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What makes a good distro great...or not?
I offer this opinion in the hope of improving Linux Lite's reputation and success in being used by more and more Windows refugees. Please don't read it as a whinge.

I help run a very successful venture which aims to teach computers and the internet to the over 50s and those of a low income or disability. We have been very successful to date with over 1400 clients. The demise of Windows XP support has meant many of our clients need to change away from XP but cannot afford a new PC.  Even those that can afford a new PC don't like Windows 8. Hence I decided that Linux Lite could be an ideal solution.

Answering my question above, I believe Linux Lite is great as it works well, offers just the right amount of useful programs, and looks good as well. But...I am not sure I can suggest LL2 as I am concerned with the level of support.

Specifically I have had 3 issues that relate to LL2, and not a specific application where I could get help by Google, and none of these have been resolved. In fact 2 have not received any reply to date.

The biggest issue I have now is getting a CD or DVD to auto-run. Linux Mint and some other distros I have tried use an app to set the preferred multimedia application but not LL2. I'd be happy to use the CLI to set it up but am not familiar with XFCE and need help. Asking a senior citizen to go through a process of multiple clicks and navigation just to play a CD/DVD is a none starter.

I also asked about LL2 not working with Grub2. I believe that the devs' main objective is to replace Windows but that doesn't mean folk don't need to dual boot. For example there are programs/games etc that don't need internet access but won't run on Linux (not even in Wine) so some clients need a dual boot with XP (with networking disabled for safety) for some programs and Linux to access the net. Okay I have set them up with a grub stanza manually but it is a worry that there is an issue which stops it working in grub2 as it should.

I wont go on but I hope I have made my point that without good support in here for LL2 related issues (not general app issues which Google/Ubuntu forums etc can resolve) LL2 will not be as successful as it could be.

If this can be improved somehow, then I for one will make use of LL2 and in return will be glad, as I learn it more, to offer up support myself to the forum.

Thank you for listening.

Hi Davesurrey999. I posted a reply to this question. Let us know how it goes.
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]
Hi Scott,
Really appreciate your quick response.
I'll reply in the On Topic section to keep the flow.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that in regard to free software projects, people don't usually complain about support because it can and does happen - it's just kind of frowned upon and I'll give you 4 very good reasons why there can be delays in replies to support requests.

1) Developers do this in their spare time, around families, jobs, other commitments, they do it for love, there is no weekly wage like there is in closed source projects.

2) It depends on the age of the distro and the relative size of the free support community behind it, a new linux distro can be rock solid and well liked, but thats no guarantee there will be a sizeable community behind it - it takes time and people come and go from communities, leaving gaps in the existing support infrastructure until new people come along with a good level of all-round knowledge, and the time to offer it.

3) This particular distro is made up mostly of newbies, they are a deliberate target to show people there are alternatives to proprietary operating systems like Windows and Mac. With such a high concentration of newbies to linux, unlike other distros, we initially lack a large, knowledgeable linux crowd out-of-the-box so to speak.

4) If it's a new problem that hasn't occurred yet, there simply isn't the knowledge to resolve it straight away. No known solution - no timely reply.

It's always hard in the beginning but in time, more people will generously offer their expertise and time. For Linux Lite, that is especially true. What matters above everything else is that in the interim we are having a positive effect on peoples choice of operating system.

Read some of the feedback here - especially from now former Windows users.

Hello Valtam,
Thanks for your reply.
It's unfortunate that your opening sentence  includes the words "complain" and " frowned upon". As I said it was not meant to be anythng other than positive feedback and I can't agree that just because something is free feedback can't be given about it.

I am no newbie to Linux and have been around several forums trying to help others were I can. Despite not being a developer I have helped in testing and user-advise where I can. We all do it for no financial reward and it can take a good deal of our time but that is our own decision.

I want to encourage our clients to use LL2 as it really ticks so many boxes and I hope that when I get familiar with it and XFCE I can in turn offer some help for others in return.

I wish you and the other developers well as you have produced something really excellent. Thank you.

All *I* know to say is to STAY TUNED. There are a number of volunteers here that are learning quickly so that we may help others, and take some of the load off the developers (who are working tirelessly) to fine-tune things, make things easier to use for everyone, and to add enhancements in a way that will not change the principles behind what makes Linux Lite what it is.

Valtam has mentioned this in the past, but Linux Lite is always looking for new talent with coding/debugging experience, to assist them in bringing this Windows alternative to the public...

[Image: EtYqOrS.png%5D]

A gun in your hand is worth more than a whole police force on the phone.

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