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GUI Updates script
Hi folks,

I would like some volunteers to try this update script I have been working on and off for some months now.

This would require you to create this file first so that there is no interruption in the update process:

sudo leafpad /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/local

Dpkg::Options {

save and close.

Here is the script:

leafpad ~/updatestest

copy into the following, then save and close, and make executable:

# Name: Linux Lite Updates
# Description: A GUI tool to easily install Updates in Linux Lite.
# Authors: Misko_2083, Jerry Bezencon
# Date: Nov 20th, 2014
# Website:

# Kill off any package managers that may be running
sudo killall -9 synaptic
killall -9 gdebi-gtk

# Need a check here to see if any updates are available, if there are none, script pops up dialog box saying 'No Updates Available'

# Erase existing available info
sudo dpkg --clear-avail

# Linux Lite default dialog icon

# Get list of available updated packages then populate them to /tmp/updateslist
zenity --question --title="Linux Lite Updates" --window-icon="/usr/share/icons/zenity-llcc.png" --text="We will now fetch the Updates list.\n\nClick Yes to continue or No to abort."
   if [ "$?" -eq "0" ];then

x=$( stdbuf -oL /bin/bash \-c '(sudo apt-get update \-y )' 2>&1 |
stdbuf -oL sed -n -e '/\[*$/ s/^/# /p' -e '/\*$/ s/^/# /p'|
zenity --progress --title="Updating package information..." --pulsate \
--width=600 --auto-close )

LISTNAMES=$(apt-get --just-print upgrade 2>&1 | perl -ne 'if (/Inst\s([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\s\[([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\]\s\(([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\)? /i) {print "Name: $1 INSTALLED: $2 AVAILABLE: $3\n"}' | tee /tmp/updateslist)

       exit 0

# Call the zenity dialog to show update list
zenity --text-info --title="List of available Updates - Click OK to continue or Cancel to stop the update process" --width=700 --height=300 --filename="/tmp/updateslist"
   if [ "$?" -eq "0" ];then

# Main window dialogue.
INSTALLER_TITLE="Linux Lite Updates

Please make sure all software installation programs like
<b>Synaptic Package Manager</b> and <b>Gdebi</b> are closed before proceeding.

When you click on <b>Yes</b>, this window will close and the updates will begin.

Click on <b>Yes</b> to continue or <b>No</b> to cancel the updates process."

# Halt updates script if user selects Cancel
       exit 0

# Continue script if no halt
APPNAME="Linux Lite"
        zenity --question --title="$APPNAME Updates" --window-icon="${INSTALL_ICON}" --text="${INSTALLER_TITLE}"

                if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then

x=$( stdbuf -oL /bin/bash \-c '(sudo apt-get upgrade \-y )' 2>&1 | tee /var/log/llupdates.log |
stdbuf -oL sed -n -e '/\[*$/ s/^/# /p' -e '/\*$/ s/^/# /p'|
zenity --progress --title="Updating..." --pulsate \
--width=600 --auto-close )

                                if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
                                        zenity --error \
                                        --title="Error" --text="$APPNAME Updates have failed."
                                        exit 0


                                        exit 0

PROCEED=$(zenity --question --title="$APPNAME Updates" --window-icon=/usr/share/icons/zenity-llcc.png --text="Updates have finished installing.\n\nWould you like to view the $APPNAME Updates log?"; echo $?)
if [ ${PROCEED} -eq 1 ]; then
   zenity --info --title="$APPNAME Updates" --window-icon="${INSTALL_ICON}" --text="$APPNAME Updates Complete."
   zenity --text-info --title="Updates Log" --width=700 --height=300 --filename="/var/log/llupdates.log"

exit 0

Then open terminal and run:

gksudo ./updatestest

and let me know how you get on.

Thanks Smile
I'm going to run this on 2.2 Final on my own computer for several months until 2.4 is released to see if it stands the test of time. If this works well and is stable, I hope to include it in 2.4 next year, being such a critical piece of software, it has to work well over a long period of time.
I would be happy too help with the script test; however, I am unable to do so because since I installed the updates on my Dell D620, that you did the remote install on (11/06/14) I have no wireless access too the network. I tried the on board help too locate a fix or a method of trouble shooting. Failing too find a fix I did as you advised and posted my problem on the forum but to date haven't received a reply. With God's help I am doing my best too find out why installing the updates would wipe out my wifi access too the network and as soon as I find the answer I will post it and should you still need a script tester be more than happy too help. God bless you.
tnx john
@Jerry - Testing the script now. I'll have some feedback soon.
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]
The script is running well for me (LL 2.2/64 Beta on VBox). Possibly one small issue (see note at bottom). After running the new script(updatestest) the original script "install updates" will generate an error:

[Image: rtOXdZk.png]

Commenting out these in "install updates" will fix it or at least stop the error.
killall -9 synaptic
killall -9 gdebi-gtk

Some troubleshooting I tried
logout/login didn't help
reboot didn't didn't help

Note. I say this is a possible issue because when this script is released I assume the orginal script "install updates" will be removed.
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]
It looks like the update error above (reply #4) in the screenshot has nothing to do with the updatestest script but with package:
lite-software 1.0-0330-linuxlite.

This line in the updates script seems to be the cause
sudo killall -9 synaptic && killall -9 gdebi-gtk && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Specifically these commands
killall -9 synaptic && killall -9 gdebi-gtk

[Image: q7j1yAl.png]
@Scott, that particular 'error' stems from the script closing gdebi or synaptic if they are open so that Install Updates completes uninterrupted. It was an addition I made recently as I've noticed newbies posting Install Updates doesn't complete, in the end only to find out they have another package manager open. I need to fine tune it and put an 'if, else' statement in there to suppress the reported 'error'. Thank you for helping with the testing Smile

@jabbott, this thread is specifically about a new GUI updates script. Which area of the forum did you originally post your thread? I see nothing under the Hardware Support > Network section in your name. If you have not started one there yet, please do so to receive the correct Support. Thank you.
Quick fix for the updates. Replace the line 15 in /usr/scripts/updates with this.
sudo killall -9 synaptic || echo ok && killall -9 gdebi-gtk || echo ok && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
Thanks misko, a good quick fix there, What we need long term is a if-else statement that suppresses any errors Smile
Apologies if I was a bit enthusiastic Smile with my postings. Couldn't sleep last night and had too much time on my hands.
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]

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