07-20-2015, 01:04 PM
When I left-click on my Skype Icon in the panel (down at the bottom right of the screen), the Skype Popup menu only pops up with about three entries, and the rest have to be scrolled up or down to get to them. This is probably about the most minor question I can think of to ask, but it is mildly irritating to me since there are so many entries in it, and "activate" and "quit", the ones I most frequently use, are at opposite sides of the list.
On another computer I have a KDE install (pclinuxos) where this doesn't occur - the whole menu pops up. Is there anything I can do to get the *full* menu to pop up on left click in Linux Lite?
On another computer I have a KDE install (pclinuxos) where this doesn't occur - the whole menu pops up. Is there anything I can do to get the *full* menu to pop up on left click in Linux Lite?