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Export file / save as : Dialog box tend to not respond

I just got a new problem to my LL installation that have not being an issue earlier.

Using Libre Office now (but that doesn't seem to be the only program affected) when I try to export a file to PDF, the "Export" dialog box stop responding. Only three actions seems possible: Close window x in upper left), maximize window (next to) and right click top of window will get the window menu to appear.
When trying to drag the window around on the screen it let a tail (shadow copies of itself). The only way to proceed is to click the X close window button, that will activate another dialog box that say window is busy and ask if I want to terminate process. Problem is: closing process means loosing data = very bad.

I tried to take a screen shot of the save-as dialog box that frosed, but the save as dialog box for screenshot frozed as well.
I think in both cases I was able to navigate to the folder I wanted the files to be saved, but from there - window frosed. Because both dialog boxes frosed, I guess it is not a LibO issue.

The issue seem to may happens independently of the current folder location of the file-save dalog box. The last one (screen copy) was happening at home dir, while the other one in a bigger partition not located in my home dir.

The computer (Dell Latitude D620) has resently being shut down because of overheating issue. Can that cause such strange OS behaviour somehow?

Linux Lite version 3.6 x64.
uname -mrs
Linux 4.4.0-105-generic x86_64

I won't let an old, but fully functional computer die just because some company tell me that they won't make no more security updates to their OS. Thanks Linux Smile
Update: I have shut down the laptop and just let it cool down overnight. After booting up today I haven't had this issue so far any more.
I won't let an old, but fully functional computer die just because some company tell me that they won't make no more security updates to their OS. Thanks Linux Smile
Boot the system from cold. Then use LibreOffice straight away and export as you've described. If it exports fine, then you have your answer (overheating).
Also try: Menu>LibreOffice>Tools>Memory and adjust LOs memory usage.

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
New update. The issue seems to be limited to one user profile. The probability of the issue to occur seem to increase with the time the user have being logged in.
The issue have never occured during sessions where I'm logged in using the "regular user" (relatively short psw and account type = administrator)

The user is afaik. a regular user w/o any rights, but have a long password including spechial characters. Account type = Custom.
I won't let an old, but fully functional computer die just because some company tell me that they won't make no more security updates to their OS. Thanks Linux Smile
Another new update. I beleive I have just done something stupid and that is the reason why it sometimes hang.

I do work in a directory that supposedly both users should have access to, but I start thinking that if folder permission may be the issue. Because if first user creates a folder, then it is not certain that user2 would have access to it. I don't know, it's just a theory for now. I have now made a common group that both users is member of, and directory has now that owner group. So it remains to see if the problem continues or not, but it may take som times between each time the problem occurs.

But if it indeed turns out that group permission was the issue, then the file/save menu may respond by hanging if inside a folder not granted access to (just a though).
I won't let an old, but fully functional computer die just because some company tell me that they won't make no more security updates to their OS. Thanks Linux Smile

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