Source -
Look first at the advices -
visit -
Under the tab printers, see if your printer is listed.
Then under the tab Jobs, see if there are any jobs waiting, cancel the jobs.
Look second at -
remove the usb cable from the printer, then reboot the computer, and printer.
refit usb cable.
If still not working follow on to the other tasks.
Look third at -
make sure no jobs waiting, search results showed issues happen most often if hplip is installed when jobs are waiting, or groups choice during installation.
purge hplip,
reinstall hplip,
check carefully the groups selected during installation process.
Best to follow the "look third" above paragraph with the staff help on LL forum.
Look fourth at, as last resort -
On itsfoss link above look at the link to Ubuntu instructions, with LL staff advice, on how to purge and uninstall hplip, then how to install HP printers without using hplip at all.
For clarity I am not LL staff, I am just another user of the LL distro, and hplip, I use a HP printer (Lazer), before this on LL I used the Kodak AIO, before that I used a HP inkjet.