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Zorin OS 12 Lite
They're creating a lightweight version of Zorin based on XFCE and deliberately using the spelling 'Lite'.

Thoughts on this?
Less a thought than more as additional information. A quick search revealed also these ones using Lite, one even Linux Lite:
They had a LXDE version that was 'Lite' and I made no comment or distinction. Now that the similarities are a lot closer (XFCE) I'm interested to hear peoples thoughts on both sides of the discussion. There will be the inevitable "what's the difference between to two" online. I always try to view this from the 'new person to linux' shoes, as that's who we target, not existing linux users. What sort of impact does confusion in the distro community have on new people to linux, if any?
Someone new to Linux will know the term 'Lite' already from grocery shopping Smile

So in that respect it will guide them into the right direction if they are looking for a lightweight/lite distribution.

Another distribution using Xfce AND targeting Windows user will increase both, the freedom of choice AND the torture of decision making. It's well known from psychology that increasing the choice beyond a certain count will make people more hesitant.

Which means to me it will be even more important to answer the question about the difference already before it will be brought up, preferably highlighting the X-factors Linux Lite brings to the show Smile

Would be interesting to see if any other distros have both the same name and DE.
From my experience, one of the most confusing things for Windows migrants are the different DEs. I meanwhile tend to not even mention them for quite some time Smile  At the end it comes down to features/requirements .... and the X-factor(s).
(03-22-2017, 07:13 AM)Jerry link Wrote: What sort of impact does confusion in the distro community have on new people to linux, if any?

I think that would depend on the individual themselves and how those people wish to make their start on Linux.
Whether they research, choose & install themselves or whether someone who uses Linux regular does the choosing & setting up for them.
Someone new who's wanting to do their own research etc. and contemplating a switch to Linux might find it very confusing trying to make sense of it all.
Those I've helped convert, being new to the world of Linux, didn't really know or understand the differences between different distros and are quite happy to use what I advise & setup for them, which is usually LL.
Thanks for your feedback LL-user & JmaCWQ. Somewhat off topic, but not to distant - Pretty encouraging Smile
No probs Jerry.
Interesting that comparison, LL can also claim several more pro's from the Zorin "Pro" list  8)
Warning: Discalimer

Biased opinion. Never liked Zorin. Never will. It will never be installed on any of my gear.

The distro works on fears and tries to exert control using those fears.
Free download (core) but for paid support you get.

I consider the name a chicken-caca way to market a paid linux  distro.  Nothing wrong with marketing it "ZorinOS-Thrifty" or "ZorinOS-Base" instead.
Using the Lite in title skews google searches.
Looks like they need your members/user base Jerry.

You can't baffle this biker with bull-pucky. Just my opinion.  Nothing more.
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