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Info tool
(11-14-2014, 08:36 PM)rokytnji link Wrote: The rest of the buttons worked OK as far as the test went. For full readout. I like
inxi -zv7
instead of
inxi -Fxz
Thank you you Rok
I see, it gives more info
(11-15-2014, 12:09 AM)rbdflyboy link Wrote: Nice great...nice output and quick...Thanks
You are welcome. Smile
(11-15-2014, 03:17 AM)shengchieh link Wrote: Personally, there is no need to "reinvent the wheel".  I just add a few codes and be done with it.  See
It's not about reinventing the wheel, it's about making thing easier.
(11-15-2014, 03:17 AM)shengchieh link Wrote: Personally, there is no need to "reinvent the wheel".
Not all wheels are created equal.
#13 do you use this? I havent got a clue what to do with it or even how to get it working.
Could someone explain to me how to use these scripts?
Life on earth is expensive but it does include a free trip around the sun.
Just do like I did in the 2nd post and then left click it.
LL 3.6,2.8
Dell XT2 > Touchscreen Laptop
Dell 755 > Desktop
Acer 150 > Desktop
I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
(11-28-2014, 05:34 PM)rokytnji link Wrote: Just do like I did in the 2nd post and then left click it.

Thanks..did that but had no idea how to make it executable. Did google it but didnt understand it at first. Tried several times before i finally got it to work.
Life on earth is expensive but it does include a free trip around the sun.
The only issue I have is in the dependency on Leafpad is there a way you could set it to run a check for dependency when it is run with a notice. I had to edit it to use mousepad as I don't use leafpad.
Great job misko! I like it.

Based on sysdrum's feedback, could you perhaps utilize the $EDITOR system variable? Unfortunately it wasn't set in LL so I had to do export EDITOR = leafpad. Maybe you could do an if statement to see if leafpad or mousepad is installed. If not then default to nano. Just a thought.

Updated the code for those that use mousepad. I may try and tweak it to add switch for leafpad or mousepad or if neither are installed to pick one. But for now it will install mousepad if it is not installed.

#! /bin/bash
# Info tool by Misko_2083 Update Sysdrum

#inxi installed?
if [ -z "$(which inxi)"  ]; then

   if zenity --title="Question" --question text="Inxi is not installed, do you want to install it?\nIf you choose No program will exit."
      gksudo "sudo apt-get install inxi -y" | zenity --progress --title="Installing inxi" --text="please wait" --pulsate --auto-close
            if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
               zenity --error --title="Error" --text="inxi could not be installed."
#mousepad installed?
if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' mousepad 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ];then

   if zenity --title="Question" --question text="Mousepad is not installed, do you want to install it?\nIf you choose No program will exit."
      gksudo "sudo apt-get install mousepad -y" | zenity --progress --title="Installing Mousepad" --text="please wait" --pulsate --auto-close     
            if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
               zenity --error --title="Error" --text="Mousepad could not be installed."

disk_df=(FALSE "Fs disk space info" "df -Th | grep /dev/sd" "View filesystem disk space usage")

FDISK=(FALSE "List Partitions" "sudo fdisk -l" "List out the partition information (password required)")

BLOCKDEV=(FALSE "Display Block Devices" "lsblk" "List out information all block devices")

lspci_info=(FALSE "PCI info" "lspci -vnn" "View PCI devices info")

lspci_graph=(FALSE "Graphics" "lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12" "View graphics devices info")

lsusb_info=(FALSE "USB info" "lsusb" "View usb devices info")

CPU=(FALSE "32/64 bit CPU" " " "Find out is this 32 or 64 bit CPU")

CPUZ=(FALSE "Processor info" "lscpu" "Display detailed info on CPU")

OS=(FALSE "32/64 bit OS" "uname -a" "Find out is this 32 or 64 bit OS")

inxi_full=(FALSE "Full info" "inxi -Fxz" "View system info")

inxi_df=(FALSE "Partition info" "inxi -plu" "View partition info")

REPOS=(FALSE "View Repositories" "inxi -r" "View repositories on this sistem")

GRAPHICS=(FALSE "View Graphics" "inxi -Gxx" "View graphics on this sistem")

AUDIO=(FALSE "View Audio" "inxi -A" "View audio on this sistem")

NETWORK=(FALSE "View Network" "inxi -nz" "View network on this sistem")

NETWORKC=(FALSE "Network Configuration" "ifconfig -a" "View network  configuration on this sistem")

OPENGL=(FALSE "View OpenGL configuration" "glxinfo | grep OpenGL" "View OpenGL configuration on this sistem")

LSB=(FALSE "View lsb release" "lsb_release -dic" "View lsb release info")

selection=$(zenity --window-icon="$ic" --list --radiolist --width=900 --height=700 --column="Select" --column="Name" --column="Command" \
--column="Description" --text="Select the info tool you wish to use, then click the Display button." --title="Info" --ok-label="Display" --cancel-label="Quit" --separator="\n" \
"${disk_df[@]}" \
"${FDISK[@]}" \
"${BLOCKDEV[@]}" \
"${lspci_info[@]}" \
"${lspci_graph[@]}" \
"${lsusb_info[@]}" \
"${CPU[@]}" \
"${CPUZ[@]}" \
"${OS[@]}" \
"${inxi_full[@]}" \
"${inxi_df[@]}" \
"${REPOS[@]}" \
"${GRAPHICS[@]}" \
"${AUDIO[@]}" \
"${NETWORK[@]}" \
"${NETWORKC[@]}" \
"${OPENGL[@]}" \
"${LSB[@]}" )

# If Quit is clicked then exit
if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
exit 0

# check if anything is selected
echo $selection | grep '[a-zA-Z0-9]'
if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "0" ]; then
zenity --info --title='Info' --text='Nothing was selected.'
exit 0

echo $selection | grep "^Fs disk space info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   SOME_TEXT="df - View file system disk space usage\nYou can select the mount to open in the file manager"

   df -h -T| tail -n+2 | while read fs type size used rest target; do
      if [[ $rest ]] ; then
         echo "$fs" "$type" "$size"B "$used"B "$rest"B "${target[@]}" |  grep /dev/sd | # remove "grep /dev/sd |" to show all
         awk '{print $1,"\n",$2,"\n",$3,"\n",$4,"\n",$5,"\n",$6}BEGIN{ s = 7; e = 35; }{for (i=s; i<=e; i++) printf("%s%s", $(i), i<e ? OFS : "\n"); }' #Workaround for disk labels that contain whitespaces(number of characters that can be divided by whitespace =e-s)
   done | sed -e 's/[ \t]*$//' $1|zenity --list --width=685 --height=350 --title="${SOME_TITLE}" --text="${SOME_TEXT}" --column="Device" --column="Type" --column="Size" --column="Used" --column="Free" --column="%Used" --column="Mount" --print-column="7"| cut -d '|' -f2| tee /tmp/tempdf

   #With radiolist is also an option
   #done | sed -e 's/[ \t]*$//' $1| sed 's!^/dev/sd*!FALSE\n/dev/sd!g' | zenity --list --radiolist --width=685 --height=350 --title="${SOME_TITLE}" --text="${SOME_TEXT}" --column="Select" --column="FS" --column="Type" --column="Size" --column="Used" --column="Free" --column="%Used" --column="Mount" --print-column="8"| cut -d '|' -f2| tee /tmp/tempdf

   if [ -z "$(cat /tmp/tempdf)" ]; then
   exit 0

   xdg-open "$(cat /tmp/tempdf)"
   rm -f /tmp/tempdf

echo $selection | grep "List Partitions" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   gksudo --message 'To run this tool your password is required. Enter your password, or press Cancel.' 'sudo fdisk -l' |tee /tmp/lsblkinfo.txt| zenity --title="PCI info" --text-info --width=800 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in mousepad" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
       mousepad /tmp/lsblkinfo.txt; rm /tmp/lsblkinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "Display Block Devices" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   lsblk | zenity --title="PCI info" --text-info --width=800 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Mousepad" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      lsblk > /tmp/lsblkinfo.txt; mousepad /tmp/lsblkinfo.txt; rm /tmp/lsblkinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "PCI info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   lspci -vnn | zenity --title="PCI info" --text-info --width=800 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Mousepad" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      lspci -nn > /tmp/lspciinfo.txt; mousepad /tmp/lspciinfo.txt; rm /tmp/lspciinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "^Graphics$" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 | zenity --title="Graphics" --text-info --width=800 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Mousepad" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12  > /tmp/lspcigraph.txt; mousepad /tmp/lspcigraph.txt; rm /tmp/lspcigraph.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "USB info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   lsusb | zenity --title="USB info" --text-info --width=800 --height=400 --ok-label="Open in Mousepad" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      lsusb > /tmp/lsusbinfo.txt; mousepad /tmp/lsusbinfo.txt; rm /tmp/lsusbinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "32/64 bit CPU" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   if [ "$(egrep -c ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo)" -lt "1" ]; then
      zenity --title="32/64 bit CPU" --info --text="This is $bus_zen bit CPU"

echo $selection | grep "Processor info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   lscpu | zenity --title="Processor info" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Mousepad" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      lscpu > /tmp/processorinfo.txt; mousepad /tmp//tmp/processorinfo.txt; rm /tmp/processorinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "32/64 bit OS" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   if [ "$(uname -a | egrep -c 'i386|i486|i586|i686')" -eq "1" ]; then
      zenity --title="32/64 bit OS" --info --text="This is $os_zen bit OS"

echo $selection | grep "Full info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   inxi -Fxz -c 0 | zenity --title="Full info" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Mousepad" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      inxi -Fxz -c 0 > /tmp/inxifull.txt; mousepad /tmp/inxifull.txt; rm /tmp/inxifull.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "Partition info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   inxi -plu -c 0 | zenity --title="Partition info" --text-info --width=650 --height=400 --ok-label="Open in Mousepad" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      inxi -plu -c 0 > /tmp/partitionsinfo.txt; mousepad /tmp/partitionsinfo.txt; rm /tmp/partitionsinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "View Repositories" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   inxi -r -c 0| zenity --title="Repositories" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Mousepad" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      inxi -r -c 0 > /tmp/repositorieslist.txt; mousepad /tmp/repositorieslist.txt; rm /tmp/repositorieslist.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "View Graphics" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   inxi -Gxx -c 0| zenity --title="Graphics info" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Mousepad" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      inxi -Gxx -c 0 > /tmp/graphicsinfo.txt; mousepad /tmp/graphicsinfo.txt; rm /tmp/graphicsinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "View Audio" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   inxi -A -c 0| zenity --title="Audio info" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Mousepad" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      inxi -A -c 0 > /tmp/audioinfo.txt; mousepad /tmp/audioinfo.txt; rm /tmp/audioinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "^View Network$" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   inxi -nz -c 0 | zenity --title="Network info" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Mousepad" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      inxi -nz -c 0 > /tmp/networkinfo.txt; mousepad /tmp/networkinfo.txt; rm /tmp/networkinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "Network Configuration" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   ifconfig -a | zenity --title="Network info" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Mousepad" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      ifconfig -a > /tmp/networkconfinfo.txt; mousepad /tmp/networkconfinfo.txt; rm /tmp/networkconfinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "View OpenGL configuration" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   glxinfo | grep OpenGL| zenity --title="View OpenGL configuration" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Mousepad" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      glxinfo | grep OpenGL > /tmp/openglinfo.txt; mousepad /tmp/openglinfo.txt; rm /tmp/openglinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "View lsb release" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   lsb_release -dic| zenity --title="lsb_release" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Mousepad" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      lsb_release -dic > /tmp/lsbinfo.txt; mousepad /tmp/lsbinfo.txt; rm /tmp/lsbinfo.txt
      exit 0
Hi sysdrum,
You have "fifi" in the last line Smile Type enter in the middle to make it work.

I gave up from text editors in the script because I can't make it work with gedit.
Now there is a "Save" button instead of "Open in Leafpad".
Script is more efficient, and now uses checklists.
This way it is possible to select multiple items in the list.

#! /bin/bash
# Info tool by Misko_2083

#inxi installed?
if [ -z "$(which inxi)"  ]; then

    if zenity --title="Question" --question text="Inxi is not installed, do you want to install it?\nIf you choose No program will exit."
        gksudo "sudo apt-get install inxi -y" | zenity --progress --title="Installing inxi" --text="please wait" --pulsate --auto-close
                if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
                    zenity --error --title="Error" --text="inxi could not be installed."

disk_df=(FALSE "Fs disk space info" "df -Th | grep /dev/sd" "View filesystem disk space usage")

FDISK=(FALSE "List Partition Tables" "sudo fdisk -l" "List out the partition information (password required)")

BLOCKDEV=(FALSE "Display Block Devices" "lsblk" "List out information of all block devices")

PARTED=(FALSE "List Partition Layout" "sudo parted -l" "List partition layout on all block devices")

lspci_info=(FALSE "PCI info" "lspci -vnn" "View PCI devices info")

lspci_graph=(FALSE "Graphics" "lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12" "View graphics devices info")

lsusb_info=(FALSE "USB info" "lsusb" "View usb devices info")

CPU=(FALSE "32/64 bit CPU" "egrep -c ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo" "Find out is this 32 or 64 bit CPU")

CPUZ=(FALSE "Processor info" "lscpu" "Display detailed info on CPU")

OS=(FALSE "32/64 bit OS" "uname -a" "Find out is this 32 or 64 bit OS")

inxi_full=(FALSE "Full info" "inxi -Fxz" "View system info")

inxi_df=(FALSE "Partition info" "inxi -plu" "View partition info")

REPOS=(FALSE "View Repositories" "inxi -r" "View repositories on this sistem")

GRAPHICS=(FALSE "View Graphics" "inxi -Gxx" "View graphics on this sistem")

AUDIO=(FALSE "View Audio" "inxi -A" "View audio on this sistem")

NETWORK=(FALSE "View Network" "inxi -nz" "View network on this sistem")

NETWORKC=(FALSE "Network Configuration" "ifconfig -a" "View network  configuration on this sistem")

OPENGL=(FALSE "View OpenGL configuration" "glxinfo | grep OpenGL" "View OpenGL configuration on this sistem")

LSB=(FALSE "View lsb release" "lsb_release -dic" "View lsb release info")

selection=$(zenity --window-icon="$ic" --list --checklist --width=900 --height=700 --column="Select" --column="Name" --column="Command" \
--column="Description" --text="Select the info tool you wish to use, then click the Display button.\nYou can select multiple tools." --title="Info" --ok-label="Display" --cancel-label="Quit" --separator="\n" \
"${disk_df[@]}" \
"${FDISK[@]}" \
"${BLOCKDEV[@]}" \
"${PARTED[@]}" \
"${lspci_info[@]}" \
"${lspci_graph[@]}" \
"${lsusb_info[@]}" \
"${CPU[@]}" \
"${CPUZ[@]}" \
"${OS[@]}" \
"${inxi_full[@]}" \
"${inxi_df[@]}" \
"${REPOS[@]}" \
"${GRAPHICS[@]}" \
"${AUDIO[@]}" \
"${NETWORK[@]}" \
"${NETWORKC[@]}" \
"${OPENGL[@]}" \
"${LSB[@]}" )

# If Quit is clicked then exit
if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
exit 0

# check if anything is selected
echo $selection | grep '[a-zA-Z0-9]'
if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "0" ]; then
zenity --info --title='Info' --text='Nothing was selected.'
exit 0

echo $selection | grep "^Fs disk space info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    SOME_TEXT="df - View file system disk space usage\nYou can select the mount to open in the file manager"

    df -h -T| tail -n+2 | while read fs type size used rest target; do
        if [[ $rest ]] ; then
            echo "$fs" "$type" "$size"B "$used"B "$rest"B "${target[@]}" |  grep /dev/sd | # remove "grep /dev/sd |" to show all
            awk '{print $1,"\n",$2,"\n",$3,"\n",$4,"\n",$5,"\n",$6}BEGIN{ s = 7; e = 35; }{for (i=s; i<=e; i++) printf("%s%s", $(i), i<e ? OFS : "\n"); }' #Workaround for disk labels that contain whitespaces(number of characters that can be divided by whitespace =e-s)
    done | sed -e 's/[ \t]*$//' $1|zenity --list --width=685 --height=350 --title="${SOME_TITLE}" --text="${SOME_TEXT}" --column="Device" --column="Type" --column="Size" --column="Used" --column="Free" --column="%Used" --column="Mount" --print-column="7"| cut -d '|' -f2| tee /tmp/tempdf

    #With radiolist is also an option
    #done | sed -e 's/[ \t]*$//' $1| sed 's!^/dev/sd*!FALSE\n/dev/sd!g' | zenity --list --radiolist --width=685 --height=350 --title="${SOME_TITLE}" --text="${SOME_TEXT}" --column="Select" --column="FS" --column="Type" --column="Size" --column="Used" --column="Free" --column="%Used" --column="Mount" --print-column="8"| cut -d '|' -f2| tee /tmp/tempdf

    if [ -z "$(cat /tmp/tempdf)" ]; then
    rm -f /tmp/tempdf
    exit 0

    xdg-open "$(cat /tmp/tempdf)"
    rm -f /tmp/tempdf

echo $selection | grep "^List Partition Tables$" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    gksudo --message 'To run this tool your password is required. Enter your password, or press Cancel.' 'sudo fdisk -l' |tee /tmp/fdiskinfo| zenity --title="Partition Tables (sudo fdisk -l)" --text-info --width=800 --height=600 --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Close"
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
        zNewData=$(cat /tmp/fdiskinfo.txt)
        zSavePath=$(echo -n "$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="Partition_Tables.txt" --title="Save List of the Partition Tables")")
        echo -n "$zNewData" > "$zSavePath"        
        rm /tmp/fdiskinfo

echo $selection | grep "Display Block Devices" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    lsblk  |tee /tmp/lsblkinfo | zenity --title="Block Devices (lsblk)" --text-info --width=800 --height=600 --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Close"
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
        zNewData=$(cat /tmp/lsblkinfo)
        zSavePath=$(echo -n "$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="Block_Devices.txt" --title="Save Block Devices info")")
        echo -n "$zNewData" > "$zSavePath"
        rm /tmp/lsblkinfo

echo $selection | grep "^List Partition Layout$" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    gksudo --message 'To run this tool your password is required. Enter your password, or press Cancel.' 'sudo parted -l'|tee /tmp/partedinfo | zenity --title="Partition Layout (sudo parted -l)" --text-info --width=800 --height=600 --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Close"
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
        zNewData=$(cat /tmp/partedinfo)
        zSavePath=$(echo -n "$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="Partition_layout.txt" --title="Save Partition Layout info")")
        echo -n "$zNewData" > "$zSavePath"
        rm /tmp/partedinfo

echo $selection | grep "^PCI info$" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    lspci -vnn | tee /tmp/lspciinfo | zenity --title="PCI info (lspci -vnn)" --text-info --width=800 --height=600 --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Close"
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
        zNewData=$(cat /tmp/lspciinfo)
        zSavePath=$(echo -n "$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="PCI_Devices.txt" --title="Save PCI Devices info")")
        echo -n "$zNewData" > "$zSavePath"
        rm /tmp/lspciinfo

echo $selection | grep "^Graphics$" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 | tee /tmp/lspcigraph| zenity --title="Graphics (lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12)" --text-info --width=800 --height=600 --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Close"
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[3]}" -ne "1" ]; then
        zNewData=$(cat /tmp/lspcigraph)
        zSavePath=$(echo -n "$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="Graphics_info.txt" --title="Save Graphics info")")
        echo -n "$zNewData" > "$zSavePath"
        rm /tmp/lspcigraph

echo $selection | grep "USB info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    lsusb | tee /tmp/lsusbinfo | zenity --title="USB info (lsusb)" --text-info --width=800 --height=400 --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Close"
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
        zNewData=$(cat /tmp/lsusbinfo)
        zSavePath=$(echo -n "$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="USB_info.txt" --title="Save USB info")")
        echo -n "$zNewData" > "$zSavePath"
        rm /tmp/lsusbinfo

echo $selection | grep "32/64 bit CPU" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    if [ "$(egrep -c ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo)" -lt "1" ]; then
        zenity --title="32/64 bit CPU" --info --text="This is $bus_zen bit CPU"

echo $selection | grep "Processor info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    lscpu | tee /tmp/processorinfo | zenity --title="Processor info (lscpu)" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Close"
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
        zNewData=$(cat /tmp/processorinfo)
        zSavePath=$(echo -n "$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="CPU_info.txt" --title="Save Processor info")")
        echo -n "$zNewData" > "$zSavePath"
        rm /tmp/processorinfo

echo $selection | grep "32/64 bit OS" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    if [ "$(uname -a | egrep -c 'i386|i486|i586|i686')" -eq "1" ]; then
        zenity --title="32/64 bit OS" --info --text="This is $os_zen bit OS"

echo $selection | grep "Full info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    inxi -Fxz -c 0 | tee /tmp/inxifull | zenity --title="Full info (inxi -Fxz)" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Close"
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
        zNewData=$(cat /tmp/inxifull)
        zSavePath=$(echo -n "$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="Full_info.txt" --title="Save Full Computer info")")
        echo -n "$zNewData" > "$zSavePath"
        rm /tmp/inxifull

echo $selection | grep "Partition info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    inxi -plu -c 0 | tee /tmp/partitionsinfo| zenity --title="Partition info (inxi -plu)" --text-info --width=650 --height=400 --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Close"
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
        zNewData=$(cat /tmp/partitionsinfo)
        zSavePath=$(echo -n "$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="Partition_info.txt" --title="Save Partition info")")
        echo -n "$zNewData" > "$zSavePath"
        rm /tmp/partitionsinfo

echo $selection | grep "View Repositories" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    inxi -r -c 0 | tee /tmp/repositorieslist | zenity --title="Repositories (inxi -r)" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Close"
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
        zNewData=$(cat /tmp/repositorieslist)
        zSavePath=$(echo -n "$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="Repositories.txt" --title="Save List Of The Repositories")")
        echo -n "$zNewData" > "$zSavePath"
        rm /tmp/repositorieslist

echo $selection | grep "View Graphics" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    inxi -Gxx -c 0 | tee /tmp/graphicsinfo | zenity --title="Graphics info (inxi -Gxx)" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Close"
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
        zNewData=$(cat /tmp/graphicsinfo)
        zSavePath=$(echo -n "$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="Graphics_inxi.txt" --title="Save Graphic information (inxi)")")
        echo -n "$zNewData" > "$zSavePath"
        rm /tmp/graphicsinfo

echo $selection | grep "View Audio" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    inxi -A -c 0 | tee /tmp/audioinfo | zenity --title="Audio info (inxi -A)" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Close"
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
        zNewData=$(cat /tmp/audioinfo)
        zSavePath=$(echo -n "$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="Audio_info.txt" --title="Save Audio information (inxi)")")
        echo -n "$zNewData" > "$zSavePath"
        rm /tmp/audioinfo

echo $selection | grep "^View Network$" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    inxi -nz -c 0 | tee /tmp/networkinfo | zenity --title="Network info (inxi -nz)" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Close"
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
        zNewData=$(cat /tmp/networkinfo)
        zSavePath=$(echo -n "$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="Network_inxi.txt" --title="Save Network information (inxi)")")
        echo -n "$zNewData" > "$zSavePath"
        rm /tmp/networkinfo

echo $selection | grep "Network Configuration$" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    ifconfig -a | tee /tmp/networkconfinfo | zenity --title="Network info (ifconfig -a)" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Close"
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
        zNewData=$(cat /tmp/networkconfinfo)
        zSavePath=$(echo -n "$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="Network_conf.txt" --title="Save Network Configuration Info")")
        echo -n "$zNewData" > "$zSavePath"
        rm /tmp/networkconfinfo

echo $selection | grep "View OpenGL configuration" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    glxinfo | grep OpenGL | tee /tmp/openglinfo | zenity --title="View OpenGL configuration (glxinfo | grep OpenGL)" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Close"
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[3]}" -ne "1" ]; then
        zNewData=$(cat /tmp/openglinfo)
        zSavePath=$(echo -n "$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="OpenGL_info.txt" --title="Save OpenGL Info")")
        echo -n "$zNewData" > "$zSavePath"
        rm /tmp/openglinfo

echo $selection | grep "View lsb release" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
    lsb_release -dic| tee /tmp/lsbinfo | zenity --title="View lsb release (lsb_release -dic)" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Close"
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
        zNewData=$(cat /tmp/lsbinfo)
        zSavePath=$(echo -n "$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="Network_conf.txt" --title="Save ls_ release Info")")
        echo -n "$zNewData" > "$zSavePath"
        rm /tmp/lsbinfo

This works on both xubuntu and LL 2.0 and 2.2 with Gedit

#! /bin/bash
# Info tool working with Gedit by Misko_2083 Update Sysdrum

#inxi installed?
if [ -z "$(which inxi)"  ]; then

   if zenity --title="Question" --question text="Inxi is not installed, do you want to install it?\nIf you choose No program will exit."
      gksudo "sudo apt-get install inxi -y" | zenity --progress --title="Installing inxi" --text="please wait" --pulsate --auto-close
            if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
               zenity --error --title="Error" --text="inxi could not be installed."
#gedit installed?
if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' gedit 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ];then

   if zenity --title="Question" --question text="Gedit is not installed, do you want to install it?\nIf you choose No program will exit."
      gksudo "sudo apt-get install gedit -y" | zenity --progress --title="Installing Gedit" --text="please wait" --pulsate --auto-close     
            if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
               zenity --error --title="Error" --text="Gedit could not be installed."

disk_df=(FALSE "Fs disk space info" "df -Th | grep /dev/sd" "View filesystem disk space usage")

FDISK=(FALSE "List Partitions" "sudo fdisk -l" "List out the partition information (password required)")

BLOCKDEV=(FALSE "Display Block Devices" "lsblk" "List out information all block devices")

lspci_info=(FALSE "PCI info" "lspci -vnn" "View PCI devices info")

lspci_graph=(FALSE "Graphics" "lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12" "View graphics devices info")

lsusb_info=(FALSE "USB info" "lsusb" "View usb devices info")

CPU=(FALSE "32/64 bit CPU" " " "Find out is this 32 or 64 bit CPU")

CPUZ=(FALSE "Processor info" "lscpu" "Display detailed info on CPU")

OS=(FALSE "32/64 bit OS" "uname -a" "Find out is this 32 or 64 bit OS")

inxi_full=(FALSE "Full info" "inxi -Fxz" "View system info")

inxi_df=(FALSE "Partition info" "inxi -plu" "View partition info")

REPOS=(FALSE "View Repositories" "inxi -r" "View repositories on this sistem")

GRAPHICS=(FALSE "View Graphics" "inxi -Gxx" "View graphics on this sistem")

AUDIO=(FALSE "View Audio" "inxi -A" "View audio on this sistem")

NETWORK=(FALSE "View Network" "inxi -nz" "View network on this sistem")

NETWORKC=(FALSE "Network Configuration" "ifconfig -a" "View network  configuration on this sistem")

OPENGL=(FALSE "View OpenGL configuration" "glxinfo | grep OpenGL" "View OpenGL configuration on this sistem")

LSB=(FALSE "View lsb release" "lsb_release -dic" "View lsb release info")

selection=$(zenity --window-icon="$ic" --list --checklist --width=900 --height=700 --column="Select" --column="Name" --column="Command" \
--column="Description" --text="Select the info tool you wish to use, then click the Display button." --title="Info" --ok-label="Display" --cancel-label="Quit" --separator="\n" \
"${disk_df[@]}" \
"${FDISK[@]}" \
"${BLOCKDEV[@]}" \
"${lspci_info[@]}" \
"${lspci_graph[@]}" \
"${lsusb_info[@]}" \
"${CPU[@]}" \
"${CPUZ[@]}" \
"${OS[@]}" \
"${inxi_full[@]}" \
"${inxi_df[@]}" \
"${REPOS[@]}" \
"${GRAPHICS[@]}" \
"${AUDIO[@]}" \
"${NETWORK[@]}" \
"${NETWORKC[@]}" \
"${OPENGL[@]}" \
"${LSB[@]}" )

# If Quit is clicked then exit
if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
exit 0

# check if anything is selected
echo $selection | grep '[a-zA-Z0-9]'
if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "0" ]; then
zenity --info --title='Info' --text='Nothing was selected.'
exit 0

echo $selection | grep "^Fs disk space info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   SOME_TEXT="df - View file system disk space usage\nYou can select the mount to open in the file manager"

   df -h -T| tail -n+2 | while read fs type size used rest target; do
      if [[ $rest ]] ; then
         echo "$fs" "$type" "$size"B "$used"B "$rest"B "${target[@]}" |  grep /dev/sd | # remove "grep /dev/sd |" to show all
         awk '{print $1,"\n",$2,"\n",$3,"\n",$4,"\n",$5,"\n",$6}BEGIN{ s = 7; e = 35; }{for (i=s; i<=e; i++) printf("%s%s", $(i), i<e ? OFS : "\n"); }' #Workaround for disk labels that contain whitespaces(number of characters that can be divided by whitespace =e-s)
   done | sed -e 's/[ \t]*$//' $1|zenity --list --width=685 --height=350 --title="${SOME_TITLE}" --text="${SOME_TEXT}" --column="Device" --column="Type" --column="Size" --column="Used" --column="Free" --column="%Used" --column="Mount" --print-column="7"| cut -d '|' -f2| tee /tmp/tempdf

   #With radiolist is also an option
   #done | sed -e 's/[ \t]*$//' $1| sed 's!^/dev/sd*!FALSE\n/dev/sd!g' | zenity --list --radiolist --width=685 --height=350 --title="${SOME_TITLE}" --text="${SOME_TEXT}" --column="Select" --column="FS" --column="Type" --column="Size" --column="Used" --column="Free" --column="%Used" --column="Mount" --print-column="8"| cut -d '|' -f2| tee /tmp/tempdf

   if [ -z "$(cat /tmp/tempdf)" ]; then
   exit 0

   xdg-open "$(cat /tmp/tempdf)"
   rm -f /tmp/tempdf

echo $selection | grep "List Partitions" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   gksudo --message 'To run this tool your password is required. Enter your password, or press Cancel.' 'sudo fdisk -l' |tee /tmp/lsblkinfo.txt| zenity --title="PCI info" --text-info --width=800 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in gedit" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
       gedit /tmp/lsblkinfo.txt; rm /tmp/lsblkinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "Display Block Devices" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   lsblk | zenity --title="PCI info" --text-info --width=800 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Gedit" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      lsblk > /tmp/lsblkinfo.txt; gedit /tmp/lsblkinfo.txt; rm /tmp/lsblkinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "PCI info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   lspci -vnn | zenity --title="PCI info" --text-info --width=800 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Gedit" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      lspci -nn > /tmp/lspciinfo.txt; gedit /tmp/lspciinfo.txt; rm /tmp/lspciinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "^Graphics$" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 | zenity --title="Graphics" --text-info --width=800 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Gedit" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12  > /tmp/lspcigraph.txt; gedit /tmp/lspcigraph.txt; rm /tmp/lspcigraph.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "USB info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   lsusb | zenity --title="USB info" --text-info --width=800 --height=400 --ok-label="Open in Gedit" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      lsusb > /tmp/lsusbinfo.txt; gedit /tmp/lsusbinfo.txt; rm /tmp/lsusbinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "32/64 bit CPU" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   if [ "$(egrep -c ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo)" -lt "1" ]; then
      zenity --title="32/64 bit CPU" --info --text="This is $bus_zen bit CPU"

echo $selection | grep "Processor info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   lscpu | zenity --title="Processor info" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Gedit" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      lscpu > /tmp/processorinfo.txt; gedit /tmp//tmp/processorinfo.txt; rm /tmp/processorinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "32/64 bit OS" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   if [ "$(uname -a | egrep -c 'i386|i486|i586|i686')" -eq "1" ]; then
      zenity --title="32/64 bit OS" --info --text="This is $os_zen bit OS"

echo $selection | grep "Full info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   inxi -Fxz -c 0 | zenity --title="Full info" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Gedit" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      inxi -Fxz -c 0 > /tmp/inxifull.txt; gedit /tmp/inxifull.txt; rm /tmp/inxifull.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "Partition info" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   inxi -plu -c 0 | zenity --title="Partition info" --text-info --width=650 --height=400 --ok-label="Open in Gedit" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      inxi -plu -c 0 > /tmp/partitionsinfo.txt; gedit /tmp/partitionsinfo.txt; rm /tmp/partitionsinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "View Repositories" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   inxi -r -c 0| zenity --title="Repositories" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Gedit" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      inxi -r -c 0 > /tmp/repositorieslist.txt; gedit /tmp/repositorieslist.txt; rm /tmp/repositorieslist.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "View Graphics" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   inxi -Gxx -c 0| zenity --title="Graphics info" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Gedit" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      inxi -Gxx -c 0 > /tmp/graphicsinfo.txt; gedit /tmp/graphicsinfo.txt; rm /tmp/graphicsinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "View Audio" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   inxi -A -c 0| zenity --title="Audio info" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Gedit" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      inxi -A -c 0 > /tmp/audioinfo.txt; gedit /tmp/audioinfo.txt; rm /tmp/audioinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "^View Network$" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   inxi -nz -c 0 | zenity --title="Network info" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Gedit" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      inxi -nz -c 0 > /tmp/networkinfo.txt; gedit /tmp/networkinfo.txt; rm /tmp/networkinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "Network Configuration" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   ifconfig -a | zenity --title="Network info" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Gedit" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      ifconfig -a > /tmp/networkconfinfo.txt; gedit /tmp/networkconfinfo.txt; rm /tmp/networkconfinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "View OpenGL configuration" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   glxinfo | grep OpenGL| zenity --title="View OpenGL configuration" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Gedit" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      glxinfo | grep OpenGL > /tmp/openglinfo.txt; gedit /tmp/openglinfo.txt; rm /tmp/openglinfo.txt
      exit 0

echo $selection | grep "View lsb release" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
   lsb_release -dic| zenity --title="lsb_release" --text-info --width=850 --height=600 --ok-label="Open in Gedit" --cancel-label="Close"
   if [ "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne "1" ]; then
      lsb_release -dic > /tmp/lsbinfo.txt; gedit /tmp/lsbinfo.txt; rm /tmp/lsbinfo.txt
      exit 0

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