09-29-2017, 09:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-03-2017, 03:25 PM by pingball57.)
Hi, I'm preparing to finally ditch Windows 10 from my one remaining Win m/c. I've backed up & swapped all the files i want to keep, transfered my bookmarks to my LL m/c & even made an installation disc for Win 10 should i ever have the urge to go back. I've got all the programs i have on Win or their equivalent on my LL m/c , except a DAW/digital audio workstation. I don't use it much as i am just starting to learn about them. I've looked at several and found that 'Temper' suited me best of those I tried as i could 'compose'/compile' without the need to attach a MIDI keyboard - but it's a Windows only program. Does anyone know of anything similar? I tried a search here but no joy & there doesn't look like anything in synaptics or lite source repository. Thanks.