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Linux Lite support for 5 years
Hi all,  Smile

I´ve got a question regarding the support period of Linux Lite.

I understand Lite is based on Ubuntu LTS and thus receives 5 ys of updates. That´s really great.  :045:
But what I´d very much like to know how this is achieved.

Doing a bit of research I came across the following facts:

- Ubuntu and the other derivates all use the same repositories.
- The only difference: Server and "normal" Ubuntu only use packages from the "main" and "restricted" branches, which are supported by Canonical for 5 years.

- All other derivatives come with packages from "universe" and even "multiverse". So if you use Ubuntu and don't install a single package from "universe" or "multiverse", you have 5 years of support. Otherwise only 3 years.

- By default, "universe" and "multiverse" are not active in Server.

I know that e.g. Lubuntu offers just 3 ys of support, but here there are "main", "restricted", "universe" and "multiverse" set as active.

So I was wondering: how does Linux Lite go about providing 5 years of support? Are only "main" and "restricted" active?
Or is there even a dedicated Lite repository implemented?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help.

Many greetings from Rosika  :wave
So I was wondering: how does Linux Lite go about providing 5 years of support? Are only "main" and "restricted" active?

We keep producing things like custom kernels, up to date versions of third party software via our repo (as and when we can) and ofc the Ubuntu LTS repos themselves. We also provide newer versions of our own software for previous Series only if there is a bug or security issue.

Or is there even a dedicated Lite repository implemented? since 2014
Hi Jerry,  Smile

thanks a lot for your reply.  :045:

O.K., I think I understand the main points.

Still, there´s one thing I don´t quite get:

Quote:and ofc the Ubuntu LTS repos themselves.

As far as the "main" branch is concerned, that´s clear. They get 5 ys support by canonical.

However, on
it says:
Quote:The vast majority of the software in the Ubuntu Software Center comes from the Universe repository. These packages are either automatically imported from the latest version of Debian or uploaded and maintained by the Ubuntu community.

Wouldn´t that mean for programmes from the  "vast majority of the software in the Ubuntu Software Center" there wouldn´t be a 5 year support period available?

Perhaps I´m all wrong here; I´m a bit confused.  :Smile

Many greetings from Rosika  :wave

Sent from my Mobile phone using Tapatalk

Hi Jerry,

thanks for the link.
I think everything´s clear now.  Smile

Thanks so much for your help.

Many greetings.
Rosika  :wave

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