Gonna ask.. What exactly are the end results you're looking for...??
I read between the lines and see
thanks for https, private internet and
selling data to big companies are you referring to the majority of web browsing or do you need a secure tunnel for ALL traffic??
If you want secure browsing... I would look into TOR or such..
Jerry supplied a how to here:
If VPN is the way you want to go, assuming not VPN'ing into your network (configuring your router) but outward to another entity...
1st research the VPN you're looking at - saw a story not long ago free VPN's (android based) were doing the opposite capturing your data and selling...
Food for thought...
Using a proxy (tor) will slow your internet speed, a VPN will slow it more as there is more to encrypt.. Could be marginal or could be enough to be a headache.. Depends on whom you choose, current bandwidth and things like how many hops between the you and host/server...
Just a plugged nickle, hopefully it helps enlighten and give options..
Good Luck