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[SOLVED] No video at all
Ok here is my issue. I have a MSI computer that has an ATI Radeon 1600 video card in it. When I try booting up the computer I get nothing, no beeps no whistles, nothing, just the sound of the fans blowing air. Normally, ( or before this issue.) When it booted up I would see bios flash etc... I don't even see that any more. I have tried three different video cards to see and nothing. Am I looking at a video slot failure here or what? I know the monitor is good as I have it hooked up now and it works fine. ANY suggestions or help would be great....p.s. All was working fine before with i just dunno....
LL 6.6 Dell Power Edge T310 Quad core 32g
LL 6.6 Acer E5-722-49HD A4-7210 Quad core
LL 6.6 Acer AX3812-E9502 intel Quad core
LL 6.2 Dell Optiplex 755 intel Core 2 duo
LL 3.8 Acer Aspire 3000 AMD processor
Simple, Fast, Efficient, Free, and Beats Windows all to hell.
Hi Ohjrson,

Let's start the troubleshooting here:

Quote:When I try booting up the computer I get nothing, no beeps no whistles, nothing, just the sound of the fans blowing air.

The first step would be to get just the motherboard to boot to the point you can enter the BIOS/setup untility. Remove all the peripherals - unplug CD/DVDs, unplug hard drives, if the motherboard has built in video, remove the ATI video card. The motherboard should have memory, cpu, video (built in preferred), and power.

Can you get it to boot like this?  If so, start adding the peripherals one per boot until you find the problem device.
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]
Yeah, Thought of that. I took memory out and unplugged hard drive and nothing. Do I need to take the CPU out as well? It does not have built in video so That I know I have to leave in.
LL 6.6 Dell Power Edge T310 Quad core 32g
LL 6.6 Acer E5-722-49HD A4-7210 Quad core
LL 6.6 Acer AX3812-E9502 intel Quad core
LL 6.2 Dell Optiplex 755 intel Core 2 duo
LL 3.8 Acer Aspire 3000 AMD processor
Simple, Fast, Efficient, Free, and Beats Windows all to hell.
How about a link to your computer specs with a review?
Since we do not even know if it is a Desktop or Laptop.
More info benefits you.

LL 3.6,2.8
Dell XT2 > Touchscreen Laptop
Dell 755 > Desktop
Acer 150 > Desktop
I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
Sure be glad to give that information, However when I tried what you suggested it still did nothing. So I am thinking that the AGP slot is done... I just wondre if the PCI slot will work..

What do you think?
LL 6.6 Dell Power Edge T310 Quad core 32g
LL 6.6 Acer E5-722-49HD A4-7210 Quad core
LL 6.6 Acer AX3812-E9502 intel Quad core
LL 6.2 Dell Optiplex 755 intel Core 2 duo
LL 3.8 Acer Aspire 3000 AMD processor
Simple, Fast, Efficient, Free, and Beats Windows all to hell.

Quote:I took memory out and unplugged hard drive and nothing. Do I need to take the CPU out as well?

I'm pretty sure a motherboard should be able to boot (to an error) with cpu only, no video card or memory. The error should be beeping, just not sure if the sound is generated from the motherboard or it needs one of those cheap speakers with a wire plug to the motherboard.

Quote:So I am thinking that the AGP slot is done... I just wondre if the PCI slot will work..

I agree, after three different video cards, that the AGP slot is probably broken. As for the PCI route, sure give it a try if you have one.

A long shot idea. Most motherboards can be reset with a pin/jumper configuration. Take a look at the manual (download if necessary) and see if you can reset the board. Doubt it will work but strange things do occasionally work.
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]
I'll try that. Thats my last ditch effort, if that don't work its hitting that garbage... Oh well... Thanks for the info...
LL 6.6 Dell Power Edge T310 Quad core 32g
LL 6.6 Acer E5-722-49HD A4-7210 Quad core
LL 6.6 Acer AX3812-E9502 intel Quad core
LL 6.2 Dell Optiplex 755 intel Core 2 duo
LL 3.8 Acer Aspire 3000 AMD processor
Simple, Fast, Efficient, Free, and Beats Windows all to hell.
Happy to help, if the motherboard ends up being a paperweight at least you can look forward to building/buying a replacement at some point. 8)
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]
Yes I am sorta hoping it is so I can install Beryl onto a newer system and see just how fast it can be... Wish me luck (or bad luckWink)
LL 6.6 Dell Power Edge T310 Quad core 32g
LL 6.6 Acer E5-722-49HD A4-7210 Quad core
LL 6.6 Acer AX3812-E9502 intel Quad core
LL 6.2 Dell Optiplex 755 intel Core 2 duo
LL 3.8 Acer Aspire 3000 AMD processor
Simple, Fast, Efficient, Free, and Beats Windows all to hell.
I ll wish you luck mate .
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )

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