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Choppy Youtube
Could not find an earlier version of .deb on that website
Any suggestions?
You wouldn't need an earlier version of Minitube from the website?  You just download the file from the Debian & Ubuntu section of the home page. 

Based on what you've already shared, you would need to download the 32bit version of Minitube, and then run the file after you download it.

On another note, you seem to be in a quandary of black screens and resolution problems.  If I were with you working on your PC, I would reinstall Linux Lite 2.6.  After installing updates and extra Lite Software programs, I would then create a restore point using Systemback.  Then, I would troubleshoot YouTube and/or install Minitube.
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(09-15-2015, 09:25 AM)arjaffer link Wrote: rokytnji
I managed to get xorg.conf into the /etc/X11 directory after pci edits to suit my netbook
However, on rebooting i go a 480x640 screen
Youtube still choppy on all browsers

Any help really appreciated

If youtube is still choppy in all browsers. Sounds to me like your gear is not strong enough for modern internet standards anymore.  Not your fault or Gnu/Linux fault. Just more cruft on the web to handle.

For a bigger screen. You should be able to run

xrandr -s <screen resolution goes here>

Your screen will black out after hitting enter. Then change to the desired resolution. Not sure why you are having so much trouble with my file since I and the guy I helped here had no problems with resolutions at all.

You have so much wrong. I am wondering if you have a corrupted Linux-Lite iso installed to your rig.
LL 3.6,2.8
Dell XT2 > Touchscreen Laptop
Dell 755 > Desktop
Acer 150 > Desktop
I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
I think you are right
This Samsung NC20 Netbook Specs are perhaps not good enough for modern internet standards.
I will give up i think
Thanks for all your efforts.
I have installed the version from the web
Having lauched minitube, and click on the play button, videos do not play.
So I am fast coming to the conclusion that the Samsung Netbook NC20 will not play youtube satisfactorily
Thanks for all you help.

After reading that. I take back what I said about not strong enough. Specs sound close to my M&A Companion Atom cpu Netbook that plays Youtube OK. But I have a intel video chip while yours is via.

Quote:When directly comparing the SiSoftware Sandra Dhrystone (Integer calcuations) and the Whetstone (Decimal place calculation) benchmarks, one can say that the VIA Nano CPU is somewhat better than the latest Atom CPU (N280 in the Acer One D150). In this performance test, however, the immense performance plus of the Intel Core 2 Duo SU and SL energy-saving processors, both of which operate at a lower speed, but still have access to great reserves of performance, becomes clear.
However, the calculation of the number pi, with the help of the benchmark SuperPi, allowed the Atom CPU from Intel to take the lead again. The Atom CPU manages to finish the calculation to 32 million decimal places somewhat faster than the VIA CPU.

So I have to ask again. Did you md5sum Linux-Lite iso to check for a corrupted iso download before installing?
LL 3.6,2.8
Dell XT2 > Touchscreen Laptop
Dell 755 > Desktop
Acer 150 > Desktop
I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
Minitube is iffy at best because youtube changes it's format to block minitube from working.
I am guessing because of the down loader function in minitube.

Flavio has to issue bug fixes because of this. Which some users may not be aware of.
LL 3.6,2.8
Dell XT2 > Touchscreen Laptop
Dell 755 > Desktop
Acer 150 > Desktop
I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
Before giving up I would try to again connecting directly to the network modem by a ether-net cable and see if that improves the playback. That is assuming you are not already. It could be an issue with the network dropping packets, which then have to be sent again, causing a delay and possibly the choppy video.
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” - Thomas Edison
md5sum Linux-Lite iso

I will try this and post.

I have tried a ethernet cable cable and the problem persists.

I have also tried Chrome OS (chromixium) have found the same problem.
Do you really mean you tried Chrome OS (Chromixium), or did you try installing the Google Chrome browser via Lite Software?
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