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Need Suggestions for the Help Manual
(04-28-2017, 02:10 PM)Scott link Wrote: 8) Great additional feature. Thanks Jerry.

[member=47]Scott[/member] , indeed! This is going to be a well appreciated feature that has been requested for some time now... woohooo!

[member=2]Jerry[/member] , regarding the SSD documentation and a viable solution, I coded a rather rough basic tool to address some of that but I wasn't too happy about it and came up with a different approach instead;  gnome-schedule that is. I think this is a simple way to do it and an easy one to document; it simplifies the process and gives users the ability to schedule and manage their own tasks under Linux Lite.

I have posted about it in my blog

Hope it helps others.

Sorry for seeming stupid and preferring Linux - I just don't know any better.

[Image: AGxgqJ6.png]
[member=6629]ralphy[/member] I tried the download link in your blog and it just loaded another page.
(04-29-2017, 05:55 AM)Jerry link Wrote: [member=6629]ralphy[/member] I tried the download link in your blog and it just loaded another page.

Please try again... overzealous naxsi rules.

Sorry for seeming stupid and preferring Linux - I just don't know any better.

[Image: AGxgqJ6.png]
Holy dependencies Batman!
It requires python-gtk2-dev, python-gconf, at, gnome-doc-utils, scrollkeeper, intltool, gksu

Sorry for seeming stupid and preferring Linux - I just don't know any better.

[Image: AGxgqJ6.png]
New section added to the next release of the Help Manual, Tour. I get a ton of emails about having something like this included, so I can now cross this off my list Smile

[Image: l8x9KRz.png]
I have a laptop with a broken screen, windows recognized the 1280x800 resolution of my external VGA monitor  All linux distros for me return edid error.  I figured it out, with help from forums, but it could have been easier.  Instructions for usage of cvt and xrandr and folder placement would be invaluable for some. Old guy here, 63, old electronics tech, I have patience, some do not.  Thanks
  Glad to hear the call for suggestions. A good help file determines whether I stay with an os or piece of software. This might be true for other people who live to learn as I do.
I switched to LinuxLite about 2 years ago. It is my main os now. Backup, documentation, and privacy and security were my main concerns when first learning linux. There wasn’t any sign of distros being concerned about making a restore point or wiping private data. These are the things I would have liked to have seen then and now:
- systemback: I was glad to see it pre-installed. Setting a restore point after install and updates is one of the best time savers I can think of. I’d add the following things because of the lack of documentation from the developer & all of the trial an error I went through.
  •   For multiboot users: a short tutorial for making an ext “backup” partition with gparted; mounting the parition and choosing the partition before making and naming a restore point;
  •   using the default grub repair settings from an install disc to fix grub and change the os that boots first;
  - cascading menu links: when you put the pointer on “start here” and other buttons submenus pop out.
- titles read tracking system: for those who set out to read the whole manual and need a helper to meet that goal.
- adjust page layout: Graphic design and the fine arts are interests of mine; The first page of the manual is beautiful. Some to the changes that you may consider are:
  •   the “start here” and other buttons could be made smaller to create some white space and even leave room for some of the interface changes that are most popular or needed.
  •   The color pallet is good. Many computer help files are boring to look at. New users are used to making the interface “their own”. Some os builders don’t fully recognize this.
  •   The “linux lite help manual” title is kind of floating in the white space. The white can be changed to a tint or a random color pattern. It may seem over the top, but it is a very small area and will implant a non descriptive emotional element that may excite people to use this will made manual (The shortcut links, videos and images are awesome additions).
  •   The glossary  could have more entries or just an advanced section.
  •   Customizing should include changing panel icons (os improvement: I have to reopen the icon manager for each panel icon change.  I don’t see any of the ubuntu based os’s making this customization take less time.
  - How to add a software center. Synaptic p.a. is difficult for a newbie to use. They don’t need to see all the system packages mixed in with consumer type software. (os improvement: LL needs a software center put in the “lite software” choices. I use gnome-software it takes some time to load, but in see no drain on my pentium 2.4 with 2gb ram. ).
- gparted: how to change the file system name of your os or partition using gparted. This name shows up in the file menu folder tree.
- gnome disk utility: show how to use it to keep track of how many gb are left on a drive. The partitioning method seems to be easier in gparted.
- lite sofware app: describe each of the app download links listed in the app and provide wiki page links. As a newbie I’d like to see: bleachbit, xfce notes or noblenotes, clamav, veracrypt, a password manager, a vpn, mintstick to format flash drives
- intermediate skills section: to list some things for more intermediate type tasks, like:
  •   reducing the swap file from 60 to 5
  •   changing the grub time out from 10 sec to 30.
  •   making your computer faster by turning off compositior, power management and making windows invisible when dragging or resizing.
  •   updating playonlinux and the security concerns with this gui of wine. How to install apps into wine the easy, safer way (q4wine ?).
  •   openvpn or a browser plugin (browsec vpn needs no email at registration) to keep your service provider from accessing all your activities.
  •   A sandbox for downloaded file so that clamav can scan them (like puppy605 has).
  •   Bleachbit documentation is hard to find, but it is the only privacy solution close to ccleaner for windows. I here it is what was used for Hilary’s emails. (os improvement: add it to the “lite software” app).
  •   Chromium is faster than firefox (even with the sme vpn & antivirus plugins running in both). The documentation could include installing addons and installing and updating pepperflash (os improvement: have a self updating flash addon installed by default for this browser).
  - what other people like about linux section: quotes could be taken from various sources (ie. “A lot of distros talk about attracting windows users, linuxlite is the best i've seen at doing this, yet it still has it’s own identity.”

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