09-23-2015, 02:31 AM
[size=1.45em]It was 3 years ago today, the first release of Linux Lite was placed on the internet.
I was one of the founding members of the Linux Distro Community. A place where linux enthusiasts could meet socially online. It was there that it was first suggested that we create a distribution that helped make the transition from Windows to Linux. I'd been in linux long enough to have the confidence to give this a go. The rest, as they say, is history.[/size]
Gratitude - this would have been an impossible task without the following key figures
Linus Torvalds
The Free Software Foundation
Open Source Initiative
The wider developer community
The Linux Distro Community
Tom Bradley (preecher)
Donators and Supporters
Our AMAZING Forum community
Social Media Supporters on Facebook, Twitter and Google+
Our former IRC community helpers
Worldwide mirrors
Midphase Hosting
Flyspray Bug Software
User Feedback
Sean 'Spatry' Ryan
Bill Hahnen
Milos Pavlovic
Adam Grubbs
John Jenkins
Linux Format
Linux Magazine
Planete Linux
All the online bloggers and reviewers who reviewed Linux Lite and who made helpful tutorials for people
All the Linux Youtube Channels who reviewed Linux Lite and who made helpful tutorials for people
And everyone else who has contributed to Linux Lite.
Then, and Now...
[img height=298 width=800]http://i.imgur.com/dtlJO4n.png[/img]
[img height=288 width=800]http://i.imgur.com/BFUdUy4.png[/img]
[img height=288 width=800]http://i.imgur.com/PSE6RTS.png[/img]
[img height=288 width=800]http://i.imgur.com/VPcCAKM.png[/img]
[img height=288 width=800]http://i.imgur.com/kXT3u9z.png[/img]
[img height=288 width=800]http://i.imgur.com/bm1hMI8.png[/img]
[img height=288 width=800]http://i.imgur.com/cpPs4lA.png[/img]
[img height=288 width=800]http://i.imgur.com/Tc60R9r.png[/img]
[img height=288 width=800]http://i.imgur.com/mWDvpPM.png[/img]
[img height=288 width=800]http://i.imgur.com/NwXURM5.png[/img]
[img height=600 width=423]http://i.imgur.com/p2zKEAs.png[/img]
[img height=555 width=800]http://i.imgur.com/rWbYpEz.png[/img]
[img height=600 width=459]http://i.imgur.com/58UuZ5c.png[/img]
So from me, heres to the next 3 years and beyond...
[size=2.65em]THANK YOU!