Replying to my own post having made some progress after staring a screen for 24 hours
This might help others.
I'm presuming that Linux Lite 64bit comes 64bit Wine. However, after installation (along with WineTricks) one can install a 32bit prefix.
1. Installing Wine from the Menu / Wine
A. This failed "p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/ "
Seems this is due to me having an AMD processor. Solution is a
mkdir temp
cd mktemp ## create and go to a temporary temp dir
apt-get download gnome-keyring:i386 ## download the i386 version of gnome-keyring
ar x gnome-keyring*.deb ## Uncompress the package
## Finally move the file you need to the desired location:
sudo mv usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
Actually I moved the folder via File Manager as Administrator
B. When doing step 2 below (Defining the 32bit Wine Prefix) I got another similar error:
"WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /tmp/keyring-UgwQYN/pkcs11: No such file or directory"
I again copied the pkcs11 folder to the /tmp/keyring-UgwQYN/ folder (name may vary) but then got:
"WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /tmp/keyring-UgwQYN/pkcs11: Connection refused"
Many solution given at
I chose:
1. Open the Session settings:
Settings -> Preferences -> Settings Manager -> Session and Startup
2. Enable GNOME compatibility mode:
Go to Advanced, check "Launch GNOME services on startup"
3. Disable unwanted GNOME-only autostart files:
Execute the following one-liner on the shell:
for gnome_autostart in $(awk '/^OnlyShowIn=/ && /GNOME;/ && !/XFCE;/ { print
FILENAME }' /etc/xdg/autostart/*); do sed '$aHidden=true' ${gnome_autostart}
>${HOME}/.config/autostart/${gnome_autostart##*/}; done
I only did 1 & 2, rebooted and it worked. Suggest solution B is tried before A.
A. Wine is not and must not be installed as root (sudo)
B. My Wine (I'll called it the BaseWine) was installed in /home/alan/.wine
2. Defining the 32bit Wine Prefix
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/wine-c/wine/wine32 winecfg
A. wine-c is a partition and I created the wine folder as root and then gave myself as user RW permission:
sudo chown -R alan: /wine-c/wine
I read it was not preferable to give a user permissions at partition level.
B. folder wine32 must
not exist. If you wish to rebuild (and lose your applications) you must delete it.
3. Installing an application. As a test I installed IrfanView (from a Terminal) but it installed into the 64bit BaseWine.
The issue is that the WINEPREFIX Environment variable must be stated prior to every execution or every opening of Terminal.
4. Making the WINEPREFIX permanent
I made it permanent by creating a script file in /etc/profile.d as Admin. e.g.
export WINEPREFIX=/wine-c/wine/wine32
Rebooted and ran printenv and it confirms the WINEPREFIX Environment variable as set by the script
5. Installed as a test MSPaint via WineTricks
For some reason the application was installed in a new WinePrefix at:
rather than in my /wine-c/wine/wine32
Maybe because MSPaint seems to be single executable file or because I used WineTricks.
6. Installed IrfanView again from a terminal
cd "/home/alan/Desktop/My Install/Installed files/IrfanView" # i.e. CD to where the exe file is located
wine iview430_setup.exe
Had about 100 errors of the form:
"err:menubuilder:convert_to_native_icon error 0x80070005 creating output file L"Z:\\home\\alan\\.local\\share\\icons\\hicolor\\16x16\\apps\\A35F_hh.0.png" "
This time it's installed in my Win32 Prefix /wine-c/wine/wine32/drive_c/Program Files and opens OK.
1. Menu / Wine items still refer to the BaseWine install in /home/alan/.wine . Needs to be changed
2. Menu / Other InfanView items do not work (hangover from the 1st install) and the 2nd install has not update the items. Also I would expect these menu items to have their own group in the hierarchy.
3. BMP images are not associated with InfanView - maybe linked to all those error messages.
4. To install a more complex application, namely Quicken 98.