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Problems Making Live USB Stick with Unetbootin
  Desktop already running LL2.0 32 bit.

As unable to create a usable dvd from  LL2.2-32.iso ( always hangs) . Have tried downloading iso  several times.
Trying to LL2.2-32 bootable usb from iso
a) iso downloaded Fresh -
b) SanDisk Cruise Gparted to FAT 32 + boot flagged.  Single partition.
c) Unetbootin-linux-608 downloaded from their site and made executable
Following instructions as per
d) SanDisk Mounted
e) Unetbootin double clicked – root password added and unetbootin screen appears
f) Tick Disc Image to downloaded  LL iso  in this case /home/linuxlite/Downloads/linux-lite-2.2-32bit.iso
g) Scandisk on /dev/sdb1
h) Space used to preserve set a zer
i) press OK and process starts
j)  Extracting =  at 9 of 21 files  (42%)  there is a long pause
casper/filesystemsquash.fs (706MB)
k) Complete and asks to reboot
j) Reboots and blue Unetbootin options screen appears

Options  = default, Start linux lite, start linux lite safe mode

k) use default – system reboots and stalls stating can not read a loop?

Reading Sandisk files are as per screen shot - how do I load a screen shot?  Read the forum stupid me!!
[Image: O32syAi.png]

REPEAT above using TAHR puppy linux iso. On same PC and same version Unetbootin – Sandisk freshly format with gparted to FAT 32 to clear .

Proceeds smoothly, with no unetbootin dialogue on rebooting. Ran OK on rebooting.

So the question is What is going on?  is it the download of the  LL2.2-32bit.iso – Have downloaded it several times freshly and each time problems.  Have not done a checksum  however. But having downloaded at different times have assumed ( ?)  that download is OK.

Any ideas welcomed. 

UPDATE- Have just managed to burn dvd from this iso on my HDD - Third try.  However  the unetbootin route ( as above) still the same problem. So it would appear not to be the iso downloaded??
2006 - HP DC7700p ultraslim Desktop Intel 6300 cpu  4GB Ram LL3.8 64bit.
2007 - Fujitsu Siemens V3405 Laptop  2 GB Ram LL3.6 32bit. Now 32bit Debian 9 + nonfree.
2006 - Fujitsu Siemens Si1520 Laptop Intel T720 cpu 3GB Ram   LL5.6 64 Bit
2014 - Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook E754 Intel i7 4712MQ 16GB Ram LL6.6
2003 - RETIRED Toshiba Satellite Pro A10 1 GB RAM LL2.8 32bit
Hello newtusmaximus,

I found the below info here you could try this in the CLI for your LL iso on flashdrive.

Quote:Do not use UNetBootIn to write ISO files to flashdrives.
UNetBootIn modifies the bootloader configuration, which is bad.
You can use this instead (where /dev/sdX is your flashdrive and file.iso is a BlackArch ISO):
# Example
$ sudo dd bs=512M if=file.iso of=/dev/sdX
We have not recommended unetbootin in the past, it alters the USB device to much. dd as bitsnpcs mentioned is a far better solution. See here to zero wipe that USB device first - Do sudo fdisk -l to see what device the USB is. You MUST heed the warnings first as dd is extremely unforgiving to mistyping and wrongly specified drives! Zeroing the drive will take some time so just be patient and wait it out.
Thanks Jerry.
Progress, A) Confirmed that the LL iso has not been corrupted during download i.e a firm base to start from Smile
B) The problems burning a viable  Live DVD  i.e that does not stall during boot up is another matter - the writer I am using is on a desktop HP dc7700 compact with 3 GB ram and dual core\Intel processor  so should be man enough for the job. Also laser "cleaned" and good quality Verbatim +RW media used.  Wondering whether there might be a RAM problem - will do memtest just to check.
C) The problem creating a viable  Live USB i think maybe down to the USB flash pendrive. Will try another one using  terminal as guidance above
D) The aim was to eventually try installing to the USB - having bought a "cheap" 64 GB model.  This might be a doctored smaller flash drive to give a greater capacity and it is the "hacking" that is giving the problem.  Currently testing  its "True" capacity - it has been suggested that it might be a "U drive" and not a true Flash - whatever that difference is?

More of this anon
2006 - HP DC7700p ultraslim Desktop Intel 6300 cpu  4GB Ram LL3.8 64bit.
2007 - Fujitsu Siemens V3405 Laptop  2 GB Ram LL3.6 32bit. Now 32bit Debian 9 + nonfree.
2006 - Fujitsu Siemens Si1520 Laptop Intel T720 cpu 3GB Ram   LL5.6 64 Bit
2014 - Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook E754 Intel i7 4712MQ 16GB Ram LL6.6
2003 - RETIRED Toshiba Satellite Pro A10 1 GB RAM LL2.8 32bit
If your aim is to "eventually install to the USB", you don't need a live DVD or USB to do that. Since you already have Linux Lite 2.2 installed on your hard drive, open the Whisker Menu and search for "ubiquity" > Install Release.
That will open the Ubiquity Installer.
Linux Lite 2.2 (64 bit), Quad core AMD A8-3870 with Radeon HD Graphics 6550D, 8GB DDR3, Ralink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI
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