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HELP please - LL 2.2 32 Bit live DVD HDD install problem
  [size=1.35em]A) Was running LL2.0 32 bit -update kernel 3.15 Full install  July 2104[/size][size=1.35em]Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Si1520  + 2GB RAM on LL 2.0 + new trial Kernel. Video working fine on INTEL 945GM/GMS 943/940 GML Integrated Graphics Controller (rev03).  Display max 1280 x 800 . Single SATA HDD 250GB[/size][size=1.35em]Recently updated via menu/favourites/install updates[/size][size=1.35em]B) Managed to eventually write a Live DVD of LL2.2-32 bit.iso
[size=1.35em]Original Iso md5 from terminal “[/size]8960b5c0bed2e790dec213235a883cc3 linux-lite-2.2-32bit.iso” C) Tries to run Live  DVD  but had real difficulty finding correct keyboard combination for the laptop – Continual “*” instead of “0”  So could not log onto router via wifi.D) Decided to install anyway as a full install REPLACING original LL2.0. Ticked Option 2“Erase disc and Install Linux” AND ticked option 3 LVM.  On going to "next" a Grey box came up with problem ( did not not what it said.E)So Unticked Box 3 (LVM) and tried "next" – again Grey Box came up.F) Tried Quit and Back but process hung – Had  force to switch off via on/off button.G) On rebooting boot screen  hangs  I.e blank screen with flashing cursor top left.H) Force shut off.  Bios Boot prority - usb stick - DVDROM SATA HDDI) Plug in usb stick with puppy linix liveto perhaps “rescue” - will not initiate still blank screen - flashing cursorJ) Put in live DVD Puppy linux  and full install to HDD.  Check HDD with Gparted – HDD  taken Puppy linux and sda flagged “BOOT”Take out DVD and reboot – Blank screen Flashing cursor.K) Enter BIOS on re boot up (F2) and set to default –  SATA HDD as priority.L) Still Blank Screen and flashing cursorHelp please – Now you know why I have my psuedonym –  Computers yet again “driving me tio drink”.  For me this is not a hobby – Using Computers (NOT IT) is my job =  data crunching – mining.- Fortunately this is not my main computer – that is still on LL 2.0 Smile

2006 - HP DC7700p ultraslim Desktop Intel 6300 cpu  4GB Ram LL3.8 64bit.
2007 - Fujitsu Siemens V3405 Laptop  2 GB Ram LL3.6 32bit. Now 32bit Debian 9 + nonfree.
2006 - Fujitsu Siemens Si1520 Laptop Intel T720 cpu 3GB Ram   LL5.6 64 Bit
2014 - Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook E754 Intel i7 4712MQ 16GB Ram LL6.6
2003 - RETIRED Toshiba Satellite Pro A10 1 GB RAM LL2.8 32bit
Cant get server to accept copy / paste format of the above message .  Comes back with server error . so Txt attached here instead

[attachment deleted by admin, expired]
2006 - HP DC7700p ultraslim Desktop Intel 6300 cpu  4GB Ram LL3.8 64bit.
2007 - Fujitsu Siemens V3405 Laptop  2 GB Ram LL3.6 32bit. Now 32bit Debian 9 + nonfree.
2006 - Fujitsu Siemens Si1520 Laptop Intel T720 cpu 3GB Ram   LL5.6 64 Bit
2014 - Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook E754 Intel i7 4712MQ 16GB Ram LL6.6
2003 - RETIRED Toshiba Satellite Pro A10 1 GB RAM LL2.8 32bit
Just be patient , someone in the know while give you a hand shortly .
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )
Partial success.- Switched off computer - disconnected main battery and left switched off for  about an hour.  Retested boot up and still same problem of hung screen. However on fresh rebooting - able to get DVD to run and so reinstalled LL2.2 this time not choosing the LVM option.  Installed smoothly and  presume new boot loader from the DVD did the job. as on rebooting and DVD removed  LL2.2 screen appreared - HOWEVER yer to find the correct set up combination for the UK keyboard on this - The Fujitsu Amilo option for keyboard does not correct the problem.
meaning my original password on installation  which works to get through log on into main LL screen  does not work for root permissions to install updates- Computer wired up to router

ASSISTANCE Please - could I ask someone to look at the md5  result posted above and check for me that the iso I had downloaded was in fact OK and not corrupted.  Thanks.
There must be a simpler way of setting up LL  - out of the box with confidence??
How can a "light" linux like puppy do it all  so simply - hardly any input to get initially up and running on this  Fuji machine -

Don't get me wrong - LL convertee here  ( using it as a real alternative to MS for business ) and promoting wherever.  However
adoption is not for the faint hearted - Time is not always available and some might deter.
2006 - HP DC7700p ultraslim Desktop Intel 6300 cpu  4GB Ram LL3.8 64bit.
2007 - Fujitsu Siemens V3405 Laptop  2 GB Ram LL3.6 32bit. Now 32bit Debian 9 + nonfree.
2006 - Fujitsu Siemens Si1520 Laptop Intel T720 cpu 3GB Ram   LL5.6 64 Bit
2014 - Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook E754 Intel i7 4712MQ 16GB Ram LL6.6
2003 - RETIRED Toshiba Satellite Pro A10 1 GB RAM LL2.8 32bit
The MD5 is this for 32-bit : MD5SUM:


As for root permissions here , it s a fresh install right !

If so Did you get a root password in Terminal !
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )
(03-01-2015, 12:00 AM)newtusmaximus link Wrote: yet to find the correct set up combination for the UK keyboard on this - The Fujitsu Amilo option for keyboard does not correct the problem.

Hello newtusmaximus,

have you tried to set up your keyboard this way ? -
First Panic Over - Thought I had trashed the bios or something - Boot log obviously some way corrupted  when I chose the LVM option?? Jerry?
Altman - Thank you for the MD5SUM - It tallies with my Terminal figure.  Hence my ISO was not corrupted - I had thought this when I started having problems !! Also other post where problems tring to burn a viabble DVD AND a viable boot USB stick -  Will now persevere with those -  when time allows.

Re the keyboard and LL2.2 32 bit.  Have now, by trial and error, got it going - good enough.  Not all keys work (Alt & Alt Gr)  but the main ones do.  Menu/Settings/Input Method  left untouched - default
menu/settings/Keyboard  BEHAVIOUR - Unticked "Restore number work state on startup". APPLICATION SHORTCUTS - As Default.  LAYOUT  Untick "Use system defaults",  KEYBOARD MODEL = "Generic 102 key (int) PC.  Change Layout Options and Compose key boxes left as default.  KEYBOARD LAYOUT = English (US) deleted English (UK)  added as sole option.  Close

Test on Office New Document - number - uppercase numbers  QWERTYUIOP and @ ' #<>,.  all working

So  Thank you to responders - Much appreciated - Again the forum comes to the rescue --

The Question therefore for Jerry  Please - The Fujitsu had been running on LL 2.0 all ok for six months or so - intermittent use. Stable etc  Updated monthly.

It now appears that the iso downloaded by me was not corrupted as I had wondered if it might have been..
So why on full installation of LL2.2 32 bit  did I get the problem  starting when choosing the additional LVM option. Was it inappropriate for the  internal Hard Drive SATA 250GB ??.

Also not sure why I had problems burning a useable DVD iso  using Desktop HPdc7700 small form  factor  burner HP and 3 GB Ram , Twin core INTEL processor -?? DVD +RW media from Verbatim.

Thanks again to all

Question- Altman Where did you find the  reference md5sum for the iso.?
BItsnpcs - My Desktop with PS2 full keyboard has no problems as there are few multifunction kets and a separate number pad - i.e conventional.  It is the "try and do all" laptop keyboards that I generally have problems setting up for others. ( and myself Smile )
2006 - HP DC7700p ultraslim Desktop Intel 6300 cpu  4GB Ram LL3.8 64bit.
2007 - Fujitsu Siemens V3405 Laptop  2 GB Ram LL3.6 32bit. Now 32bit Debian 9 + nonfree.
2006 - Fujitsu Siemens Si1520 Laptop Intel T720 cpu 3GB Ram   LL5.6 64 Bit
2014 - Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook E754 Intel i7 4712MQ 16GB Ram LL6.6
2003 - RETIRED Toshiba Satellite Pro A10 1 GB RAM LL2.8 32bit
Here mate for the md5 sum :
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )
Ah -  Stands in the corner facing the wall Sad  Head bowed!
2006 - HP DC7700p ultraslim Desktop Intel 6300 cpu  4GB Ram LL3.8 64bit.
2007 - Fujitsu Siemens V3405 Laptop  2 GB Ram LL3.6 32bit. Now 32bit Debian 9 + nonfree.
2006 - Fujitsu Siemens Si1520 Laptop Intel T720 cpu 3GB Ram   LL5.6 64 Bit
2014 - Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook E754 Intel i7 4712MQ 16GB Ram LL6.6
2003 - RETIRED Toshiba Satellite Pro A10 1 GB RAM LL2.8 32bit
lol , no worries mate , guess we all did that one day or another , don t feel bad about it  .
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )

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