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Linux Lite 4.0 Final Released
Release Announcement

Linux Lite 4.0 Final is now available for download.

This release marks the beginning of Series 4.x Codename Diamond.

The main changes in Linux Lite Series 4.x include a new icon and system theme, Timeshift for system backups, Shotwell to manage and perform basic edits on images, MenuLibre to manage menu entries, new Lite applications including Lite Desktop that manages common icons on the Desktop, Lite Sounds to manage system wide sounds, and many of our existing applications have been updated.

See below for all the changes:

- Minimum recommended specs have been raised slightly to more realistic levels (RAM, CPU).
- There are no more 32bit ISO releases. If you still require a 32bit OS due to hardware limitations, Series 3.x is supported through to April 2021.
- XFCE Pulseaudio plugin, has been added to the system tray for highly customizable options regarding volume management.
- Full disk encryption now replaces home encryption in the installer (an Ubuntu implementation).
- The new boot splash also shows you the password field in GUI for encrypted partitions.
- Ubuntu no longer offers an opportunity to set a swap partition. A swap file is now automatically created for you which is a maximum of 2gb or 5% of free disk space (an Ubuntu implementation).
- Compositing is now enabled out-of-the-box.

New Theme (Adapta) and Icon (Papirus) sets.

Faenza icons were dropped as it had not been maintained in some time (albeit there is a fork) and the same for the Arc theme, development seems to have stalled there. Most of our approach to theming in Series 4.x follows the popular Flat design focus. We also now use the Openzone mouse theme.

[Image: zC6Me2j.png]

[Image: xvJhcoi.png]

Language Support - Is improved in this Series. You should get most Menu items in your native language if that is what you chose during the install. Menu items that are not in your native language were either modified by us to give a clearer description, or are Linux Lite applications (slated for translation Series 5.x). You still may need to configure your keyboard post-install. Feedback on this improvement is welcome. I think we've reached a good balance by keeping our legendary fast install process, and offering language support ootb post-install.

Lite Desktop

Lite Desktop is a convenient way for you to get to frequently accessed locations on your computer.

[Image: 5ez4vQq.png]

Note - This is currently only supported in US English. As a workaround if you are using anything else other than US English, once you have updated the the system to full language support, rebooted, and in this example we'll use French, copy all the icons from /home/youruser/Desktop to /home/youruser/Bureau. You can then delete the icons you don't want to see (right click delete).

Help Manual

Has been majorly updated. All content and images have been updated. This was a massive undertaking (nearly 3 weeks of continuous full time work), so please take advantage of our easy to follow guide.

[Image: 7UnRXy1.png]

Lite Sounds

For the first time in Linux Lite we now have working system sounds. Head to Menu, Settings, Lite Sounds and configure sounds the way you want. By default, the start up and log out sounds are enabled by default, the rest of the system sounds are disabled by default. To enable system wide sounds, simply click on the Enable System Sounds button at the top. There is still some work to do here, but this is a great start.

[Image: 1tzZzbQ.png]


Timeshift replaces Systemback for system backups. If you intent to use Timeshift you should have at least a 125gb HDD/SSD or larger storage device to accommodate up to 5 snapshots. Systemback is not supported in the 18.04 base. An external storage device is highly recommended, but not essential. In lieu of an external storage device, a separate partition at least 125gb plus is recommended so you need to think carefully how you will partition during Series 4.x installations.

[Image: VzCYMXs.png]

Linux Lite branded applications

[Image: Gls07e7.png]

Are now easy to find under Menu, Settings and under System in the Settings Manager. They are distinguishable by their unique design and black background. A huge thank you to [member=5059]whateverthing[/member] for his designs here. He also responsible for creating our new Lite feather logo and Diamond (and Final) wallpapers for this release.

New Terminals

We've replaced LXTerminal with XFCE Terminal thanks to your feedback. We've added Powerline to the prompt, and put in some basic system information at the top of the terminal for both the user and Administrator modes.

[Image: mU3jk6m.png]


Menu management has been improved with the introduction of MenuLibre. Now, when sub-menu applications appear not to be in alphabetical order, resorting is just a click of a button in our heavily customized XFCE menu. You can find it in Menu, Settings, Menu Editor. To sort a sub menu, expand the sub menu tree, click on the first application then click on the sort button (see image below).

[Image: ba1CKwI.png]


[Image: CHxIoap.png]

Boot Splash:

[Image: nqx8Bwq.png]


Web Browser - Firefox 60.0.1 Quantum
Email Client - Thunderbird 52.8.0
Office Suite - LibreOffice
Media Player - VLC 3.0.2
Image Editor - Gimp 2.10.2
System Backup and Restore - Timeshift 18.4
File Manager - Thunar 1.6.15
Base: 18.04
Kernel: 4.15.0-22 (custom kernels are also available via our Repository for versions 3.13 - 4.16)
Series: 4.x


New - Theme and Icon Set (Adapta + Papirus)
New - Lite Desktop
New - Lite Sounds
New - XFCE Pulseaudio Plugin
New - Boot Splash
New - Grub
New - XFCE Terminal
New - Shotwell Image Viewer
New - MenuLibre
New - Timeshift for system backup and restore
New - Help Manual - fully updated for Series 4.x
New - Linux Lite branded applications Icon Set

Minimum Recommended Specs:
1Ghz processor
768mb ram
8gb HDD/SD
VGA screen capable of 1024x768 resolution
DVD drive or USB port for the ISO image

Preferred Specs:
1.5GHz processor+
1024mb ram+
20gb HDD/SSD+
VGA, DVI or HDMI screen capable of 1366x768 resolution+
DVD drive or USB port for the ISO image


Download 64bit from here - Linux Lite 4.0 Final 64bit
md5sum: f4ff50524b7fb18fe97a6748db1318ec
Size: 1.3Gb (DVD, USB)

Global HTTP Mirrors -

TORRENTS: (Fastest way to download the Final)

64bit Torrent from here - linux-lite-4.0-64bit.iso.torrent
Hash: e80f9dcca531d64ccd9bb0c7f7c2da8184d2ee84
Size: 1.3Gb (DVD, USB)

Live USB/DVD/VirtualBox/Vmware:

Login is automatic, no credentials are required. The image can be written to a 2gb or larger USB stick, or a writable DVD. Alternatively, you can use the dd command: sudo dd if=linux-lite-4.0-64bit.iso of=/dev/sdx bs=4M where 'x' is the letter of your usb stick. In linux to find out the letter of your usb stick, open a terminal and type: df -h It is usually listed as 'media' or similar. Please see the built in Help Manual if you require a more detailed explanation of this procedure.

Yumi, Multiboot and other multi-boot applications are not supported. A good, simple point and click USB ISO burner is
If the screen locks during Live mode, type linux into the user box and click on the Login button (no password required)


GTK vs GTK3 - We're well aware that the appearance of Calculator, Font Viewer, PDF Viewer and File Search differs from other apps (albeit a minor cosmetic difference) and are unlikely to be noticed by our target Windows audience. Ease of use was the deciding factor in the choice of each of these applications and that overrides any cosmetic considerations, and always will given our target audience.

HiDPI - The 'I bought a 4k Monitor but still want to view things on my screen at double the DPI' rant.
This amuses me more that any other topic in the free software world. Why on Earth would you spend good money on a 4k screen, only to double size everything...why! It makes no sense at all. Yet some are marketing this as a convenience and or 'special feature'.
Does Linux Lite support HiDPI? The answer is, it always has to a certain extent. No special button, no magic pixie dust, just good old Settings Appearance, Fonts, DPI. If you're going to buy a 4k monitor please be sensible, think about it first. Hail XFCE.

Known Issues:

If you are using a language other than English, the Menu shortcuts for My Computer will not work.

Performance Tips:

- For start up (boot time) - if you have no plans to run VirtualBox, and you want faster boots, you can remove it's supported additions:

sudo apt purge virtualbox*
sudo systemctl stop vboxadd.service
sudo systemctl stop vboxadd-service.service
sudo systemctl disable vboxadd.service
sudo systemctl disable vboxadd-service.service

Menu, Settings, Session and Startup, Application Autostart. Untick vboxclient.

VirtualBox support is included and has always been because this is how many people review an OS before they install it. Having the right support - clipboard, drag & drop, network, graphics etc gives a significantly better impression of an OS's function.

- Setting a static IP address (see the Help Manual) will improve boot times, it's something I've always used myself. Instead of waiting for your router to assign you an IP, the OS already has it set. One less thing for the start up procedure to spend time probing for.

Login to the live desktop is automatic.

The first thing you MUST do after a fresh install of Linux Lite is run Menu, Favorites, Install Updates.

In summary, what is Linux Lite Series 4.x?

[Image: giphy.gif]

Thank you Smile

Jerry and the team.
Thanks Jerry and the team for all the hard work Smile
Owner and DJ at WKDfm Radio ( )
Wow, a day early! Will be downloading and installing over next few days. Very excited!
(05-31-2018, 04:31 PM)mdiemer link Wrote: Wow, a day early! Will be downloading and installing over next few days. Very excited!

The release schedule is based on New Zealand time Smile See Release Times at the bottom -
Congratulations to Jerry and the team.

After the wonderful 3 Series, I'm sure the 4 Series will mature to become even better.

Very polished release announcement reflecting a very polished distro. Well done!


Mart Smile
Still running 3.8 and lovin' it  (running 5.0 as a triple boot)
Up and running in virtualbox and I'm really enjoying it. It's impressively polished for an initial release of a new series. Thanks to all those involved with development.
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]
sudo apt purge virtualbox*
sudo systemctl stop vboxadd.service
sudo systemctl stop vboxadd-service.service
sudo systemctl disable vboxadd.service
sudo systemctl disable vboxadd-service.service

This has effectively halved the LL 4.0 boot-time on my PC. Essential tip when running on bare metal!!! Smile
Also: congratulations for this magnificent release!!!

I enjoy it a LOT  Smile
(05-31-2018, 05:00 PM)dihonomo link Wrote:
sudo apt purge virtualbox*
sudo systemctl stop vboxadd.service
sudo systemctl stop vboxadd-service.service
sudo systemctl disable vboxadd.service
sudo systemctl disable vboxadd-service.service

This has effectively halved the LL 4.0 boot-time on my PC. Essential tip when running on bare metal!!! Smile
Glad you made use of it Smile

Sent from my Mi Max using Tapatalk

Thanks Jerry and everyone else in the team for all the hard work
Life on earth is expensive but it does include a free trip around the sun.

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