04-15-2014, 10:29 PM
Hi! Don't want to be a pain, but I have a couple of questions. I first installed Lite on a Toshiba notebook and had issues I could not fix. It turned out that the notebook had "issues" and was sent to notebook heaven. My grandson gave me his old Dell notebook, a Dell D630 with a 2.2 GHz. Intel core2duo with 4 GB of ram. For some reason I cannot get the wireless to work, the notebook will work with a cable plugged in but I cannot seem to get or find the software to get the wireless to work. The notebook also has a Quattro 135m graphics card in it and I cannot find the software for it either. It's driving my 70 year old mind to a frazzle trying to fix these. I am an absolute beginner to Linux and in no way a computer guru. Any body have any idea what I might need to do?