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Install Space Questions
I have been trying LL on a flashdrive and now want to do a hard drive installation. (Computer: HP microtower, 80 GB ATA, 2 GB RAM, Win XP) I want to keep XP and a few Win programs, at least for the time being, using it as a "local only" computer (running alongside Windows, i.e.). A couple of times I clicked on "Install" from the desktop, and looked at some of the screens, but did not complete installation. A screen said the computer "has multiple operating systems." I unmounted as suggested. Now, instead on having an icon for 80 GB File System on desktop, I have one for 64 GB File System and one for 14 GB File System (latter is full of Linux files.) I.e., sda1 (ntfs) 59.60 GiB with 12.29 unused; sda2 extended 14.93; sda5 ext4 13.06 with 12.55 unused, and sda6 linux-swap 1.87. Slider is set at 8.4 and 5.6, movable to 7.7 and 6.3. I thought I should allow 20 GB for a linux partition. Looking for some suggestions here on what I should do. Did I accidentally install some files? Also thinking about adding a second 80 GB drive (for LL) and leaving the existing HD as is. Thanks for help. Max
Hi, Bromax2

It certainly sounds as though you've done at least a partial install - perhaps you aborted at some point?  From your description you have one Linux partition (sda5) and one Linux Swap partition (sda6).  Windows XP is on sda1.

If you would like to have 20GB of drive space available for Linux Lite, you will need to first determine how much actual storage is being used in the 60GB of space XP is using on sda1.  This will tell you whether you can safely reduce sda1 by 5GB or so, which would give you approximately 20GB for Linux Lite.

You can get an idea of occupied drive space by opening "Partition Drives" from the Linux Lite menu.  This runs the GPartEd program (Gnu Partition Editor).  GPartEd will provide a graph of all your partitions, with occupied space shown in a yellowish color.  I have posted an image of my laptop's drive (click the image to enlarge).  You can see that my sda1 (Windows 7) is about 98GB, with about 42GB unused.  If you are keeping XP you will need some "leftover" drive space after resizing to allow for future use.  If you have some unused space on your sda1, then you can resize that partition to make more room for Linux.  If you decide to shrink sda1, do this from Windows XP, not from Linux, and run the Windows checkdisk routine before the next reboot into Windows.  XP has a bad time with resized partitions - especially if you resize using a non-Windows partition manager.

[Image: gparted.jpg]

Regarding the Linux partitions:  If you are not sure what these are, you might want to boot into Linux Lite using your USB drive, open the "Home Folder" program (the file browser) and examine the files / directories to see what is there.  If you don't recognize or don't need this data, then we can go from there on freeing up this space for use by Linux Lite - but step 1 is to determine how much unused space you have on sda1.

EDIT:  There is a boring, but accurate, step-by-step tutorial on resizing partitions in XP here:

Thanks for the informative reply. Gparted: sda1 - 12.35 GiB unused (47.25 used). As for Home folder: nothing there but usual 7 empty folders and Desktop icon.

Looks as though you can shrink sda1 by 5GB, which would give you appx. 20GB for Linux Lite. Step 1 would be to follow the tutorial I posted and shrink the partition using the Windows management tool. Then reboot into Windows and let "chkdsk" run (should run automatically when you reboot).

Step 2 is to boot into your Linux Lite USB and run the Partition Manager.  You will delete sda5 and sda6, then delete sda2.  This will leave appx. 20GB of unused space following sda1.  At that point, the Linux Lite installer should give you the option of installing on the unused space alongside Windows.

BTW, Windows XP goes end-of-life on April 8.  You may want to consider leaving it completely behind.  Smile
I cannot find the resize function the tutorial is talking about. It seems there is a section here that is left out. I.e., this is what happens on my computer: Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Computer Management>Storage> (other choices here are System Tools and Services and Applications) (Under Storage are Removable Storage, Disk Defragmenter and Disk Management. Under Disk Management are the three partitions: "Partition Basic Healthy (Unknown Partition) 13.06 GB", "Partition Basic Healthy Partition 1.87", and "Partition Basic NTFS Healthy System 59.59 GB." Think I got that right!; Right click gives options of Open, Explore, Change Drive Letter and Paths and Properties. (Resize is not available anywhere.) Right click on other two partitions offers "Delete Logical Drive."  I haven't read the additional information links suggested at end of video. I'm thinking I should just delete the other two partitions and leave NTFS alone (forget about the 5 GB reduction). Then go back to Linux Lite>Install>Run alongside Windows. (Or, should I choose "Something else."??

As for the EOL XP issue: I'm planning to use XP only for a few old programs and files that I cannot open with Linux. No online stuff.  Smile
I don't have Win XP, but have read elsewhere that resizing partitions is not an option in it.  Have no idea whether that is true, but if you can't find that option, here is an alternative method I used a few years back when resizing NTFS partitions in Win 2000.

1.  Make sure to defragment the partition you will be shrinking first.
2.  Print, or print to file the instructions on this page for disabling the "Page File" in Windows.  (Page file performs similar function to swap partition in Linux -- handles things swapped from RAM.)

Don't remember the exact reason for this, but think it's because Windows typically puts that special file near the end of the partition.  If not deactivated and using a non-Windows program to shrink partition, that may cause problems if the page file existed past the point that partition gets shrunk down to.  (I think that's the reasoning I remember from back then, but not 100% sure.)

3.  Close any unnecessary running programs, including web browser.  (Object is to not have things running that may trigger need for the page file.)
4.  If you did not print instructions to paper, open the file you printed to and follow the instructions.
5.  Once Page File is disabled, shut down computer and reboot with Linux Lite DVD.
6.  Open GParted (Menu -> System -> Partition Drives) and resize the partition with it.  (Here is a tutorial:  GParted partitioning software - Full tutorial.
7.  As stated by busprof before, also use GParted to delete the Linux partitions from before.
8.  Leave space as un-partitioned, free space.
9.  Hit the "Apply" button (arrow button under "Help") to finalize everything.
10.  Close GParted when done.
11.  Now go ahead and run the Installer.
12.  Should now offer choice to install "Along side Windows"
13.  It will automatically use the free space and make necessary partitions and formatting.
14.  When complete, reboot and you should have choice of both OS's.
15.  Next time you choose to boot into Windows, reverse instructions and re-activate the Page File.  (DO NOT forget to do that or you may end up with programs locking up or crashing on you.)

Hope that helps.
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Your reasoning is, indeed, correct.

I guess I've never experienced this problem with a NTFS partition because I always leave some room (5-10 GB) at the end for growth when I shrink one with GPartEd (LL's partition editor), and of course, CHKDSK is triggered automatically to verify the new, smaller partition. I just did this last night to put a dual-boot XP/Windows 7 system on a PC with GPartEd, booted from a LiveCD.

At the risk of being off-topic (but not when considering that some folks run a MS/Linux dual boot), one problem ALL versions of Windows share is that the swap file is set by default to be regulated automatically by Windows, and Windows ALWAYS sets the swap file size to be too small. If it's reset to a fixed size that is 1.5 times the amount of RAM and rebooted to finalize the change, this will speed up ANY Windows OS...

[Image: EtYqOrS.png%5D]

A gun in your hand is worth more than a whole police force on the phone.
Wow!! I'm loving this Community; support, with these detailed suggestions is super! Thanks.  ;D I'll certainly consider this. Possibly crashing Windows concerns me. I'm wondering if this is worth it for a 5 GB gain in space. Max
If you re-activate the page file, no need to worry about crashing Windows.  When you re-activate it, Windows will pick a new place for it based on the new size of the partition and everything will be back to normal again.
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