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What are some MUST HAVE Linux programs/software you MUST have on a fresh install
Hello everyone,

I've recently started using POP OS! on my laptop and liking it so far. I know whenever I install a fresh windows pc I have certain programs I need or atleast want to have on it before I can start using it like I want. Since I'm new to Linux I don't have this knowledge yet on some easy to use or must have things. Everything is appreciated, I like learning new stuff but some things I am looking for:

- printscreen program where I can easily take a SS of a part of the window and edit it. I tried Flameshot but it kinda bugs out on me.

- Music/Video Player with subtitle support.

- Easy file manager, something in the line of windirstat where you can easily see what is hogging all my harddrive space.

-Remote desktop Client, something I can use RDP files with, I use Remmina now, but I would like some other alternatives if there are ones.

-Any Linux exclusive games that look like dwarf fortress Big Grin

-Anything else you find usefull in your daily use of Linux

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