04-05-2019, 04:06 PM
find | colourfind
find | colourfind -d
(which adds the date)
since I'm new here, I expect that you wouldn't simply trust this code without some kind of vetting. It happens to be perfectly alright, but that isn't the point.
find | colourfind
find | colourfind -d
(which adds the date)
since I'm new here, I expect that you wouldn't simply trust this code without some kind of vetting. It happens to be perfectly alright, but that isn't the point.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
#### license: creative commons cc0 1.0 (public domain)
#### http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
proginf = "colourfind, mar 2019 mn"
import sys
import os
from datetime import datetime
from sys import stdin, stdout
from os import popen
from os import name as osname
def colortext(f, b ):
if f == None:
f = 0
if b == None:
b = 0
n = "0"
if f > 7:
n = "1"
f = f - 8
if f == 1:
f = 4 ## switch ansi colours for qb
elif f == 4:
f = 1
if f == 3:
f = 6
elif f == 6:
f = 3
if b > 7:
b = b - 8
if b == 1:
b = 4
elif b == 4:
b = 1
if b == 3:
b = 6
elif b == 6:
b = 3
return "\x1b[" + n + ";" + str(30+f) + ";" + str(40+ b ) + "m"
def padleft(p, s, c=7):
if type( c ) == int:
c = (c, 0)
c = c.split()
return colortext(int(c[0]),
int(c[1])) + (" " * s + str(p))[-s:] + colortext(7, 0)
def padright(p, s, c="5 0"):
if type( c ) == int:
c = (c, 0)
c = c.split()
return colortext(int(c[0]),
int(c[1])) + (str(p) + " " * s)[:s] + colortext(7, 0)
def colourdc(c, f="p"):
if type( c ) != int: c = c.lower()
if c in [0, "0"]:
return "9 0"
cb = "0"
if len(f.split()) > 1:
cb = "1"
if c in [2, ".bat", ".com", ".exe"]:
return "10 " + cb
if c in [1, ".lnk"]:
return "11 " + cb
if c in [".tgz", ".tar.gz", ".gz", ".zip", ".7z"]:
return "4 " + cb
if c in [".fig", ".alex", ".py", ".fig.py", ".rose"]:
return "2 " + cb
if c in [".ogg", ".mp4", ".mpeg", ".mpg", ".mp3", ".webm", ".odt",
".odp", ".pdf"]:
return "3 " + cb
if c in ["."]:
return "8 " + cb
if c in [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".bmp", ".pbm", ".pgm", ".ppm",
".tga", ".xbm", ".xpm", ".tif", ".tiff", ".png", ".svg", ".svgz",
".mng", ".pcx", ".mov", ".mpg", ".mpeg", ".m2v", ".mkv", ".ogm",
".m4v", ".mp4v", ".vob", ".flc", ".avi", ".fli", ".flv", ".gl",
".dl", ".xcf", ".xwd", ".yuv", ".cgm", ".emf", ".ogv"]:
return "13 " + cb
if c in [".htm", ".html", ".txt", ".js", ".php"]:
return "14 " + cb
return "7 " + cb
dates = ""
cw = 80
sizel = 0
dates = dates[1:]
from os import listdir
from os import path
for fp in stdin:
fp = fp[:-1]
b = []
bfext = 0
bp = 0
bfs = 0
bfiletime = 19
paths = 1
for p in chr(0):
p = fp
paths = 1
fext = path.splitext(fp + path.sep + p)[1]
if len(p) > bfext:
bfext = len(p)
fs = int(os.path.getsize(fp))
bfs = 0
fs = ""
if os.access(fp, os.X_OK):
fext = 2
if os.path.isdir(fp):
fext = 0
if os.path.islink(fp):
fext = 1
filetime = str(
filetime = ""
tab = chr(9)
pld = 1
tab = chr(9)
bfile = tab + tab + padleft(str(filetime), bfiletime)
flag = (sys.argv[1] == "-d")
flag = 0
if not flag:
bfile = ""
print(str(fs) + " " + tab + padright(p,
bfext, colourdc(fext, p)) + bfile)
except OSError: