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Rolling stone
Found my home. Dammit I just keep coming back to Lite. I love the little linux distro. Fits me like a glove. I feel like I am the master of my domain. Does anyone know what I'm saying?

I Started Ubuntu 10.10 years ago and that was so disappointing. No not at the distro or even the Linux as an OS. I just had no clue what I was getting into. I think I broke it that same night. I was so clueless.

Gone back to Win7 for a few more years and saw a youtube video and that peaked my interest again. By that time I was gonna trying Ubuntu 14.04 and this time after watching a few hundred bash and distro install videos I decided to give Ubuntu another go. This time I managed to keep it going for over a month with out breaking it. Unity was fun but I got sick of it fast.

So I came across a few more reviews and found Linux Lite. I liked it and played with it a few days. Burnt me a CD and still wanted to see the others.

Tried to install Open Suse and I think something went wrong and bailed. Went back to Lite.

Few weeks later thought I try something else. Starting to figure this stuff out.

I  tried Linux mint KDE and I liked it but so much eye candy and stuff to play with and adjust. I did not like the Activities thingy and the different types of desktops and all I wanted was to put icons on the desktop. So I bailed on that but kept the disk.

Back to Lite

Tried some Jeos and did not get far with that at all. Tried FreeBSD NOPE never even got it installed.

I thought I should have to try Red Hat too but it seems like thats not a free distro.

Back to Lite. Think I'll stay a while.

Sorry for the long post....

Howdy and Welcome.
LL 3.6,2.8
Dell XT2 > Touchscreen Laptop
Dell 755 > Desktop
Acer 150 > Desktop
I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
Hello and welcome to the community. Smile
Hello LinuxNoob,

Welcome to the forum and community.
Thanks again everyone. My little Acer Aspire one lives again. Got her all set nice.
Nice desktop. I like how you did the panel and the graphs. Smile
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]

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