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Skype Pop-Up Menu from Panel (Want to see full menu rather than scrolling)
When I left-click on my Skype Icon in the panel (down at the bottom right of the screen), the Skype Popup menu only pops up with about three entries, and the rest have to be scrolled up or down to get to them. This is probably about the most minor question I can think of to ask, but it is mildly irritating to me since there are so many entries in it, and "activate" and "quit", the ones I most frequently use, are at opposite sides of the list. 

On another computer I have a KDE install (pclinuxos) where this doesn't occur - the whole menu pops up.  Is there anything I can do to get the *full* menu to pop up on left click in Linux Lite?

Well after reading through this thread perhaps I am not so embarrassed to have asked the question.  It appears this has bothered others.  But if I understand the thread correctly, it is still not resolved, and applies to other things besides skype ---

I am really not sure what to make of these last two messages and whether they are an advisable way to go:

baptx (b4ptx) wrote on 2015-02-07: #28
I'm using Xubuntu with the panel at the bottom of the screen and I have fixed the scroll problem by removing xfce4-indicator-plugin and indicator-application (I also removed all Unity indicator-* packages). This way Xfce can directly use the notification area. Another solution was to use dbus-launch nm-applet

Yanpas (yanpaso) wrote on 2015-02-07: #29
Thank you man! I'm happy to get rid of this crappy and nasty indicators (which are not linux-way). I've installed xfce4-mixer and xfce4-battery-plugin. Removed indicator-messages xfce4-indicator-plugin xchat-indicator indicator-application xfce4-indicator-plugin
I also see this, but have no clue how to apply the patch myself:
Although at first sight panels appear to look the same, the code behind it is quite different. You're now heading into a territory that is sacrificing system stability with all the modifications you want to do for the sake of one program. Something think about.
Thanks for the warning and I will NOT head there! ;-)  Perhaps at some point the bug will be fixed, and in the meantime I will live with the inconvenience!  thanks Jerry -
There's a "workaround". If the panel with Skype is on the top, the Skype pop-up menu will be always full.

Not a real solution if you want your panel on bottom though.
Thanks Zead.  You are correct - I want to keep the standard bottom Linuxlite menu, so I will learn to live with it - but thanks!
Maybe being at the top gravity is pulling the menu down Smile Smile Smile
Upgrades WIP 2.6 to 2.8 - (6 X 2.6 to 2.8 completed on: 20/02/16 All O.K )
Linux Lite 3.0 Humming on a ASRock N3070 Mobo ~ btrfs RAID 10 Install on 4 Disks Smile

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