Sorry fellows, situation in my country is getting worse. Prices and taxes go up and salaries are going way down.
When I try to explain what is going on here most people think I'm crazy. So I'll try to do my best.
First you need to understand the concept of paradox.
Someone in a Chicago newspaper published: Serbia is a country that shares borders with itself. Where the most beautiful women live and the birth rate is falling. Where most unemployed work, in the most fertile country, and yet there are people who are starving. Where trains are late according to the timetable. Where all play football, and win the world championship in volleyball. All rush to work, and no one is on time. Where there is eight-hour work time with a duration of twelve hours.
Where health care is free, and the treatment is expensive. Where journalists are free to write whatever they are commanded. Where the global crisis received citizenship. Where public procurement secrets and state secrets are public. Where history is repeating itself every day.
I would just add: Where there are the richest people who have never worked. Where the foreign currency is taken for domestic. Where people celebrate the saints and curse God. Where smart because of misunderstandings are declared lunatics and madmen capable.
Where illiterate write history. Where laws are illegal, and the anarchy is the normal state. Where the rullers despise citizens as unwanted witnesses.
Where the people live of the future, because we have no right to live in the present. Where the court proceedings last longer than life. Where the flood is the oly way for land irrigation.
Where they whish for the dictator and democracy is considered a tax on fools. Where it is considered that the country will prosper more the more it is deteriorating.
Now that we got that clear, here is one interesting story: A few months ago two politicians came to take photos of themselves while opening an unfinished bridge. You couldn't see a photo of the bridge on the TV or in the newspapers because the politicians and the rich folks supporting them own most of the TV stations and the newspapers. Benny Hill couldn't make it better.
Voice of the people is being silenced even on the internet. The rulling party has a big computer office and it pays daily to certain individuals to post comments and create general impression that most people support the government. Each of them has like 50 fake facebook accounts and who knows how many on twitter. They get paid well and as a bonus they get a sandwich for the lunch. That's why we call them "The Sandwichers".
There are many, many more interesting stories like starlets in the parlament, prime ministers attempt to portray himself as a superhero...