04-25-2019, 08:12 AM
I can't replicate it, and there's no record of zenity behaving in this way that I can see, therefore there's not a lot to go on.
Try this Yad version next time:
It looks a lot different yes, but I don't want that to be the focus here. I need to see if it's just Zenity doing this, one way to test is with another frontend. Back up your existing lite-updates file first (/usr/bin/)
Try this Yad version next time:
# Name: Linux Lite Updates
# Description: A GUI tool to easily install Updates in Linux Lite.
# Authors: Misko_2083, Jerry Bezencon, gerito1, Ralphy
# Website: https://www.freecinema2022.gq
_APPNAME="Linux Lite Updates" # Application name variable
_ICON="/usr/share/icons/Faenza/apps/scalable/synaptic.svg" # Linux Lite icon variable
_UPDATES=$(mktemp /tmp/updateslist.XXXXXX) # Updates log variable
_DATE=$(date +"%A-%d-%B-%Y-%T") # Date variable
if [ ! -f "$_TMPU" ]; then echo "$_MYUPDUSER" > "$_TMPU"; chmod 600 "$_TMPU"; fi
_SVUSER=$(cat "$_TMPU")
# function remove temp files
rm_temp_files() {
rm -f $_SVUSER
rm -f $_TMPU
rm -f $_UPDATES
rm -f $_PLAIN
rm -f /tmp/updateslist.*
# function view, save update log
view_save_log() {
_ANS=$(yad --center --borders=15 --question --image=logviewer --text-info --width="780" --height="400" --window-icon="$_ICON" --title=" $_APPNAME Error log" \
--button=gtk-cancel:1 --button="Save":0 --filename="$_LLUPDATES" 2>/dev/null); _OPT=$(echo $?)
if [[ "$_ANS" =~ "Copy to clipboard" ]]; then
sudo -u ${SUDO_USER:-$_SVUSER} xclip -selection c "$_LLUPDATES"
xhost local:$_SVUSER > /dev/null 2>&1
export DISPLAY=:0
notify-send -i "$_NTFYICON" 'Updates Log copied to clipboard' "Go to www.freecinema2022.gq/forums and paste the log into a new or existing thread." -t 10000
xhost - >/dev/null 2>&1; rm_temp_files; exit 0
case $_OPT in
0) szSavePath=$(yad --center --image=logviewer --borders=15 --title=" Save Updates Log" --width="600" --height="400" --file-selection --filename="/home/$_SVUSER/llupdates.log" \
--window-icon="$_ICON" --file-filter='*.log' --file-filter='All files | *' --save --confirm-overwrite 2>/dev/null)
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then sudo -u ${SUDO_USER:-$_SVUSER} cp "$_LLUPDATES" "$szSavePath"; rm_temp_files; else rm_temp_files; exit 0 ; fi ;;
1) rm_temp_files; exit 0 ;;
# Check Internet access
if eval "curl -sk google.com" >> /dev/null 2>&1; then :; else # Prompt ERROR internet connection check failed and exit
yad --center --borders=15 --info --width="320" --height="120" --window-icon="$_ICON" --button=gtk-ok:1 --title="$_APPNAME" \
--text="\n<b>Your computer is not connected to the Internet.</b> \n \nLinux Lite cannot check for Updates.\nPlease check your internet connection and try again.\n" --text-align center 2>/dev/null
rm_temp_files; exit 0
# Kill off any package managers that may be running
if [ "$(pidof synaptic)" ]; then killall -9 synaptic; fi
if [ ! -z "$(pgrep gdebi-gtk)" ]; then killall -9 gdebi-gtk; fi
# start dialog - Ask for elevation, else exit
if [ $EUID -ne 0 ]; then
yad --center --borders=15 --image=system-software-install --question --width="320" --height="120" --window-icon="$_ICON" --button=gtk-cancel:1 --button="Continue":0 --title="$_APPNAME" \
--text="\nLinux Lite will now fetch the Updates list.\n\nClick <b>Cancel</b> to exit now or <b>Continue</b> to proceed.\n" --text-align center 2>/dev/null
case $? in
0) pkexec "$0"; if [ "${PIPESTATUS[@]}" -eq "126" ]; then rm_temp_files; fi; exit 0 ;;
1) rm_temp_files; exit 0 ;;
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ];then
# xclip check/ install
if [ -z "$(dpkg -l | grep -E '^ii' | grep xclip)" ]; then
apt-get install xclip -y | yad --center --borders=15 --image=system-software-install --progress --pulsate --window-icon="$_ICON" --auto-close --no-cancel --width="320" --height="80" --title="$_APPNAME" \
--text="Preparing... please wait...\n" --text-align center --no-buttons --skip-taskbar 2>/dev/null
# Repositories registered
_SLIST=$(grep '^deb ' -c /etc/apt/sources.list)
_SLISTD=$(grep -R --exclude="*.save" '^deb ' -c /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | grep -c /)
APTUPDATE=$(($_SLIST + $_SLISTD)) # Total of repositories registered, this is approximated
apt-get update 2>&1 | tee "$_LLUPDATES" |
awk -v total=$APTUPDATE '/^Ign|^ Get/{count++;$1=""} FNR { if (total != 0){percentage=int (1000*count/total);print (percentage > 1000),"\n#",substr($0, 0, 128) }; fflush(stdout)}' \
| yad --center --undecorated --borders=35 --progress --text="Updating package lists...\n" --text-align center --window-icon="$_ICON" --title="Updating Software Sources - please wait..." --no-buttons --skip-taskbar --auto-close 2>/dev/null
if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
unset APTUPDATE; rm_temp_files; unset _UPDATES
sed -i '1 i\===========================\
Install Updates Error Log\
Install Updates could not fetch the package cache information lists.\
Go to https://www.freecinema2022.gq/forums/ and paste the log below into\na new or existing thread for assistance.\n\
============ Log ===========\n' "$_LLUPDATES"
sleep 4 | yad --center --borders=15 --image=error --progress --pulsate --window-icon="error" --auto-close --no-cancel --width="380" --height="80" --title="$_APPNAME - Error" \
--text="Errors occurred while fetching packages cache information lists.\n\n Retrieving error log, please wait...\n" --no-buttons --skip-taskbar --text-align center 2>/dev/null
view_save_log; exit 1
# Creates a list in /tmp/updateslist
apt-get --just-print dist-upgrade 2>&1 | perl -ne 'if (/Inst\s([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\s\[([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\]\s\(([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\)? /i) {print "Name: $1 INSTALLED: $2 AVAILABLE: $3\n"}' |
awk '{print NR,":\t"$0}' > $_PLAIN
sed '
# Check for available updates; if none then remove /tmp/updateslist.XXXXXX and display up-to-date dialog
if [ -z "$(cat $_PLAIN)" ]; then
rm_temp_files; unset _UPDATES
yad --center --borders=15 --image=gtk-info --info --window-icon="$_ICON" --width="260" --height="60" --title=" $_APPNAME" \
--text="\nYour system is up to date.\n" --text-align center 2>/dev/null
exit 0
# Erase existing available info
dpkg --clear-avail
rm_temp_files; unset _UPDATES; exit 0
# Call the yad dialog to show update list
yad --center --borders=15 --image=system-software-install --text-info --back=#eff1f4 --window-icon="$_ICON" --button=gtk-cancel:1 --button="Update Now":0 --title="Available Updates" --width="760" --height="400" --fontname="Droid regular 10" --filename="$_UPDATES" 2>/dev/null
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ];then
# Continue script if no halt, remove tmp file and unset variables
rm $_UPDATES; unset _UPDATES
#Begin upgrade
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" dist-upgrade -y 2>&1 | tee "$_LLUPDATES" |
awk ' BEGIN { FS=" "; total=1;end_download=0} /upgraded/ {total= $1 + $3;FS="[ :]" } /^Get:[[:digit:]]+/ {printf "#Downloading %s %s %s\n",$7,$(NF-1),$NF;print int(($2 - 1) * 100 / total);
fflush(stdout)} /^\(Reading / {if (end_download==0){print 100;fflush(stdout);end_download=1}} /^(Preparing|Unpacking|Selecting|Processing|Setting|Download)/ {print "#", substr($0, 0, 128); fflush(stdout)}' \
| ( yad --center --undecorated --borders=35 --progress --window-icon="$_ICON" --percentage="0" --auto-close --text="Downloading package(s)...\nThis may take a while.\n" --text-align center --no-buttons --skip-taskbar 2>/dev/null;
yad --center --undecorated --borders=35 --progress --window-icon="$_ICON" --percentage="0" --auto-close --text="Installing and configuring package(s)...\nThis may take a while.\n" --text-align center --no-buttons --skip-taskbar 2>/dev/null)
if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
sed -i '1 i\===========================\
Install Updates Error log\
Install Updates could not successfully download and install available updates.\
Go to https://www.freecinema2022.gq/forums/ and paste the log below into a new or existing thread for assistance.\n\
============ Log ===========\n' "$_LLUPDATES"
sleep 4 | yad --center --borders=15 --image=error --progress --pulsate --window-icon="error" --auto-close --no-cancel --width="320" --height="80" --title="$_APPNAME - Error" \
--text="Errors occurred while updating. \n\n Retrieving errors log. Please wait...\n" --text-align center --no-buttons --skip-taskbar 2>/dev/null
view_save_log; exit 0
# Halt updates script if user selects Cancel
rm_temp_files; unset _UPDATES
yad --center --borders=15 --image=info --info --width="300" --button=gtk-ok:1 --timeout="6" --window-icon="$_ICON" --title=" $_APPNAME" --text="\nUpdates have been canceled.\n" --text-align center 2>/dev/null
exit 0
# If Ubuntu base package has been upgraded during Install Updates, /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth
llverprnt=$(awk '{print}' /etc/llver)
if grep -q 0x988592 "$checkdefplym"; then
sed -i "s/^title=Ubuntu.*$/title=$llverprnt/g" /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth ;
sed -i "s/black=0x2c001e/black=0x000000/g" /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth ;
sed -i "s/white=0xffffff/white=0xffffff/g" /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth ;
sed -i "s/brown=0xff4012/brown=0xffff00/g" /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth ;
sed -i "s/blue=0x988592/blue=0x000000/g" /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth && update-initramfs -u |
yad --center --undecorated --borders=35 --progress --auto-close --pulsate --text="Updating boot configuration please wait...\n" --text-align center --no-buttons --skip-taskbar
echo " "
PROCEED=$(yad --center --borders=15 --question --image=logviewer --width="300" --height="80" --window-icon="$_ICON" --title=" $_APPNAME" --text-align center --window-icon="$_ICON" --button="No":1 --button="Yes":0 --text="\n$_APPNAME completed successfully.\n\nWould you like to view the\n$_APPNAME log?\n" 2>/dev/null ; echo $?)
if [ ${PROCEED} -eq 1 ]; then rm_temp_files; :; else
yad --center --borders=15 --question --image=logviewer --text-info --width="750" --height="400" --button="Close":1 --button="Save":0 --title=" $_APPNAME Log" --filename="$_LLUPDATES" 2>/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
# Save report
szSavePath=$(yad --center --image=logviewer --borders=15 --width="600" --height="400" --window-icon="$_ICON" --title=" Save Updates Log" --file-selection --filename=/home/$_SVUSER/llupdates-"${_DATE}".txt --file-filter='*.txt' \
--file-filter='All files | *' --save --confirm-overwrite 2>/dev/null)
sudo -u ${SUDO_USER:-$_SVUSER} cp "$_LLUPDATES" "$szSavePath"; rm_temp_files; else rm_temp_files; :
if [ -s /var/run/reboot-required ]; then
yad --center --question --image=gtk-info --borders=15 --width="300" --height="100" --window-icon="$_ICON" --button="Continue using my computer:"1 --button="Restart Now":0 --title=" Linux Lite Updates" --text-align center \
--text="These updates require the system to be restarted\nfor the changes to take effect.\n\nWould you like to restart now?\n" 2>/dev/null
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then reboot; else exit 0 ; fi
exit 0
It looks a lot different yes, but I don't want that to be the focus here. I need to see if it's just Zenity doing this, one way to test is with another frontend. Back up your existing lite-updates file first (/usr/bin/)