Getting angry
I wrote this simple script an ran it:
Now, things get really weird, and this is WHY:
I ran the script on the current machine, which is Linux Lite 6.6, on Dell Precision T1700 (see the left Forum widget)
Here is the output:
If you watch close the code, the $USER variable from the script, was replaced with the current user, which means that there is only one user on the machine, which is right.
But then, who wants to write into the file "/tmp/ltlogs.log" and gets kicked out: "/tmp/ltlogs.log: Permission denied"?
I created the file (see previous posts) without any problem, saved it so what ghost is this?!
"Who", is actually some process (PID). But how can a process be started by $USER = nobody, since even the most "nobody" user is $GUEST, and on this machine, there IS only ONE user: serban.
I checked the rights on the sequence of scripts.
$USER has rx rights, but lacks w. Meaning I can execute any of the scripts, but I am denied the writing rights.
This might generate the "/tmp/ltlogs.log: Permission denied", due to user/owner mismatch.
Yet, the Lite Tweaks works on Lite 6.6, even if it throws errors.
In Lite 7.0 RC1 Though, it crashes when pressing the "Begin" button.
The strange thing though, is that it only crashed on the tasks that require the $SUPER rights.
I have to check that again, too.
I have to move on ASUS X200MA to see what is the output of the script "Weird-Lite-Tweaks-Spy.sh".
Best regards!
Getting angry
I wrote this simple script an ran it:
# Weird-Lite-Tweaks-Spy.sh
# Script to see what's wrong in Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 with Lite Tweaks
# ======================
# === Wed-08-05-2024 ===
# ======================
# Şerban Stănescu, 2024
# ---
# Version 0.1, Wed-08-05-2024
# # #
# #
# TESTED: Wed-08-05-2024;
# ======ooo OOOOOO ooo======
echo "==========================================================="
echo ""
echo "======ooo OOOOOO ooo======"
echo " Script to see what's wrong in Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 with Lite Tweaks"
echo "==========================================================="
echo "======ooo OOOOOO ooo======"
echo " Waiting 1 sec... "
sleep 1
echo " Checking the $USER, AFTER working with Lite Tweaks "
echo ""
echo "==========================================================="
echo " Weird-Lite-Tweaks-Spy.sh"
echo "==========================================================="
echo " --- THE END! ---"
echo "==========================================================="
echo " Şerban Stănescu, Wed-08-05-2024"
echo "==========================================================="
Now, things get really weird, and this is WHY:
I ran the script on the current machine, which is Linux Lite 6.6, on Dell Precision T1700 (see the left Forum widget)
Here is the output:
======ooo OOOOOO ooo======
Script to see what's wrong in Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 with Lite Tweaks
======ooo OOOOOO ooo======
/usr/bin/lite-tweaks-super: line 1089: ((: PERCENTAGE = 100 \* 1 / 2 : syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is "\* 1 / 2 ")
/usr/bin/lite-tweaks-super: line 1089: ((: PERCENTAGE = 100 \* 2 / 2 : syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is "\* 2 / 2 ")
tee: /tmp/ltlogs.log: Permission denied
tee: /tmp/ltlogs.log: Permission denied
/usr/bin/lite-tweaks-super: line 1089: ((: PERCENTAGE = 100 \* 2 / 1 : syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is "\* 2 / 1 ")
Waiting 1 sec...
Checking the serban, AFTER working with Lite Tweaks
--- THE END! ---
Şerban Stănescu, Wed-08-05-2024
Press ENTER to exit...
If you watch close the code, the $USER variable from the script, was replaced with the current user, which means that there is only one user on the machine, which is right.
But then, who wants to write into the file "/tmp/ltlogs.log" and gets kicked out: "/tmp/ltlogs.log: Permission denied"?
I created the file (see previous posts) without any problem, saved it so what ghost is this?!
"Who", is actually some process (PID). But how can a process be started by $USER = nobody, since even the most "nobody" user is $GUEST, and on this machine, there IS only ONE user: serban.
I checked the rights on the sequence of scripts.
$USER has rx rights, but lacks w. Meaning I can execute any of the scripts, but I am denied the writing rights.
This might generate the "/tmp/ltlogs.log: Permission denied", due to user/owner mismatch.
Yet, the Lite Tweaks works on Lite 6.6, even if it throws errors.
In Lite 7.0 RC1 Though, it crashes when pressing the "Begin" button.
The strange thing though, is that it only crashed on the tasks that require the $SUPER rights.
I have to check that again, too.
I have to move on ASUS X200MA to see what is the output of the script "Weird-Lite-Tweaks-Spy.sh".
Best regards!
"It's easy to die for an idea. It's way harder TO LIVE for your idea!"
Current Machine:
Dell Precision T1700, 16 GB RAM, SSD Kingston A400, 480 GB.
ASUS X200MA , Intel® Celeron® N2830, 2 GB RAM, SSD Kingston A400, 480 GB.
Current Machine:
Dell Precision T1700, 16 GB RAM, SSD Kingston A400, 480 GB.
ASUS X200MA , Intel® Celeron® N2830, 2 GB RAM, SSD Kingston A400, 480 GB.