1st thing to check is after installing updates, is to check "Install Drivers"
You can find this on the Welcome Screen, Menu (type the name)..
Under the Additional Drivers you may see additional drivers for your system...
Under Control Panel:
Also for video - you may want to check "Display" and can try different resolution/refresh configurations.
"Mouse and Touchpad" also listed - Under devices, next to device on the far right ensure button is enabled.
"Power Manager" which you've found, you can adjust the settings in the tab.
My laptop is still on LL4.8 but I believe the screens/functionality are the same...
Any of the programs listed or on the system can also be searched - click the menu button and type the name... i.e. type Lite and all the programs specific will resolve.
One other piece of advice - I would make a backup via TimeShift, is like a Last Know Good Config..
Should you attempt to install drivers or apply fixes to correct the hardware - you can easily revert back to the current/pre state.
Then once you're happy - you can delete the old and make another back up...
Keeping in line with easy fixes or those easily reverted...
What I would try next, is a newer kernel.. Your using 5.4 perhaps a newer kernel..
Search for "Lite Tweaks" then "Kernel Installer".. I would maybe try 5.8 then 5.10 or 5.12 .. you dont have to try each one.. BUT I would try the lower then next higher = so when you reboot (you'll have to) you will automatically boot to the HIGHEST...
You can remove old kernels with "Kernel Remover" in tweaks...
You cannot remove the in use kernel - safety net as to not break system...
IF the new kernel does not work or the system does not like it (say things stop working)..
Return to the last working kernel by rebooting - then on the "Grub Screen" - choose "Advanced" then choose the desired kernel (5.4) ...
To confirm what kernel you're using/booted to
If you want to try an older kernel = same as above but you'll want to choose the "Advanced" on grub to select the older..
If joy is found - you can use "Kernel Remover" to any other tested kernels... But I'd keep 5.4.xxx -- I like to keep the previous kernel or 2 just to make sure all is good
** This sounds like a lot - but its not really **
LL has simplified a lot of this functionality and is all GUI based (less the 1 command I provided)
And every listed here is easily recoverable.