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Not allowed to open disk
"I pulled it ( hot swap-able ) and tried it in my other LL computer and all files popped-up as you'd expect them too"

Did you run the computer that the disk came out of while the disk was missing? If so you may need to reset your BIOS after plugging the disk back in. Not all SATA connections are hot-pluggable with some BIOS. As [member=5414]firenice03[/member] suggests that can effect Linux mapping of the drive.

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
Welcome to Linux Lite 4.8 rapidrob

Tuesday 24 March 2020, 07:40:51
Memory Usage: 376/7975MB (4.71%)
Disk Usage: 22/458GB (5%)
Support - (Right click, Open Link)

 rapidrob  ~  sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
[sudo] password for rapidrob:
 rapidrob  ~  Greyhound01!
Greyhound01!: command not found
 rapidrob  ~  sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
mount: /mnt: /dev/sdb1 already mounted on /mnt.
 rapidrob  ~  ls /mnt
'Backups 2019'  Documents  lost+found  Music  Pictures  timeshift
 rapidrob  ~  #

The files are in my "files " folder in LL under 500 GB Hitachi HDD as well as a GUI icon of a hard drive. Normally I just click on either and the files are shown as a thumbnail menu.
Now the GUI is slightly grayed out. If I double-click the GUI icon the file opens and starts to loads the thousands files all at once locking up my computer.
This has never happened before. No idea why the HDD is locked down. I do not use a pass word to open the HDD the files are in a normal format.
I'm not longer able to do a screen shot on ANY error that pops up! As soon as an error shows up the screen is locked,nothing happens. No right click is active
I may have to wipe the drive and reload LL.
I decided to wipe the drive and reload LL. There are too many options that are now no longer working. something has corrupted the OS.
(03-24-2020, 02:19 PM)Rapidrob link Wrote: I decided to wipe the drive and reload LL. There are too many options that are now no longer working. something has corrupted the OS.

Let us know how it fairs with a restore of the OS - its possible something had, as you mentioned other apps wouldnt open...
Once you have it installed and happy Smile Make a backup .. TimeShift - should you need to restore you can...
LL4.8 UEFI 64 bit ASUS E402W - AMD E2 (Quad) 1.5Ghz  - 4GB - AMD Mullins Radeon R2
LL5.8 UEFI 64 bit Test UEFI Kangaroo (Mobile Desktop) - Atom X5-Z8500 1.44Ghz - 2GB - Intel HD Graphics
LL4.8 64 bit HP 6005- AMD Phenom II X2 - 8GB - AMD/ATI RS880 (HD4200)
LL3.8 32 bit Dell Inspiron Mini - Atom N270 1.6Ghz - 1GB - Intel Mobile 945GSE Express  -- Shelved
BACK LL5.8 64 bit Dell Optiplex 160 (Thin) - Atom 230 1.6Ghz - 4GB-SiS 771/671 PCIE VGA - Print Server
Running Linux Lite since LL2.2
Simply put -- when you plugged the disk into the other machine it wrote to the disk. You should have reset the BIOS before plugging the disk back into the original machine and run fsck on the disk before booting which would have allowed you to use apt to change any firmware or system configurations that had changed from original ahead of new boot. Swapping disks between machines is not always automatically configurable. --
* Also for future reference if you are content to keep swapping the disk between machines --ordinary user files that you copy to the disk should be on a separate partition, as well as backups, and any OSs on the disk -- each on their own partition. Then you will not have permission errors to open and copy files or access backups. As far as a disk with an OS installed I/O usually takes ownership of any drive you plug into SATA 1 or 2 because of RAM type differences and -- depending on the MOBO after boot changes will write to the disk.
* Also Linux maps external drives in a disk caddy differently, either via USB or your network card under ethernet,  which allows you to plug in multiple machines to external drives without permission errors. 

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.

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