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Slow USB 3.0 Speeds
You could also make your USB ext4 file system. Then test ext4 to ext4 under USB 3.0
Hello, actually I didn't think of that I will surely test out the ext4 file system on my USB and see how fast the speeds are thank you.
Reason I use exfat is because I transfer files from my Linux PC to my Win 7 PC Big Grin  I just came across a program that lets you read the ext file systems in Windows, it's called Ext2Read, so if the speeds do improve I will use this program to transfer my files instead of exfat.
Couple of suggestions I would add to this. The fastest way to transfer huge files from a Linux box to a Windows 7 box is to use grsync via ethernet. Also .mkv files are a kind of universal container file which can contain differing OS information and meta-data depending how edits are made and simple things like Windows fonts can slow down or mess up transfers between Linux and Windows. Add grsync to Windows 7, and a commander style file manager, and then ethernet the Windows box to the Linux box.

If you are going to continue using USBs between the transfers format to ext2, and install ext2fsd to Windows 7 and a commander style file manager. Still 64G is an awfully big container file for a run of the mill consumer style (Windows 7) box to copy from Linux no matter how you do it and meta-data changes and editing quirks can mess with transfers.

*Important* I believe ext2fsd will work fine in Windows 7 64bit mode as long as the USB being accessed is formatted to ext2. There are issues with 64bit mode in newer Linux OSs on ext4 file transfers.

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
Thanks for the input. Hmmm, I think I will try your suggestion to trinidad. First I'll try ext4 and see if there are any issues. If there are issues I will use ext2 file system and see how that works. I think I will just try that method, being I don't want to run Ethernet cable right now Big Grin. If speeds do improve then I will leave whatever file system gives me the best results.
Tried ext4 , ext2, then tried to transfer a smaller 5GB file all the same speeds, average 17.5mb/s. I was thinking if I install Wine and download the USB 3.0 drivers from Dell would that work? Would it install correctly? A shame Dell has no Linux support on their site for my model of Laptop.
OK I can confirm 100% that the issue with USB 3.0 speeds is with Ubuntu  16.04 which LL 3.6 is based on. After installing Win 10 in order to update my BIOS I copied and pasted a 80GB file. Speeds were locked at 140+mb/s. Then I downloaded Ubuntu 17.10 64bit. Tested it out the same way copied a 80GB file and the speeds are locked as well at 140+mb/s. Also like to add this is with the exFat file system on Win 10 & Ubuntu.  Hmm, I wonder is there anyway to fix this ?
I would bet it has to do with kernel drivers for a newer kernel. If possible try the 4.10 kernel series (hwe ones).
OK thanks a lot I will look into that.
I have fixed the slow USB 3.0 issue by actually installing 4.13 Kernel. This is what worked for me hopefully it will help others:

To get the Kernel 4.13 from the command console, run the commands below one by one:

For 64-bit OS:

cd /tmp/




sudo dpkg -i *.deb

for 32-bit OS:

cd /tmp/




sudo dpkg -i *.deb
After installed these .debs, restart and enjoy!

Screenshot of my USB 3.0 speeds now:
Glad the kernel updated fixed this issue. It should be noted that the kernels are also in Install/Remove packages from the menu. Did you happen to try the 4.10 series and see if that fixed things or just went up to the 4.13 for good measure.

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