Then first learn, that it's a GNU/Linux.

I know, most people call it Linux, I don't blame you. But Linux is the kernel, it annoys me sometimes.
Free Software Foundation created their own GNU/Hurd. They created the free operating system "GNU", and kernel was the last missing piece. And Linux kernel just came out. Hurd was still in the development, It still is. But now, you can use it. I'm looking forward to GNU/Hurd (you won't call that Linux, there's nothing Linux about it).
I guess the Hurd development went slow, because of the Linux existence (they don't need it anymore), they wouldn't even start developing it, but they wanna finish it.
I wonder what's the Hurd's hardware compatibility(or should i say Mach?). I guess not good, since it's still in the development. Annoying is, when people call Linus father of the Linux OPERATING SYSTEM. -_- What operating system? GNU? Oh... Richard Stallman.
I like Free Software Foundation's work, freedom, that's why GNU exists now.
I think Debian and Arch has GNU/Hurd systems.
From what I know, Android uses Linux kernel too, no one calls it Linux...
And for me personally, my Wi-Fi works from USB bootable system, but I don't install proprietary drivers.
But I'm glad there are non-100% free systems like "Linux Lite" some computers doesn't work well without linux blobs, which are proprietary.
And "Linux Lite" is for me the best non-100% free system for beginners I used, and I tested many. And I love XFCE, you can customize it however you like, and it's light.
"Linux Lite" talks about freedom on their website, so I think it would be good to name it GNU/Linux Lite, if you wanna support freedom. I know it doesn't look so good like "Linux Lite", but it's not about what looks good, or what is used most.. It's about what is right. A lot of GNU/Linux users don't even know they use GNU operating system, they don't even know who Richard Stallman is... And all credit goes to Linus, which is very bad.