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LL on usb on AMD 32 bit one gig

The "one gig" is the memory on the machine, the install was on an 8 gig Sandisk usb.

I have a widescreen t.v. that I use for "morning coffee, check the mail, calendar and rss feeds".

I also use it as a "music server" in that I normally listen to SOMA fm of my, as with most Linux people, HUGE collection of cds. Smile

I use the old "gyration" "airmouse" and small form factor keyboard so that I don't have to "have the mouse on a pad".

I do this so that I can stand up, while drinking some tea or coffee and going back and forth to the kitchen to make breakfast etc.

I find it rather "refreshing" to not have to "sit down at a terminal" to do stuff, I can wander over to the door and take a look out at the river by the apartment complex, etc.

I am a very BIG fan of Kubuntu, and it has been my work machine for lo these many years, but, well,

a) Kubuntu works great but I really did just want something ......."differnt" on the screen and also...

I started using the whole Kontact PIM, but, has all moved to the SMARTPHONE!! lol........ my, my how things have changed....yes, if I need to do serious business on e-mail, calendaring, etc. I go to the Kubu machine but this is well, early morning stuff! lol

b) If anyone knows my history, I've donated hundreds of machines with Linux on them and always had to get by with squeezing the most out of the least as it were. a lark, I thought I try to find

i) a good looking distro in terms of viewing on a large screen from usually ten feet away or so,
ii) a distro that was "keeping itself up to date".
iii) that had......well.......... a different "flair".
iv)....... was......going back to my to be made "small" or "small in and of itself".

My first thought was TinyMe because of the size and also the particular way that the icon set was arranged, etc. it was on a .... 6.4 it worked.....but it was waay out of date, I did not know that the original developer had moved on, and it wouldn't play a .pls I could not enable repos etc.

So, I started looking around and discovered a distro which I had not seen before...Linux Lite! :0

So, I downloaded the i386 and installed it on an 8gig usb drive using the "startup disk creator" app and it did fine.

a) the machine I use for the t.v. has a great video processor on it but it is old..., a Gateway that has more usb ports, and ssd ports, and you name it ports. so if I want to view images on cards that I took while scuba diving etc...

The machine started with all of the older, white text on black information and then stalled at "insert bootable dvd".

So, since I'm a hardware kinda guy......... Smile  Smile

i removed the usb drive and reinserted it and guess what.........Linux Lite ......"perceived" that a.....DVD had been put in a tray and away it went! Smile old machine...

It took about two minutes to load.

YOU GUYS DID THE RIGHT THING........recommended that I update first thing......

ummmm wrong first thing to do on THIS particular install! lol

It "updated" ..........took about a HALF HOUR...............

restarted but......could not get on the net because of "no disk space"

So......I reinstalled it......

and instead of updating........

i removed Libre Office and GIMP and then updated.........and things are going swimmingly!

I even have the blue backgroud with the feather on it! lol

Hey ............

I ) The distro has a certain "crispness" to the appearance which I, personally, like.
II ) In terms of the old teacher in me I just LOVE......LOVE.......LOVE.........the VERBOSE DESCRIPTIONS........ of what the apps etc. do.......

I, PERSONALLY, think that this is ABSOLUTELY what is needed to introduce the new person from Windblows to Linux........

Great job devs! Smile

Welcome aboard , you have a top intro mate !
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )
Thanks for the compliment! Smile


Welcome to Linux Lite. Back in the Lindows/Linspire days, KDE left me so traumatized that it kept me away from Linux for years afterward. I vowed never to try it again, but that's just MY take on it.

Like the rest of Linux, I'm sure KDE has improved by leaps and bounds over the years. Meanwhile, I 'fell in love' with LXDE, Openbox, and Lubuntu.

I recently found out that my old Dell Latitude C640, the sole surviving Lubuntu machine, recognizes 1 GB DDR SODIMMs, so I'll try and find another one for it somewhere. After THAT, IT will also be on LL 2.2, and will probably dual boot it with Windows 7...

[Image: EtYqOrS.png%5D]

A gun in your hand is worth more than a whole police force on the phone.
lol , love that word : woodmuchappreciativesmoke
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )
Howdy and Welcome.  Hmmm. My 8 gig install did not have those problems.

Quote:.recommended that I update first thing......

ummmm wrong first thing to do on THIS particular install! lol

It "updated" ..........took about a HALF HOUR...............

restarted but......could not get on the net because of "no disk space"

So......I reinstalled it......

But mine was a live usb with a persistence partition on it.
LL 3.6,2.8
Dell XT2 > Touchscreen Laptop
Dell 755 > Desktop
Acer 150 > Desktop
I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
Hello woodsmoke,

Welcome to the forum  Smile
Hi guys!
And thankeee verrah much for the kind replies! Smile

My apologies for not getting back more quickly, a bout of the "double dip" flu, mid terms ( I teach physics at a local college), then spring break and of course......SCUBA DIVING! Smile

But an update on the sitiation! Smile

The OS is now residing is on an old 16 gig gigabyte drive on the aforementioned  AMD 32, etc, etc.  Not much hoss but.......... it has bright red LED fan lights! lol

It is hooked into a Sony large screen t.v. through an RGB port, the very last one which was sold by Sears and Sawbuck.

I use a gyration "airmouse" and wireless keyboard combo to basically use it as a "music server" and to watch YouTube stuff, like old Peter Gunn and Sea Hunt and and Sherlock Holmes videos! kinda dates me! lol

Anyway, I have always wanted to get a setup which would allow me to be able to "stand" while interacting with a computer, I have a full bore Linux setup in my office which I use daily, but it is always in the seated position.  And, I have a homemade desk so that I my forearms are ergonomically horizontal, and use an OLD NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN MS ergonomic wireless keyboard etc.

But, after getting used to Linux Lite I then proceeded to just use the stock two workspaces, one for a "desktop" and the other for VLC playing streaming music.

Instead of using a "screensaver" which would be too much hoss for the machine I have a bunch of the "Ubuntu girl" wallpapers and some Avante- garde Ubuntu wallpapers that I have set to cycle through the desktop every five minutes.  One of the neighbor ladies, I live in the ground floor of an apartment complex saw the "Ubuntu makes me smart" wallpaper and knocked on the door, I keep it open to the storm door or screen and said......."ya know if I was a few decades younger I'd put that outfit on and chase you around the sofa! lol.......  She said it in good fun, we've known each other for a coupla years, and she found out about Linux from that. lol

The reason for VLC being on the second workspace is so that it won't "burn in" to the screen, which I have found DOES happen, on the television screen, of course monitors have been tweaked to have this not happen for a long time, and it happened mainly with CRTs anyway.

The bottom panel is expanded vertically so that It is about 6 inches on the bottom of the screen, I can EASILY hit the few icons that I need from halfway across the room with the airmouse.

I made a LibreOffice template which has a default font size of 44 so that I can see it from across the room.

I have normally just used the keyboard for logging in or search stuff, sitting and typing with a keyboard on the lap is not really handy, I do have one of those "slide under the sofa" "eat at the sofa" things that makes things a little handier but it was just not going to work well for any kind "work".

And i do not NEED to work on the t.v. it is just that it gives one a "break from routine".

BUT.......... wooot! .... Smile I just a couple of days ago found a "hospital bed" "keyboard and mouse" table/stand at a flea market and now have it set up so that I can "word process" standing up a  couple of yards from the screen.

This will not be heavy duty work, but it will be a break from normal routine, and I can do "stuff that occurs to me" when I'm doing other things and the music server is running.

Some comments:
a) the very top thing on the menu about "updating" I have found to BE A WONDERFUL THING......yeah, I update regularly using sudo or Synaptic, but I think that putting that OBVIOUS button there is a great thing for people new to Linux.
b) Again, the terminal popping for the update with no effort except "yes or no" is, again, I think a WONDERFUL thing for people that are new to Linux, it......allows them to see some "guts" of Linux as it were, and it self closes so that they don't have to worry about "clicking something wrong".
c) Having OBVIOUS buttons to click in the menu system for doing things like tweaking the desktop etc. again, I think are marvelous for the NEW to Linux people...YESSSS.... the "old groaners" .... they don't need it, but then they didn't need it when they were going to rescue Napoleon from the Island of Elba! Smile
e) THE ONLY QUIBBLE is that I just have never been able to get a "proper" "one click PIM" in Gnome like the KDE PIM, but I get my e-mails more conveniently on my phone anyway, and google calendar is on it also.  As to RSS feeds I'm going to try out a couple of the widgets.
d) Having the weather there and..........JUST many times, have how many thousands of Linux geeks BEAT THEIR BRAINS on the screen trying to get a weather applet to work! lol........good job!


Well the distro just continues to shine on the large screen t.v.

I happened across a "split table" thing for use at hospital bed side which was cheap and I removed the "large table" and use only the "small side table", which was, surprisingly adjustable for my hands held horizontally, so not wrist strain. 

The airmouse keyboard resides thereupon and the actual mouse can alingside or usually stays at the end of the couch in a charger.

The whole setup works wonderfully well.

I've reduced the lower panel vertical dimension to about two three inches, and hafe a few widgets or links there for a wordprocessor, file system, VLC and the provided weather.

I hit the kicker at login and do an update while getting coffee etc.

I increased the font size and reversed the colours of the terminal so that i can view what is being updated from a distance.

And..........I downloaded some more "Linux beautiful women" backgrounds for the background slider which is set at five minutes! LOL

I've stayed with just two workspaces, VLC  is permanently up on one, and when I have it playing I change to the other workspace so there is not "monitor burnin".

NOTE: I went through a LOT of RSS feeders to be able to get "plain news" and then realized........duuuhhhhh just use Google News for...the news". duuuhh

Again, I could increase the font on the "front page" but the regular articles are the site's provided font.

So I'm using the provided RSS feeder.

The weather applet is the best that I've seen, period, one click and it give a VERY LARGE and easily understood weekly and "day section" view which I can see from partway across the room.

All in all..........

LL is a fine distro for a large screen t.v.

if there are any questions, please ask.

got up at 5 am local time and popped the telly and am listening to one of my favourite all time composers.....on Soma FM......Henry Mancini.


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