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(01-15-2015, 01:05 PM)bitsnpcs link Wrote: Why are born again Christians named, born again Christians, Monkeyman ?

Everyone is born in the flesh, from their mothers womb.  Born again Christians are also born in the Spirit of the Lord, Jesus.  Jesus suffered and died, then rose from the grave to ascend to Heaven to cleanse those who believe in Him from sin.  It's a rebirth in the Spirit.  Read John 3:1-21 in the Bible.  Many people (even non-Christians) have heard John 3:16 (For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever should believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life).  Life in the flesh is temporary.  You might make it 100 years.  Life in the spirit is eternal.
Thank You for explaining. Smile
"born in the Spirit of the Lord" means faith/belief ?

What do born again Christians believe happens during eternal life for the Spirit ?

(01-16-2015, 01:36 AM)bitsnpcs link Wrote: Thank You for explaining. Smile
"born in the Spirit of the Lord" means faith/belief ?

What do born again Christians believe happens during eternal life for the Spirit ?

Sort of.  The only path to Heaven is through belief that Christ Jesus was the risen Saviour, that he lived and died for mankinds sins and is the only path to God Almighty.  Once you believe in Him, confess your sins.

There are only 2 options after the death of the body, Heaven or hell.  There is no 3rd choice.  If you're redeemed in the Spirit of Jesus, you're going to Heaven.  If not, you're going to hell.  You can't buy your way to Heaven nor can you get there through good deeds.  Oh, and EVERYONE will believe in Jesus sooner or later.  Either you'll believe in Him while you're on earth or you'll believe in Him when you stand in front of him on Judgement Day.  Unfortunately, if you wait until your body is dead, it's too late.
What is classed as a sin, that born again Christians would confess, and who do they confess to, God directly, or to a priest like Catholics ?

Do born again Christians have to attend a church, is not doing so a sin ?
If so what type of churches ?
Which bible version is read by born again Christians ?

A new channel became available this month in UK called TBN, it is the first Christian tv channel on freeview,  it is from USA, have you heard of it, or do you know anything about it ?
I looked at the website it is not specific as to which church the channel is from.
Anything that doesn't glorify the Lord.  Think the Ten Commandments.

It's not "required" to attend church but I do.  I get a lot out of hearing the word of God.  The Bible says, as Christians, we should fellowship with others but I wouldn't consider not going to church a sin.

Any kind of church that preaches from the Bible and believes that Jesus is the risen Saviour.  I attend a non denominational church.

Pretty much any version of the Bible is accepted although I stick with the NIV (New International Version) mostly because it doesn't sound like William Shakespeare wrote it (like the KJV...King James Version).  I don't talk like that so it's not the easiest for me to understand.

TBN is the Trinity Broadcasting Network.  It actually encompasses a couple dozen different stations.  I don't have live TV so I haven't watched anything on TBN in years.  As far as I know, it's not affiliated with any particular denomination.  More Pentecostal than anything, I guess.
Thank You Monkeyman for explaining and your answers Smile


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