The CD contains Windows and Mac versions.  Linux can use it, too.  You just have to change to the BLB directory and double-click on index.html.  Indeed, it works nicely.  It opens in Google Chrome.

I tried to add BLB my menu using Edit Applications.  I fill in the details, but the "OK" button never activates.  It doesn't seem to like .html files in the Command prompt.  When this didn't work, I created a batch file (not the right thing to do, I think), and then a shell script to see if the menu editor would accept it.  No luck.

Can someone perhaps direct me in the right way to add this app to my menu?  Thanks.
Try a path similar to:

Nope, no luck.  Thanks for the hint.  Any other ideas will be welcome.
What Jerry is saying will work if you enter it directly into the address bar of a browser.  For example, if you open the Help Manual (Menu > Favorites > Help Manual), you will see in the address bar "file:///usr/share/doc/litemanual/index.html".  For your app, you'll need to Create a Launcher similar to the Help Manual one.  To start that, you can right click on the desktop and select Create Launcher.

Now if you open the Main Menu utility (Menu > Settings > Main Menu), and look at the Properties of the Help Manual menu entry, you'll get some insight on how to set up the launcher for your app.  You'll want to pay special attention to the "Command:" line of the Launcher Properties for the Help Manual menu entry. 

To get a launcher to actually show in the menu, more detail is provided in the "Customize Your Xfce Menu" section of the pdf located here:  It is much to read, but the gist is the following:
    1) Verify that your launcher works as-is
    2) Copy your launcher to the /usr/share/applications directory.  You will need to do this as administrator
    3) Edit your launcher in that directory (using a text editor, right click -> Open With -> Text Editor) so that the Categories line points to the Menu subcategory where you want your app in the menu.  For example, if you open the GIMP launcher (using a text editor, right click -> Open With -> Text Editor) in the /usr/share/applications folder, you'll see a line showing "Categories=Graphics;.......".  Sure enough, GIMP is in the Menu > Graphics subcategory. 

If you're unsure how to add that Categories line, find a program in the same menu subcategory where you want your app to be, and copy and paste its Categories line into your apps launcher (ie. *.desktop file).

P.S.:  I've done this before.  It's probably just as easy, if not easier, to get a launcher to work on your desktop, and then just drag that launcher to your panel and have it serve as a quick launching shortcut.  When done, delete the launcher from the desktop.
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Thanks so much.  Looks like I can get this done.  I appreciate the help.

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