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Install Updates - Yad version
This an appeal to those who would like to take part in a trial of Install Updates - the Yad version.

- Make a back up copy of /usr/scripts/updates-gui
- Copy the following contents into updates-gui

# Name: Linux Lite Updates
# Description: A GUI tool to easily install Updates in Linux Lite.
# Authors: Misko_2083, Jerry Bezencon, gerito1, Ralphy
# Website:

_APPNAME="Linux Lite Updates"                # Application name variable
_ICON="/usr/share/icons/Faenza/apps/scalable/synaptic.svg"     # Linux Lite icon variable
_UPDATES=$(mktemp /tmp/updateslist.XXXXXX)   # Updates log variable
_DATE=$(date +"%A-%d-%B-%Y-%T")              # Date variable
if [ ! -f "$_TMPU" ]; then echo "$_MYUPDUSER" > "$_TMPU"; chmod 600 "$_TMPU"; fi
_SVUSER=$(cat "$_TMPU")

# function remove temp files
rm_temp_files() {
rm -f $_SVUSER
rm -f $_TMPU
rm -f $_UPDATES
rm -f $_PLAIN
rm -f /tmp/updateslist.*

# function view, save update log
view_save_log() {
  _ANS=$(yad --center --borders=15 --question --image=logviewer --text-info --width="780" --height="400" --window-icon="$_ICON" --title=" $_APPNAME - Error log" \
                --button=gtk-cancel:1 --button="Save":0 --filename="$_LLUPDATES" 2>/dev/null); _OPT=$(echo $?)

    if [[ "$_ANS" =~ "Copy to clipboard" ]]; then
      sudo -u ${SUDO_USER:-$_SVUSER} xclip -selection c "$_LLUPDATES"
      xhost local:$_SVUSER > /dev/null 2>&1
      export DISPLAY=:0
      notify-send -i "$_NTFYICON" 'Updates Log copied to clipboard' "Go to and paste the log into a new or existing thread." -t 10000
      xhost - >/dev/null 2>&1; rm_temp_files; exit 0
    case $_OPT in
       0) szSavePath=$(yad --center --image=logviewer --borders=15 --title="    Save Updates Log" --width="600" --height="400" --file-selection --filename="/home/$_SVUSER/llupdates.log" \
                              --window-icon="$_ICON" --file-filter='*.log' --file-filter='All files | *' --save --confirm-overwrite 2>/dev/null)
           if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then sudo -u ${SUDO_USER:-$_SVUSER} cp "$_LLUPDATES" "$szSavePath"; rm_temp_files; else rm_temp_files; exit 0 ; fi ;;
       1) rm_temp_files; exit 0 ;;

# Check Internet access
if eval "curl -sk" >> /dev/null 2>&1; then :; else # Prompt ERROR internet connection check failed and exit
  yad --center --borders=15 --info --width="320" --height="120" --window-icon="$_ICON" --button=gtk-ok:1 --title="$_APPNAME" \
         --text="\n<b>Your computer is not connected to the Internet.</b> \n \nLinux Lite cannot check for Updates.\nPlease check your internet connection and try again.\n" --text-align center 2>/dev/null
  rm_temp_files; exit 0

# Kill off any package managers that may be running
if [ "$(pidof synaptic)" ]; then killall -9 synaptic; fi
if [ ! -z "$(pgrep gdebi-gtk)" ]; then killall -9 gdebi-gtk; fi

# start dialog - Ask for elevation, else exit
if [ $EUID -ne 0 ]; then
  yad --center --borders=15 --image=system-software-install --question --width="320" --height="120" --window-icon="$_ICON" --button=gtk-cancel:1 --button="Continue":0 --title="$_APPNAME" \
       --text="\nLinux Lite will now fetch the Updates list.\n\nClick <b>Cancel</b> to exit now or <b>Continue</b> to proceed.\n" --text-align center 2>/dev/null
   case $? in
      0) pkexec "$0"; if [ "${PIPESTATUS[@]}" -eq "126" ]; then rm_temp_files; fi; exit 0 ;;
      1) rm_temp_files; exit 0 ;;

if [ "$?" -eq "0" ];then
  # xclip check/ install
  if [ -z  "$(dpkg -l | grep -E '^ii' | grep xclip)" ]; then
    apt-get install xclip -y | yad --center --borders=15 --image=system-software-install --progress --pulsate --window-icon="$_ICON" --auto-close --no-cancel --width="320" --height="80" --title="$_APPNAME" \
                                       --text="Preparing... please wait...\n" --text-align center --no-buttons --skip-taskbar 2>/dev/null

# Repositories registered
_SLIST=$(grep '^deb ' -c /etc/apt/sources.list)
_SLISTD=$(grep -R --exclude="*.save" '^deb ' -c /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | grep -c /)
APTUPDATE=$(($_SLIST + $_SLISTD)) # Total of repositories registered, this is approximated
apt-get update 2>&1 | tee "$_LLUPDATES" |
awk -v total=$APTUPDATE '/^Ign|^ Get/{count++;$1=""} FNR { if (total != 0){percentage=int (1000*count/total);print (percentage < 90?percentage:99),"\n#",substr($0, 0, 128) }; fflush(stdout)}' \
| yad --center --undecorated --borders=35 --progress --width="600" --text="Updating package lists...\n" --text-align center --window-icon="$_ICON" --title="Updating Software Sources - please wait..." --percentage="0" --no-buttons --skip-taskbar --pulsate --auto-close 2>/dev/null
    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
        unset APTUPDATE; rm_temp_files; unset _UPDATES
        sed -i '1 i\===========================\
Install Updates Error Log\
Install Updates could not fetch the package cache information lists.\
Go to and paste the log below into\na new or existing thread for assistance.\n\
============ Log ===========\n' "$_LLUPDATES"
        sleep 4 | yad --center --borders=15 --image=error --progress --pulsate --window-icon="error" --auto-close --no-cancel --width="380" --height="80" --title="$_APPNAME - Error" \
                         --text="Errors occurred while fetching packages cache information lists.\n\n Retrieving error log, please wait...\n" --no-buttons --skip-taskbar --text-align center 2>/dev/null
        view_save_log; exit 1

  # Creates a list in /tmp/updateslist
  apt-get --just-print dist-upgrade 2>&1 | perl -ne 'if (/Inst\s([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\s\[([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\]\s\(([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\)? /i) {print "Name: $1 INSTALLED: $2 AVAILABLE: $3\n"}' |
  awk '{print NR,":\t"$0}' > $_PLAIN
  sed '
  ' $_PLAIN >> $_UPDATES

  # Check for available updates; if none then remove /tmp/updateslist.XXXXXX and display up-to-date dialog
      if [  -z "$(cat $_PLAIN)"  ]; then
        rm_temp_files; unset _UPDATES
        yad --center --borders=15 --image=gtk-info --info --window-icon="$_ICON"  --width="260" --height="60" --title="  $_APPNAME" \
               --text="\nYour system is up to date.\n"  --text-align center 2>/dev/null
        exit 0

# Erase existing available info
dpkg --clear-avail
  rm_temp_files; unset _UPDATES; exit 0

# Call the yad dialog to show update list
yad --center --borders=15 --image=system-software-install --text-info --back=#eff1f4 --window-icon="$_ICON" --button=gtk-cancel:1 --button="Update Now":0 --title="  $_APPNAME" --width="760" --height="400" --fontname="Droid regular 10" --filename="$_UPDATES" 2>/dev/null
      if [ "$?" -eq "0" ];then
        # Continue script if no halt, remove tmp file and unset variables
        rm $_UPDATES; unset _UPDATES

#Begin upgrade
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" dist-upgrade -y  2>&1 | tee "$_LLUPDATES" |
awk ' BEGIN { FS=" "; total=1;end_download=0} /upgraded/ {total= $1 + $3;FS="[ :]" } /^Get:[[:digit:]]+/ {printf "#Downloading %s %s %s\n",$7,$(NF-1),$NF;print int(($2 - 1) * 100 / total);
fflush(stdout)} /^\(Reading / {if (end_download==0){print 100;fflush(stdout);end_download=1}} /^(Preparing|Unpacking|Selecting|Processing|Setting|Download)/ {print "#", substr($0, 0, 128); fflush(stdout)}' \
  | ( yad --center --undecorated --borders=35 --progress --width="600" --window-icon="$_ICON" --percentage="0" --auto-close --text="Downloading package(s)...\nThis may take a while.\n" --text-align center --no-buttons --skip-taskbar  2>/dev/null;
      yad --center --undecorated --borders=35 --progress --window-icon="$_ICON" --width="600" --text="Installing and configuring package(s)...\nThis may take a while.\n" --text-align center --no-buttons --skip-taskbar --pulsate --auto-close 2>/dev/null)

    if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
      sed -i '1 i\===========================\
Install Updates Error log\
Install Updates could not successfully download and install available updates.\
Go to and paste the log below into a new or existing thread for assistance.\n\
============ Log ===========\n' "$_LLUPDATES"
      sleep 4 | yad --center --borders=15 --image=error --progress --pulsate --window-icon="error" --auto-close --no-cancel --width="320" --height="80" --title="$_APPNAME - Error" \
                       --text="Errors occurred while updating. \n\n Retrieving errors log. Please wait...\n" --text-align center --no-buttons --skip-taskbar 2>/dev/null
      view_save_log; exit 0

    # Halt updates script if user selects Cancel
       rm_temp_files; unset _UPDATES
       yad --center --borders=15 --image=info --info --width="300" --button=gtk-ok:1 --timeout="6" --window-icon="$_ICON" --title="   $_APPNAME" --text="\nUpdates have been canceled.\n" --text-align center 2>/dev/null
       exit 0

# If Ubuntu base package has been upgraded during Install Updates, /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth
llverprnt=$(awk '{print}' /etc/llver)

if grep -q 0x988592 "$checkdefplym"; then
  sed -i "s/^title=Ubuntu.*$/title=$llverprnt/g" /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth ;
  sed -i "s/black=0x2c001e/black=0x000000/g" /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth ;
  sed -i "s/white=0xffffff/white=0xffffff/g" /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth ;
  sed -i "s/brown=0xff4012/brown=0xffff00/g" /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth ;
  sed -i "s/blue=0x988592/blue=0x000000/g" /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth && update-initramfs -u |
  yad --center --undecorated --borders=35 --progress --width=600 --auto-close --pulsate --text="Updating boot configuration please wait...\n" --text-align center --no-buttons --skip-taskbar
    echo " "

    PROCEED=$(yad --center --borders=15 --question --image=logviewer --width="300" --height="80" --window-icon="$_ICON" --title="  $_APPNAME" --text-align center --window-icon="$_ICON" --button="No":1 --button="Yes":0 --text="\n$_APPNAME completed successfully.\n\nWould you like to view the\n$_APPNAME log?\n" 2>/dev/null ; echo $?)
    if [ ${PROCEED} -eq 1 ]; then rm_temp_files; :; else
      yad --center --borders=15 --question --image=logviewer --text-info --width="750" --height="400" --button="Close":1 --button="Save":0 --title="  $_APPNAME - Log" --filename="$_LLUPDATES" 2>/dev/null
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
          # Save report
          szSavePath=$(yad --center --image=logviewer --borders=15 --width="600" --height="400" --window-icon="$_ICON" --title=" Save Updates log" --file-selection --filename=/home/$_SVUSER/llupdates-"${_DATE}".txt --file-filter='*.txt' \
                              --file-filter='All files | *' --save --confirm-overwrite 2>/dev/null)
          sudo -u ${SUDO_USER:-$_SVUSER} cp "$_LLUPDATES" "$szSavePath"; rm_temp_files; else rm_temp_files; :
    if [ -s /var/run/reboot-required ]; then
        yad --center --question --image=gtk-info --borders=15 --width="300" --height="100" --window-icon="$_ICON" --button="Continue using my computer:"1 --button="Restart Now":0 --title="  Linux Lite Updates" --text-align center \
               --text="These updates require the system to be restarted\nfor the changes to take effect.\n\nWould you like to restart now?\n" 2>/dev/null
        if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then reboot; else exit 0 ; fi

exit 0

[Image: GLZZJMw.png]

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[Image: Kv7MTxV.png]

[Image: wIIW4qn.png]

[Image: xnS50lu.png]

My thoughts:

- I think the progress windows look a lot nicer.
- Dialogues automatically adjust according to what text is inside aiding in readability.
- Yad allows for much more scripting options which translates to more features for our applications.

Trial will last as long as you are happy to run this version of Install Updates.

Looking forward to your feedback and opinion. Smile
Wonderful!  Thank you [member=378]misko_2083[/member], [member=2]Jerry[/member], @gerito1, and [member=6629]ralphy[/member]!
Installed the YAD script and ran it this morning. Worked flawlessly. I would slow the blue sliding progress bar down a bit. It goes back and forth so fast on my machine that it's almost annoying, and given LL is aimed at Windows converts who are used to slower moving things involving such processes I think it moves a bit too fast. I do think it meets the criteria of some recent user requests here on forum involving updates. Looks good.

It fits to XFCE well. The best looking GUI for updates progress I've ever seen is the Debian 8/9 Gnome DE. It shows each package seperately and the progress of each each package during download and installation. As I said already this is well suited for an XFCE distro though, and Windows converts.

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
Thank you TC, unfortunately there's no way to slow down the blue sliding progress bar. We could however look at changing it from pulsating to progress, but that's extremely tricky and hard to get right.
Thank you Jerry and the other contributors to the Yad version of the Updater.

I am one of those LL users who have been experiencing the Blank update window using the Zenity version of Updater.  Yesterday all seemed OK but today I got another blank update window and cancelling and  trying a second time did not solve the blank window problem (even though I could open the updates.txt file in /tmp folder and see the updates available both times!).

So this evening I followed Jerry's instructions above and everything worked exactly as shown in the pictures above.  I would also make the same comment as Trinidad about the blue bar which seemed somewhat jerky on my older machine but still moved fast.  I wonder whether you even need the blue bar at all as the letters were always changing quickly during the whole process (except at the beginning of the download phase when there is usually a pause of 2-3 seconds and the blue bar was absent anyway).

Anyway I am going to keep the Yad Updater on my LL 3.6 until the next version of LL and will report back if any problem arises.

Thanks again.
Thanks [member=7077]DenW[/member]. Much appreciated Smile
I did what you said about setting up the Yad version. I did it on one machine and not the other, so I could have a direct comparison of the end effect.

OK, here are my notes - it's a mixed bag because some things I feel are a big improvement and others could use a little work. I made these notes as the updates happened so they are in order of what happens first in the process to what happens last.

1. The first progress bar on "checking for updates" is too fast and flashy, making it too distracting. I prefer the old progress bar in that regard. An alternative fix would be a rotating icon or something else that would show that "something is happening" without distracting the user too much.

2. Going to the Linux Lite updates window (the list of the names of what packages will be updated) - the window opens in the top left of the screen. It's fine there, but I had expected it to be in the middle of the screen. However, top left is good if you're in the middle of working since it doesn't get covered up behind your work. So, initially I was surprised by this change but upon reflection I think it is a good choice on your part.

3. The "downloading packages" progress bar is nice. It's much better than the old version as it has a more modern look. And since it's a continuous progress bar and not a flashy back-and-forth one, it's also not distracting like the first progress bar in point 1.

4. At the "installing and configuring packages" stage, we have the same issue as in point 1 (bar flashing fast left to right). I love the look of the status text inside of the progress bar though - it's a nice touch.

OK, that was my feedback. Overall, I like it, the only thing I didn't like was flashing back-and-forth progress bars which I feel could be better served with something like a rotating icon. That's just my personal opinion though and is a matter of personal taste - different people may feel differently about that. I do very much like the overall look, and I appreciate the time and effort that's gone into making the new update process look a) modern in style and b) cohesive to the rest of the system.
Using Linux Lite for everything now. I put it on my desktop and my laptop. Woohoo!
Thank you for your feedback Vera, much appreciated.

2. - the window opens in the top left of the screen.

The Yad version is not set up to do this. Please run this a few more times when updates become available to verify.
Hi Vera/Jerry:  I believe the "problem" of the updates window opening in the top left of the screen is related to the XFCE Setting >Windows Manager Tweaks>Placement where a slider determines the window size for smart placement.  The updates window is usually much larger than the other windows that open during the updates process and would trigger the observed placement unless the slider is say 2/3rds over to the right where I usually put it - I prefer all my windows to open in the center.
I can tell Yad to center all windows. I'll place an update soon.

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